This is my first cycle and I'm running tren e and liquid tbol. Does anyone have experience with these? i was planning on running .6 of the tren for 6 or 7 weeks. How should i cycle off?
This is my first cycle and I'm running tren e and liquid tbol. Does anyone have experience with these? i was planning on running .6 of the tren for 6 or 7 weeks. How should i cycle off?
In my humble opinion, Testosterone or Winstrol or Anavar should be anyones first introduction to AAS (depending on your goals) You'll be amazed at the results with one of those alone. This is coming from someone who has never run Tren in a cycle. I myself am curious and also a little scared of it after reading all of the Great/Horrible effects it has. I agree with D7M... Horrible choice for first time... Look into something else.
I agree with D7M, horrible first cycle. Should have stuck with a test e only cycle to start off. You should have done some research and asked more questions here.
Agree test e as a start is the best way to go for a first timer.
Agree on test only for first cycle.
Nice avatar pitbull, holy smokes!
Okay I'm already about 10 days into the tren. I understand what you're saying about the sides....I noticed my hair thinning. I'm 30, 6ft1 225, don't know how much body fat, but not much. I'm not new to training. I went with the tren because I was told it would help trim me up and cut fat. I thought that test would just bulk me up. What should I do? Just quit the tren and get test e? I appreciate your advice. What can I do about it making my hair thin?
fookin hell man, big mistake.
tren is prob the harshest aas you could have taken, it will shut your natural system down hard. how many injects have you done?
1 get off, run pct (do you even know what to do?)
2 do not touch any gear again until you know exactly what is what
You're right my man. I should only stick to giving advice that is 100 % accurate. I'll work on that. I want to get my posts up so I can have other privalages here. I'll do my best to make my post better quality. I like yours... you seem to know alot. I should have mentioned that I have myself have never done winny or anavar. I was just thinking of something simple w/o too many side effects that would be a good intro to AAS. Depending on your goals, one of those seemed reasonable to me. But I should have kept my fingers off the keyboard.
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