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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #2321
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    The veg spread is regular spread from store like Blue Bonnet. 2tbsp has 12 total fats 2 of those are saturated fat. No cholesterol and no trans fats. I can replace it with a good oil for the healthy fats?
    I’ll get the egg whites and get rid of the whey. Except for post WO
    How about the protein blend shakes at bed time, should I sub the egg whites there to?
    And what do you think of the totals?
    162 total fats, 35 of those are sat fats
    223 total carbs, 27 of those are sugars
    450 grams protein
    About 4150 total calories.

  2. #2322
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    couple of questions. I'm doing a 20 week blast, about to do my 1st deload. If i am pinning e3d (500mg/week) when i enter the deload i just wait a week till the next pin? yes! like if the 21st is when i start my deload and it coincides with a pin day, that would be my last for a week and then i pin again on the 28th and start the reload the following week? yes! for the reload i'll be doing 750 a week, is that ok to pin on mon, wed, fri? yes!

    second, you mention that its best to stick with the same exercises so you can log your gains thru the blast. Is it best to keep my workouts the same for the 2nd reload (although i might add an exercise or 2 to add some volume, current reload is in the 7-9 set range)if you are making gains do not change anything. Quite often you can get by with adding more for a couple of weeks or so but then you'll usually find the need to revert back to less once again because the cns/joints can't take the extra load. I do my best finding what works per each body part and stikcing to it for the most part.on occasion i will add or take away but it's rare. thanks!

  3. #2323
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Appreciate the response Ron, a couple of more questions

    1. For the 2nd Reload I have access some EQ, I was thinking of doing an 8 week of 400mg EQ along with higher test than 1st Reload and then 200mg/week EQ for the 2nd deload. Would this be OK?

    2. For the 1st reload I am taking 500mg/week every 3.5days (8am/8pm) with Prop kickstart for 4 weeks and then for 2nd reload 750mg/week E3.5Days, you mentioned to take a 1gram is it because of the prop I used in the 1st 4 weeks of the 1st reload?


  4. #2324
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    christ ron those caps look f*cking scary! ders no way i cud wear one of those, sure theres sum sort of nose peg dat wud do the trick ??? also jus how potent is insulin at building muscle? or wud i gain fat. if i was only to take it post workout , wot kind of gains wud this give and wot dosage wud be needed?

  5. #2325
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    hi ronnie, do you think 30mins low-med intensity cardio pre breakfast and after last meal would hinder gains? ive tried this recently and found myself losing bf while still steadily gaining. not sure though if im risking significant gains.
    i dont count cals but rather macros - protein 450g carbs 350g fats 50g
    thinking of upping fats to 90g as the cardio should prevent fat gain. just trying to make gains as lean as possible. on rest days i keep carbs at 100g - do you think i should compensate for reduce in cals by upping fats?
    also are you watching the flex pro this weekend? cant wait to see evan centopani competing again, hes made unbelievable progress.
    thanks ronnie

  6. #2326
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    appreciate the response ron, a couple of more questions

    1. For the 2nd reload i have access some eq, i was thinking of doing an 8 week of 400mg eq along with higher test than 1st reload and then 200mg/week eq for the 2nd deload. Would this be ok?you can do that but imo eq should be used primary by those who cannot gain weight and by those who actually have an increase in appetite while taking eq. Eq is simply too weak to build any appreciable muscle and the test is going to over power it.2. For the 1st reload i am taking 500mg/week every 3.5days (8am/8pm) with prop kickstart for 4 weeks and then for 2nd reload 750mg/week e3.5days, you mentioned to take a 1gram is it because of the prop i used in the 1st 4 weeks of the 1st reload?yesthanks

  7. #2327
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=lynxeffect1;5531037]christ ron those caps look f*cking scary! YOU GET USED TO IT..LOL ders no way i cud wear one of those, sure theres sum sort of nose peg dat wud do the trick ??? NO, YOU HAVE TO GET THE MASK..I KNOW IT STINKS BUT THATS THE WAY IT IS.. also jus how potent is insulin at building muscle? or wud i gain fat. I'VE NEVER USED INSULIN PERSONALLY BUT IT WORKS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE VERY LEAN. PEOPLE WHO HAVE ENDOMORPHIC TENDENCIES GET FAT ON SLIN.if i was only to take it post workout , wot kind of gains wud this give and wot dosage wud be needed? 5 IU POST WORKOUT FOR STARTERS AND NO MORE THAN 10 AS AN ADVANCED TRAINER WOULD PROVIDE SOME GAINS BUT HOW MUCH IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY. UNLESS YOU ARE A NATIONAL LEVEL COMPETITOR YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS TAKING SOMETHING AS DANGEROUS AS INSULIN. [/QUOTE]ABOVE

