just updating still trying trying to get the zyzz to make an appearance hahaha just thought it be funny if he did just saying
Is it true that "mirin" was one of his friends names?
I think Zyzz is turkish for stevey_6t9
Last edited by Shol'va; 02-14-2011 at 02:00 AM.
**** me its all the same.
Happy Valentine Zyzz !
17 pages... and still going strong!!!
i actually kinda like Zyzz after reading that facebook thing.. haha.
God damnit why does this thread still exists
^ We are on the way to 100 pages of epic epicness!
I shall die in 2063 and this thread...?
maybe some relation to each other?
All we need to know is I would beat him into comatose and they would feed him thru a tube for the rest of his life.
There's a lot of hate in here lol. I don't know anything about the guy other than what I've read in here but those facebook chats are pretty fvckin funny. Yeah the guy is way into himself but it's made him famous on the Internet and I'm sure gets him all sorts of ass. This thread is hilarious tho.
Zyzz and the situation should start there own reality show!!!!!
I have a "Heart On" for you Zyzz....
he's bound to get the odd slap in the teeth when hes out and about, just 4 being a tosspot
I've never seen so much makeup on one man in my life
Search rank going up up up
Come On Bro, You Know You Want To Put Your Lips On The Zyzz.
Last edited by Shol'va; 02-14-2011 at 05:37 PM.
Haha going strong!
Found the lyrics to some song on Youtube that this dude wrote about Zyzz.. probably the gayest thing i have ever read.. who writes songs about other guys?? WTF is wrong with the world today??
You ask if I'm mirin or if I'm mad.
But you dont care at all, you just post once then jam.
How will I ever tell you what I am feeling inside?
if you log off the misc before I can reply.
I chase you to /fit/ but you're already gone.
I play "Wish it can last" on repeat, it's my favorite song.
I'll climb mount olympus if you wait for me there.
Such godly aesthetics, such breath taking hair.
Come at me misc bro's, I'm ready for negs.
For my king I'd glady take a trip into red.
You blessed us with your video.
10 minutes of pure passion.
Gave us lulz, love, life and subtle hints about fashion.
I speak for us all even those who deny it.
The most alpha brah here wouldn't hesitate to ride it.
To everyone who negged me, I'm still in the green.
Got repped by Babolimp he told me "keep mirin the king".
I do it for aesthetics and never functionial strength.
Being able to one arm snatch and drink milk still won't get you laid.
Come at me Germanic crew, team Zyzz till I die.
With or without veneers, you're always gonna be perfect in my eyes.
Love the way you muzza and say "come at me bro"
I'm one hundred percent straight but if you asked me, I'd go full homo.
Lettuce be reality, he has aesthetics plus personality.
Got the finest 10/10's screaming out "you fawkin joocy".
I wait with anticipation for any post or new vids.
Pressing F5 on three computers whenever you make a thread.
No stalker, just mirin hard.
Other miscers I disregard.
Sometimes I wish airplanes in the night skies were like shooting stars.
So I can wish to be in your crew.
Dancing in the back of your car.
Check Out The Gaze in the eyes of the guy to the far left.
Guy in the center has a big smile while having handful of zyzz and his bro.
No comment necessary
And the pics keep coming and coming
its painting a bad impresion of australia lol
Haha they are not Australian. there parents came on boats, and gave birth to them
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