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Thread: I need some serious advise on Tren Ace sides

  1. #1

    I need some serious advise on Tren Ace sides

    I need some serious advise on Tren Ace sides.

    Hello guys...Im new to this forum....

    My stats...212 pounds. BF 14%, 30 years old. I have run 5 cycles of basically test and orals. I have been researching on Tren Ace for quite a bit and decided to give it a try. Shit...I totally understand this might have not been a great idea.

    My current cycle.

    Test Propionate 150mg EOD.
    Tren Ace 37.5 ui ED.
    Proviron .25 ED
    HCG 1000 iu / week
    AI. Aromasin 1ml EOD.

    I started a week ago and just now I am starting to feel it. My sides are not critical yet. I don't have any coughs or sweats, but i am waking up much earlier than usual and my sleep is slightly moved. My biggest concern is my BP. I have family history of high BP, but it has never been a problem. I knew this could be a potential issue, so I took the necessary precautions to prevent this from happening. My systolic (Maximum) is constantly between 135 to 160. My diastolic number stays within the normal range, at times slightly elevated between 75 and 90. I feel hot as hell (not sweating) only like a sunburn type of hot. Specially on my upper body. I am currently taking several organ support supplements. Among these supplements I included blood pressure success by twinlabs and Hawthorne Berry.

    What do you guys think about these sides? Should I drop the tren? I am kind of not willing to, but I don't want to have any issue with my engine. Not worth it.

    I know many of you will not be happy with the fact I included tren in my cycle. I have seen great results from tren from some friends, but they have none gotten these sides.

    Thanks for your time!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    On the TrenA dosage I assume you mean 37.5mg of TrenA per day? If so this is a mild dosage and should not give you a lot of sides. As far as sides on a Tren cycle drink lots of water then drink some more. I think many underestimate the importance of flushing out all the byproduct created by the metabolism of tren. I would read up on any possible sides of the ingredients in "blood pressure sucess" as well as Hawthorne Berry, I am always leary of sides from herbal particularly when used in conjunction with other meds that are not mainstream ( tren )

    Anyway as long as you keep yourself properly hydrated I doubt that 37.5 mg of TrenA per day will give you any sides you can not handle, of course each person respoonds differently.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    I only ask because you wrote ui

    How are you injecting the tren? Needle size? sub q or im

  4. #4
    Thank you both for replying. Yes I am doing 37.5mg every day....

    In regards to the needle side. I started injecting it Sub q with slin pin. Now I mix my test prop which I do EOD and then I do one Tren injection Sub q the next day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The sides really seem to hit around week 5.Have fun

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    The sides really seem to hit around week 5.Have fun
    even with tren ace??? i would assume you would be correct with tren e, but ace has a very short life span

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Stick with it. You're dosage is really low bro, I would run 50mg ed minimum. I'm running 75mg ed currently. Night sweats are awesome, sleep isn't an issue, agitation is ruthless.
    Take hawthorne berry to help control blood pressure. I take a menagerie of pills to help with my blood pressure. Sides come quick with tren a

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Stick with it. You're dosage is really low bro, I would run 50mg ed minimum. I'm running 75mg ed currently. Night sweats are awesome, sleep isn't an issue, agitation is ruthless.
    Take hawthorne berry to help control blood pressure. I take a menagerie of pills to help with my blood pressure. Sides come quick with tren a
    Did you notice fat loss on tren?and how about size gains? also is tren a must for pinning everyday?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    take taurine too

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