  8. #2328
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, do you think 30mins low-med intensity cardio pre breakfast and after last meal would hinder gains? Ive tried this recently and found myself losing bf while still steadily gaining. Not sure though if im risking significant gains. you can get by with it if body fat levels are high or you have a slow metabolism. i dont count cals but rather macros - protein 450g carbs 350g fats 50g
    thinking of upping fats to 90g as the cardio should prevent fat gain. cardio does not prevent fat gains if you increase calories (its a catch 22!) just trying to make gains as lean as possible. On rest days i keep carbs at 100g - do you think i should compensate for reduce in cals by upping fats? you could but it's more water weight than bodyfat weight that will be lost. And i would not decrease carbs lower than 200.also are you watching the flex pro this weekend? Cant wait to see evan centopani competing again, hes made unbelievable progress. if i get a chance i will.thanks ronnie

  9. #2329
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ron, I think you missed my question #2275.

  10. #2330
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    East Coast USA
    Just wanted to say I read this post all the way through, My first read on this site and it makes complete sense to me thanks for a great read for a newbie PuP

  11. #2331
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Got it. Thanks Ron. One question though. How long does it take to start feeling breathing problems with the Tren? Mine is Tren Hex and it's only been a couple of days, but I don't really have too much of a problem with 35 minutes of moderate cardio. I bought the tren from a good friend and hope it's good but since Thailand is almost impossible to get tren locally, I gave it a try. As a side note I have some coming from out of the country that's said to be 100% legit. Just wondering how long it takes for the breathing problems to start...?
    Sorry, I missed this question. Serious breathing problems from tren usually become manifested after about 2 weeks but some breathing problems can occur in as little as two days..

  12. #2332
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Hi Ronnie,
    I use Regaine (minoxidol) to prevent hair loss, which works well for me, but i'm now starting to develop a scalp reaction from it. Because of this I need to find an alternative. Here in the UK I can get Finnestride/Propecia on private prescription and was wondering what you thought of this product. With it being a DHT blocker, will it in any way hinder gains from AAS? Also, because I responded well to the Minoxidol, should that mean I will respond well to Finnestride?
    Many thanks Ron.

  13. #2333
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Sorry, I missed this question. Serious breathing problems from tren usually become manifested after about 2 weeks but some breathing problems can occur in as little as two days..
    Thanks Man, I'm still doing OK breathing-wise, but noticing a slight difference just lately. I wonder if it's Tren Hex ester making it milder. I guess the best indicators is my lifts are increasing at a scary rate (added 30 lbs + reps to squats in the last 2 weeks of my new reload!!) to the point of me starting to go into a higher rep range rather than keep stacking on the weight for fear of injury. Also, I've done up to 1500 mg of Test with up to 800 mg of Deca and NEVER experienced anything like the short fuse I have with this. Of course I never allow this to get out of line, but I actually had to leave the DMV I was getting so angry. If you think the DMV in the states is irritating, you ought to try Thailand!! I am convinced my gear is top-notch, but Tren is definitely a whole different animal, at least for me...

  14. #2334
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    What is your advice for pct? I'm sure I've read you just use hcg?

    Currently in pct and had horrible sides with clomid. Carrying on with 20 mg tamoxifen only- clomid is horrible shit. During my cycle I ran 250 iu x2 week and also 500iu e3d up to pct which was around 18 days. My cycle was 12 weeks 400mg test

    By the way u are right after 8 weeks my gains stopped! Should have followed your protocol but first cycle somlearn by my mistakes!

  15. #2335
    Hi Ronnie.

    I've read the complete thread over the last couple of days. Very good information, thank you!

    I'm 31 years old and decided to go on HRT, because I started to feel old with lack of energy, less sex drive and bad recovering. No kids wanted. I'm coming back after a 5 year break from lifting heavy weights. Had some experience with AAS previously. I trained half a year naturally now and went up from 160 lb to 180 lb at 5,11. I started injecting enantat one week ago. I would really appreciate if you would comment my cycle, training and diet, as you really seem to know what you are talking about.

