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Thread: Test + Anavar cycle Opinions pls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Test + Anavar cycle Opinions pls

    2nd cycle for fighter. 1st cycle was testo enan, 500mg/wk for 12 weeks and PCT. Gained 20 pounds, very impressive results.

    2nd cycle will consist of;

    500mg test enan weekly. Will run it for 12 weeks.
    50mg anavar ED for 8 weeks.

    PCT will consist of nolva and no clomid. I have HCG on hand, will run creatine and all necessary vitamins, minerals simultaneously. Diet and training is hard and correct.

    Should I kick off the cycle with the Anavar on pin day nr 1 or should I wait a couple of weeks worth of testo injections?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    no ai? liver support?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I will use milk thistle throughout, even though that anavar is very mild on your liver and you really dont need to use liver support. As well as it is proven that liver support will cut back the effect of the oral AAS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I would start popping the var first day of cycle, nothing less than 50mg. The test e won't kick in until about week 4/5. Have some liv52 on hand. I never ran var for more than 6 weeks. You can run hcg throughout the cycle or towards the end if you start getting shrinkage, nothing less than 250iu's 2x per week.

  5. #5
    I would go the opposite route, and do the var at the end of the cycle to lean up the gains. Run the Test weeks 1-12, and the var weeks 7-14. 50Mg/Day is the bare minimum I would run. I had decent results from 80Mg/Day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I agree with Fetch. I am doing this cycle right now

    Weeks 1-14 HG Test E 500 MG
    Weeks 9-14 Var 100 MG Daily
    HCGenerate 3 pills daily
    2 Fish Oil tabs daily
    3 Milk Thistle daily

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Will the var really lean up my gains considering I will be on testo at that point? The water weight wont come off until a good while after the cycle...
    I added the var mostly for strength gains and more pump, I didnt really think I would notice anything getting leaner while I was on the test?

    And can somebody confirm that liver support will actually work against the AAS effects and is it really necessary while on such a mild oral as var?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Gameness View Post
    Will the var really lean up my gains considering I will be on testo at that point? The water weight wont come off until a good while after the cycle...
    I added the var mostly for strength gains and more pump, I didnt really think I would notice anything getting leaner while I was on the test?

    And can somebody confirm that liver support will actually work against the AAS effects and is it really necessary while on such a mild oral as var?
    look at t-bol if you just want to jumpstart strength
    does not aromatize so no erse..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I will be running anavar since I have already bought it (no refunds! haha)

    At first I was going to run it for a cutting cycle but as I read up people suggested stacking it with testo.

    Is liver support really necessary and will I notice any increased vascularity from the var?

  10. #10
    Anavar burns fat extremely well, and the results are typically easier to maintain. You aren't taking it to cut off water weight, you are taking it to limit the amount of fat you put on with the amount of food you should be consuming at the start of the cycle. Doing it at the end is just more logical if you follow that train of thought.

    As far as liver support... opinions are split. I personally wouldn't bother with it for Var... it isn't that liver toxic IMO. Yes, you will notice more vascularity. It's not like Masteron, but it's nice.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Anavar burns fat extremely well, and the results are typically easier to maintain. You aren't taking it to cut off water weight, you are taking it to limit the amount of fat you put on with the amount of food you should be consuming at the start of the cycle. Doing it at the end is just more logical if you follow that train of thought.

    As far as liver support... opinions are split. I personally wouldn't bother with it for Var... it isn't that liver toxic IMO. Yes, you will notice more vascularity. It's not like Masteron, but it's nice.
    So you think I should go this route;

    week 1-12 testo
    week 7-14 var @ 60mg ED

    When would be optimal to start my nolva with the cycle above and at what dosage?

  12. #12
    Yea, I'd go 60-100 Mgs of Anavar, depending on your experience with the drug. As for PCT: You will want to start it 24 hours after the Var. At that point you will be 2 weeks out of your last Test injection, so it will have worked its way out of your system. The half life for most orals is far shorter than injectables. In addition, I'd go with Clomid and Nolvadex... but that's just me. Better safe than sorry.
    Clomid: 4-5 weeks @ 100mg/day first 1-2 weeks, 50mg/day last 2-3 weeks.
    Tamo: 4-5 weeks @ 40mg/day first 1-2 weeks, 20mg/day last 2-3 weeks.
    Last edited by Fetch; 02-03-2011 at 12:04 PM. Reason: added dosing

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sounds like a plan!

    I find it funny though that if you say you are going to use var to reduce fat on most AAS forums you will get; "you can do that on diet alone" "cardio and diet" etc

    Like var wouldnt help you drastically lose fat while doing your cardio on a good diet...

    Thanks alot for the help everybody especially Fetch

  14. #14
    i don't think you need liver support for anavar.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    fetch got you sorted out nicely
    good luck

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sine the hcg is "on hand" why not use it? How much do you have?

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