Not something Im familiar with
have i heard of super test - yes
of this exact one - no
are you asking if we think it is real?
It could certainly be real test, but it sure isn't vet grade. It's just UGL gear.
I'm asking for info and/or opinions
If anyone knows about the legitamacy of this product, I'd love to hear
best bet is google the lab name with steroid forum along side it ,if its known you should get some hits.
go to a website that checks this for you - it cost to be a member and if you would like the name just pm me
Thanks for the help guys
it is surely a long ester test but the fact there is no clue in regard of the ester used makes a suspicious situation
Supertest is usually just a blend of Cyp and Enanthate.
Bonaparte u think it's ugl? Cause I can't find anything on it but a website that isn't professional at all. Answer me this, why would a ugl pose as vet grade and not human grade?
Because it's easier to get away with and more believable, I suppose. Ever heard of QV? That's a prime example of a UGL posing as a Veterinary company.
And yes, I'm quite certain that no vet company makes anything with a cheesy name like Supertest (why would a vet or animal owner care if the product sounds cool?), much less anything that concentrated. Real vet gear is highly diluted (50mg/ml in most cases).
Your right, I've used vet grade prop(100mg) with much success, but there was nothing special to the name or label. What's your opinion, should I run it?
SuperTest is an anabolic steroid blend that is used in veterinary medicine to increase appetite, cause weight gain, and treat certain types of anemia.
i dont think a real vet company would do a test 400 tbo ,as bon said its a sales gimick ,seen it in the past and will see it in the future ,tbo it dont look that bad presented i know labels and that mean jack s h it but atleast its not some half ass paper label no flip top attempt ,the crimping on the cap looks cleans meaning a good quailty crimper has been used ,thats the only possitive imput i can give you buddy...
I guess then there's only one way to know.....I'll keep it posted for future users
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