    8 week reload with 500mg Enantat/week
    2 week deload with 250mg/week
    8 week reload with 750mg Enantat/week
    2 week deload with 350mg/week
    8 week reload with 1000mg Enantat/week
    2 week deload with 350mg/week

    I'm still way under my natural limit, so I wonder if I should only up the test dose every other reload? 2 reloads with 500mg, 2 reloads with 750mg and 2 reloads with 1000mg? Are 350mg for deload to high or okay at higher reload doses?
    Long term goals are non competing, 220 lb with visible abs, fairly low risk on health and enjoying the increase in mood and life quality that test offers.

    I train at home for the first 10-20 weeks, so I'm limited to free weights. All sets are work sets close to failure.

    day 1
    5 sets decline Bench (10 degrees) - 6-12 reps
    3 sets incline Bench (10 degrees) - 6-12 reps

    day 2
    5 sets db rows - 6-12 reps
    5 sets weighted chins close grip - 6-12 reps (I get shoulder problems with wide grip)

    day 3 rest

    day 4
    3 sets db shoulder press - 8-12 reps
    3 sets db raises 8-12 reps
    3 sets lean forward db raises - 10-15 reps
    3 sets shrugs - 10-15 reps

    day 5
    5 sets French Press – 8-12 reps
    3 sets db extensions seating – 8-12 reps
    3 sets barbell curls – 8-12 reps
    3 sets concentration curls – 8-12 reps

    day 6
    5 sets Squats
    3 sets stiff leg deads
    3 sets calf raises standing

    day 7 rest

    300g tuna
    40g olive oil
    green veggies

    250g ground beef
    30g peanuts

    250g ground beef
    30g peanuts

    Pre workout - 25 g dextrose with 3 g creatin
    During workout - 25 g dextrose with 3 g creatin
    Post workout - 25 g dextrose with 3 g creatin

    30 Minutes post workout
    125g rice
    300g coalfish
    Green veggies

    400g zero fat curd cheese
    400g carrots

    330 Protein, 220 carbs, 140 fats (On non-training days 145 carbs.)
    I can’t get liquid egg whites where I live.

    Attached you will see a pic of me after coming back and training naturally for 6 month.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PreT80kg.jpg 
Views:	190 
Size:	27.4 KB 
ID:	114107  
    Last edited by Tom Bodo; 02-21-2011 at 12:17 AM.

  16. #2336
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    besides lowering the dosage or pct during a 2 week deload , you can also jus come off all gear and do no pct for the 2 weeks aswel right? also ron can you give blood while on steroids? wud any factors come into play here?

  17. #2337
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    besides lowering the dosage or pct during a 2 week deload , you can also jus come off all gear and do no pct for the 2 weeks aswel right? it can be done but i don't recommend it as it's hard on the system. It's best to do pct when you take a break from steroids OR RUN 500 OF HCG PER WEEK DURING ENTIRE CYCLE. also ron can you give blood while on steroids? yes but you could be declined if hemocrit levels are too high. I would give towards end of deload to give your system time to clear out. wud any factors come into play here?

  18. #2338
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    normally ive been using 5000 iu's split into 3 shots starting first shot ten days after last shot of test, seems to work ok but i feel it wud be worth my while taking hcg for a full 2 weeks with 10,000iu the dosage using maybe dave palumbos recommendation of 2000iu every 3rd day for 2 wks , this is surely a better dosage to use during deloads or when coming off altogether ? and using the 10,000iu intead of 5 wud surely help more in not having a lower sperm count ? also ron i know a bodybuilder at our gym whos very big and never seems to help others learn, if we ask him a question hed give us an answer but its always a load of crap, for instance he says hes only ever used 500 test a wk for ten wks den off for ten wks which at his size doesnt look like it wud maintain his right forearm, hes competed at the amatuer mr.universe before. but wot hed forgot he told me a year earlier was that to have his last child he needed ivf because his sperm count was way too low the doctor told him, hes only 30 now and this was 2 years back. so my question is , wud this be common at such a young age or is it jus down to being on all the time or high dosages or both ? den again i was told before that he was using since he was 15 so if thats true it was an early start. taking this into account wudnt u say its better to ALWAYS take hcg during deloads instead of tapering down the dosage to try maintain the highest sperm count u can ?
    Last edited by lynxeffect1; 02-21-2011 at 08:55 AM.

  19. #2339
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    hi ronnie, what did you think of the flex pro results? evan looked incredible, the best ive seen him.
    do you mind having a look at my diet? its my first reload-deload since my pec tear but ive already regained pretty much most of my size (except for chest) and lost bf.
    on the reload my diet was (give or take a few weeks as i was getting back in the swing of things after the injury)

    cardio for 30 mins low intensity
    meal 1 - 12 egg whites 3 whole eggs and three wholemeal bread slices protein: 55g carbs: 50g fats: 15g
    meal 2 - 2 tins tuna 1 large potato protein: 60g carbs: 50g fats: 5g


    meal 3 - 80g simple carbs (mostly glucose) 50g whey protein protein: 50g carbs: 80g fats: 0g
    meal 4 - 2 tins tuna 100g rice protein: 60g carbs: 50g fats: 5g
    meal 5 - 250g cod fish 50g rice (or 100g oats) protein: 40g carbs: 25g fats: 5g
    meal 6 - 250g cod fish (with either 50g rice or 2 tbl spoon pb) protein: 40g carbs: 25g fats: 5g
    meal 7 - 11 egg whites 4 whole eggs protein: 55g carbs: 0g fats: 20g approx macros: protein - 410g carbs - 280g fats - 70g
    meal 8 - 50g whey protein 15 olive oil or pb protein:50g carbs:0 fats:15g
    (3 or 4 days of the week 20 mins moderate intensity cardio after last meal)

    approx macros: protein - 410g carbs - 280g fats - 70g

    cycle was 1.2g test 750mg tren

    DELOAD -
    everything remains same but protein intake is halved
    and training volume halved

    cycle - 1 shot of 200mg test in between the 2 weeks and hcg

    let me know if i can make any improvements.
    for the next consecutive reload i was planning on upping test to 1.5g and tren to 900mg and trying to get another protein meal in.
    thanks ronnie
    Last edited by ricky23; 02-22-2011 at 07:00 AM.

  20. #2340
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,
    I use Regaine (minoxidol) to prevent hair loss, which works well for me, but i'm now starting to develop a scalp reaction from it. Because of this I need to find an alternative. Here in the UK I can get Finnestride/Propecia on private prescription and was wondering what you thought of this product. With it being a DHT blocker, will it in any way hinder gains from AAS? It's probably going to destroy your sex drive! Also, because I responded well to the Minoxidol, should that mean I will respond well to Finnestride?
    Many thanks Ron.

  21. #2341
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=lynxeffect1;5536975]normally ive been using 5000 iu's split into 3 shots starting first shot ten days after last shot of test, seems to work ok but i feel it wud be worth my while taking hcg for a full 2 weeks with 10,000iu the dosage using maybe dave palumbos recommendation of 2000iu every 3rd day for 2 wks , this is surely a better dosage to use during deloads or when coming off altogether ? yes i agree and using the 10,000iu intead of 5 wud surely help more in not having a lower sperm count ? also ron i know a bodybuilder at our gym whos very big and never seems to help others learn, if we ask him a question hed give us an answer but its always a load of crap, for instance he says hes only ever used 500 test a wk for ten wks den off for ten wks which at his size doesnt look like it wud maintain his right forearm, hes competed at the amatuer mr.universe before. but wot hed forgot he told me a year earlier was that to have his last child he needed ivf because his sperm count was way too low the doctor told him, hes only 30 now and this was 2 years back. so my question is , wud this be common at such a young age or is it jus down to being on all the time or high dosages or both ? it's not so much dosages as being on all the time and IMO the guy is lying to you!s den again i was told before that he was using since he was 15 so if thats true it was an early start. taking this into account wudnt u say its better to ALWAYS take hcg during deloads instead of tapering down the dosage to try maintain the highest sperm count u can ?If you wont to be safe take 500iu per week during relaods then bump up dosages of hcg during deloads. /QUOTE]above

  22. #2342
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Hi Ronnie

    Sorry to push you on this could you look at my question above - thanks

  23. #2343
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lew View Post

    What is your advice for pct? It varies but I like running hcg for 2-3 weeks post cycle. I'm sure I've read you just use hcg? You can use hcg only unless anti-es are used during a cycle and some opt to use anties anyways.Currently in pct and had horrible sides with clomid. Not a fan of clomid but it can benefit some. Carrying on with 20 mg tamoxifen only- clomid is horrible shit. During my cycle I ran 250 iu x2 week and also 500iu e3d up to pct which was around 18 days. My cycle was 12 weeks 400mg test

    By the way u are right after 8 weeks my gains stopped! Should have followed your protocol but first cycle somlearn by my mistakes!I know, it sux that gains stop at around 8 weeks unless dosages are increased....You'll get it right next time around!

  24. #2344
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tom bodo View Post
    hi ronnie.

    I've read the complete thread over the last couple of days. Very good information, thank you!

    I'm 31 years old and decided to go on hrt, good choice! because i started to feel old with lack of energy, less sex drive and bad recovering. No kids wanted. I'm coming back after a 5 year break from lifting heavy weights. Had some experience with aas previously. I trained half a year naturally now and went up from 160 lb to 180 lb at 5,11. I started injecting enantat one week ago. I would really appreciate if you would comment my cycle, training and diet, as you really seem to know what you are talking about.

    8 week reload with 500mg enantat/week
    2 week deload with 250mg/week
    8 week reload with 750mg enantat/week
    2 week deload with 350mg/week
    8 week reload with 1000mg enantat/week
    2 week deload with 350mg/week

    i'm still way under my natural limit, so i wonder if i should only up the test dose every other reload? upping it every other reload is the best plan for newbies but if gains stop up it every reload. 2 reloads with 500mg, 2 reloads with 750mg and 2 reloads with 1000mg? Are 350mg for deload to high or okay at higher reload doses?
    Long term goals are non competing, 220 lb with visible abs, fairly low risk on health and enjoying the increase in mood and life quality that test offers. you may find the need to run a half a cc of deca per week on some reloads in the future if tendon pain occurs.
    I train at home for the first 10-20 weeks, so i'm limited to free weights. All sets are work sets close to failure.

    Day 1
    5 sets decline bench (10 degrees) - 6-12 reps
    3 sets incline bench (10 degrees) - 6-12 reps

    day 2
    5 sets db rows - 6-12 reps
    5 sets weighted chins close grip - 6-12 reps (i get shoulder problems with wide grip)

    day 3 rest

    day 4
    3 sets db shoulder press - 8-12 reps
    3 sets db raises 8-12 reps
    3 sets lean forward db raises - 10-15 reps
    3 sets shrugs - 10-15 reps

    day 5
    5 sets french press – 8-12 reps
    3 sets db extensions seating – 8-12 reps
    3 sets barbell curls – 8-12 reps
    3 sets concentration curls – 8-12 reps

    day 6
    5 sets squats
    3 sets stiff leg deads
    3 sets calf raises standing

    day 7 rest i would reduce your work days down to 5 max.

    300g tuna
    40g olive oil
    green veggies

    250g ground beef
    30g peanuts

    250g ground beef
    30g peanuts

    pre workout - 25 g dextrose with 3 g creatin
    during workout - 25 g dextrose with 3 g creatin
    post workout - 25 g dextrose with 3 g creatin

    30 minutes post workout
    125g rice
    300g coalfish
    green veggies

    400g zero fat curd cheese
    400g carrots

    330 protein, 220 carbs, 140 fats (on non-training days 145 carbs.)
    i can’t get liquid egg whites where i live.

    Attached you will see a pic of me after coming back and training naturally for 6 look great!

  25. #2345
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, what did you think of the flex pro results? Evan looked incredible, the best ive seen him.
    Do you mind having a look at my diet? Its my first reload-deload since my pec tear but ive already regained pretty much most of my size (except for chest) and lost bf.
    On the reload my diet was (give or take a few weeks as i was getting back in the swing of things after the injury)

    cardio for 30 mins low intensity
    meal 1 - 12 egg whites 3 whole eggs and three wholemeal bread slices protein: 55g carbs: 50g fats: 15g
    meal 2 - 2 tins tuna 1 large potato protein: 60g carbs: 50g fats: 5g


    meal 3 - 80g simple carbs (mostly glucose) 50g whey protein protein: 50g carbs: 80g fats: 0g
    meal 4 - 2 tins tuna 100g rice protein: 60g carbs: 50g fats: 5g
    meal 5 - 250g cod fish 50g rice (or 100g oats) protein: 40g carbs: 25g fats: 5g
    meal 6 - 250g cod fish (with either 50g rice or 2 tbl spoon pb) protein: 40g carbs: 25g fats: 5g
    meal 7 - 11 egg whites 4 whole eggs protein: 55g carbs: 0g fats: 20g approx macros: Protein - 410g carbs - 280g fats - 70g
    meal 8 - 50g whey protein 15 olive oil or pb protein:50g carbs:0 fats:15g
    (3 or 4 days of the week 20 mins moderate intensity cardio after last meal)

    approx macros: Protein - 410g carbs - 280g fats - 70g

    cycle was 1.2g test 750mg tren

    deload -
    everything remains same but protein intake is halved
    and training volume halved

    cycle - 1 shot of 200mg test in between the 2 weeks and hcg

    let me know if i can make any improvements. looks pretty good. You may find that eliminating carbs and replacing them with fats during meal 7 works better for you. Also try drinking some of those eqq whites. Take some liquid egg whites and mix them with a container of carb smart yogurt from krogers grocery store. for the next consecutive reload i was planning on upping test to 1.5g and tren to 900mg and trying to get another protein meal in. 900 MGS OF TREN IS OKAY GIVEN YOU CAN HANDLE THE SIDE EFFECTS. I PERSONALLY COULD NOT HANDLE THAT MUCH..LOL Thanks ronnie

  26. #2346
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Hi Ronnie,
    I use Regaine (minoxidol) to prevent hair loss, which works well for me, but i'm now starting to develop a scalp reaction from it. Because of this I need to find an alternative. Here in the UK I can get Finnestride/Propecia on private prescription and was wondering what you thought of this product. With it being a DHT blocker, will it in any way hinder gains from AAS? It's probably going to destroy your sex drive! Also, because I responded well to the Minoxidol, should that mean I will respond well to Finnestride?
    Many thanks Ron.
    Hello again Ronnie,
    I'm aware there is a possibility of my libido being affected, but my Doc said it only effects about 2% of men in this way. The main thing I wanted to know is if it will affect my muscle gains.

  27. #2347
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Hello again Ronnie,
    I'm aware there is a possibility of my libido being affected, but my Doc said it only effects about 2% of men in this way. The main thing I wanted to know is if it will affect my muscle gains. Basically, I think you can stil make gains on finasteride, but less than if you weren't on it. How much less I cannot say for certain but dht does help with muscle growth a little. I have had multiple clients try propecia for hair loss with moderate success while taking steroids. I strongly disagree with your doctor in that it will not cause sexual dysfunction. I've seen many guys lose all interest in sex while taking this medication and when they had sex their ejaculation volume lessened to a noticeable degree. In other words, their orgasms sucked! I hope this will not be the case for you. Just try it and see how it goes. If it hurts you sexually don't take it.

  28. #2348
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Thanks Man, I'm still doing OK breathing-wise, but noticing a slight difference just lately. I wonder if it's Tren Hex ester making it milder. Tren ace can certainly be worse on one's breathing than tren hex IMO but it sounds like you are going to do fine breathing wise. I guess the best indicators is my lifts are increasing at a scary rate (added 30 lbs + reps to squats in the last 2 weeks of my new reload!!) to the point of me starting to go into a higher rep range rather than keep stacking on the weight for fear of injury. Also, I've done up to 1500 mg of Test with up to 800 mg of Deca and NEVER experienced anything like the short fuse I have with this. Of course I never allow this to get out of line, but I actually had to leave the DMV I was getting so angry. If you think the DMV in the states is irritating, you ought to try Thailand!! I am convinced my gear is top-notch, but Tren is definitely a whole different animal, at least for me...

  29. #2349
    Only because my internet out here is so slow do I ask this question before reading the next 51 pages haha. Ok here goes... When you mention PCT or bridge for deload, does bridging mean no AE? If so, how would you say is the best way to keep levels from going crazy? What would you recommend for PCT anyways?

  30. #2350
    Thank you for your input Ronnie, i appreciate

    You recommended to add some Deca, when beeing on long term. You recommended 1cc. The ones i get come in 2 ml vials with 100mg/ml. I know from the past that my nipples and sexlive don't like to much of it, so i would run it low dose for tendons only. You think 100mg a week would be good to tendons or rather 200mg a week?
    Last edited by Tom Bodo; 02-23-2011 at 12:32 PM.

  31. #2351
    would nolvadex easier on joints.. than arimidex... since estrogen still present??

  32. #2352
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I'm on the third week of a reload and last night I was doing Back/Bi's. I've been going up steadily with weight and reps on all exercises. Last night I struggled a bit with underhand rows, but then made some progress with T-Bars. After that I do dead lifts 2 warm up sets followed by 1-4 reps then 4 more sets of 5-6. Last week I hit my first working set at 375 lbs. for 3 reps. Excellent for me!! This week I felt a little lower back twinge so I started my first working set at 355 lbs. COULDN'T move it off the ground!!! Dropped it to 330 and barely got 4 reps!!! This kind of scared me so I skipped deads after that. On underhand rows/T bars I felt a little pull below my right shoulder blade and I have a touchy forearm tendon, (I use straps and have no pain there) but this couldn't have been responsible for that kind of loss of strength, could it? Diet was cool (300 carbs), was hurting for sleep a little but I still couldn't imagine... Anabolics are 750 mg Sust week/525 mg Tren Hex week/50 mg Proviron ed and like I say I was on my 3rd week. Had the girlfriend down for the weekend and maybe partied a little too much but I was well hydrated and had a decent chest/tri's. What happened Ron? I'm doing shoulders/traps/abs tonight. I'll see what happens next week, but this is the most alarming set back without serious injury I've ever experienced. What do you think? Should I have drastically dropped the weight and did it anyway? I thought if I had to drop 120-130 lbs there might be something seriously wrong. BTW, I feel fine today.
    Last edited by The Titan99; 02-24-2011 at 03:04 AM.

  33. #2353

    need advise on steroid cycle.

    Hi Ron

    I want to start a good AAS cycle for gaining lean mass without any fat but i fear any side effects that are written on internet. i finished my last cycle in april 2010.can i start cycle now with just 6-8 months gap . i don't want to take any risk with my natural hormones. please suggest a good and effective cycle.

  34. #2354
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by symbifi View Post
    only because my internet out here is so slow do i ask this question before reading the next 51 pages haha. Ok here goes... When you mention pct or bridge for deload, does bridging mean no ae? you do not need anti-es during deload unless you run them during reload.if so, how would you say is the best way to keep levels from going crazy? they won't go crazy because it's only for 2 weeks but there will be a certain decline in androgen levels. This is a perfect time to reduce training load and do higher reps. The more you use during reloads the higher dosages of test you can use during deloads. what would you recommend for pct anyways? hcg for about 3 weeks

  35. #2355
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    would nolvadex easier on joints.. than arimidex... since estrogen still present??In general, the nolvadex will be easier on joint pain than arimidex but some people still experience some form of joint/muscle pain while using.

  36. #2356
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Bodo View Post
    Thank you for your input Ronnie, i appreciate

    You recommended to add some Deca, when beeing on long term. You recommended 1cc. The ones i get come in 2 ml vials with 100mg/ml. I know from the past that my nipples and sexlive don't like to much of it, so i would run it low dose for tendons only. You think 100mg a week would be good to tendons or rather 200mg a week? 200 per week will kill your sex drive if you are prone to having sides with deca so go with 100 mgs every week or even 100 every 2 weeks. A little goes along way!

  37. #2357
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by welcometopiyush View Post
    hi ron

    i want to start a good aas cycle for gaining lean mass without any fat but i fear any side effects that are written on internet. I finished my last cycle in april 2010.can i start cycle now with just 6-8 months gap . I don't want to take any risk with my natural hormones. Please suggest a good and effective cycle.
    what was your last cycle? above

  38. #2358
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    what was your last cycle? above
    Hi Ron
    Thanks for Replying

    My last stack was somthing like this
    weak 1-4
    testosterone 250 mg,equipose 150mg,dianabol 40mg
    week 5- 6
    testosterone 500 mg,equipose 200mg,dianabol 40mg
    week 7-8
    testosterone 250 mg,equipose 150mg,dianabol 40mg

    week 9-12

    I took 15 days testosterone undeconate at 40 mg/day in november also 1- Nov to 15 Nov

    Now this time i want to gain size as well as clear my physique at the same time but want to be safe also

    Please advise.

    I shall be thankful to you.

  39. #2359
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    hi ronnie, quick question what do you think of hany rambods fst-7 system for lagging bodyparts? to me it just sounds like a quick fix and can lead to overtraining in the long term, what do you think?

  40. #2360
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ron, strained a muscle in my neck during 2nd week of deload so only got 2 days training in, be grand for next week but it wont effect me for reloading again will it, shud help more if anything since wasnt training?

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