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Thread: syntherol with photos pro and con oppinions

  1. #1

    syntherol with photos pro and con oppinions

    It’s not me, I wish it was. I run a bis-tris syntherol cycle but the results are not even close to this guy. Genetics plays a big role, that's obvious. The reason I posted these pics is to show how syntherol properly used could and does help to sclulpt a body hand in hand with aas use. I took the pics from a different forum site, not going to mention it as it is against the board rules, so don’t bother asking. I am quite new to but using the search engine I was somehow surprised how people are still confusing seo with silicon implants. I would like to hear substantiate pro and con opinions about this matter.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have never heard anyone here confuse the two, syntherol and silicon implants.... that's just funny.

    Syntherol though from my understanding is not so much anabolic as it is an oil filler.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I have never heard anyone here confuse the two, syntherol and silicon implants.... that's just funny.

    Syntherol though from my understanding is not so much anabolic as it is an oil filler.
    Yes and no. It's main purpose is to stretch the fascia. The oil dissipates within weeks, and it leaves the muscle fascia, which is the primary inhibitor in muscle growth, more plaible, as such allowing much greater and quicker muscle size gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    I've never considered it but I have seen a few (very few) that have had outstanding results.
    most look terrible though.
    that dude definitely did it right but there is allot more than just synthol involved here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    I've never considered it but I have seen a few (very few) that have had outstanding results.
    most look terrible though.
    that dude definitely did it right but there is allot more than just synthol involved here

  6. #6
    syntherol is tricky because there is very little room for error. It needs to be done perfectly. A lot of the advanced guys use it when they have a very hard time adding more muscle any other way. I personally have no interest in it because it seems too painful and realize I will never be an ifbb pro, but thats just me
    Last edited by AlphaMaleDawg; 02-28-2011 at 12:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I also do not find it tempting at all. Its just not the approach I am interested in. Plus if you hit a vien (or God forbid an artery) during injection it can be kinda problematic

  8. #8
    btw, are you sure that is what his body looked like before syntherol? He looks like he got more cut and just bigger in general. I am suspicious. Syntherol doesn't make you leaner

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    btw, are you sure that is what his body looked like before syntherol? He looks like he got more cut and just bigger in general. I am suspicious. Syntherol doesn't make you leaner
    Of course syntherol doesn’t have anything to do with him getting leaner. And for sure without the use of anabolics, or a very strict diet and training he will never achieve such a perfect body.
    It is clear to me that syntherol helped him adding few inches of quality muscle. That’s why it’s a shame when google-ing synthol, synterol, seo etc to have the implants undisputed king greg valentino’s huge photo screaming at you.

  10. #10
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    On the Frontline
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    btw, are you sure that is what his body looked like before syntherol? He looks like he got more cut and just bigger in general. I am suspicious. Syntherol doesn't make you leaner
    Syntherol can make you leaner and more vascular, as it stretches the fascia and the muscle begins to grow larger.

    I personally know the man in the pics posted above.

    That being said, I have used Synthetek's Syntherol in my bis and tris on a couple of occasions, with great results. If done properly and you follow the proper protocol, the muscle group will remain looking natural and you will be able to keep the majority of your gains after finishing.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    SO i guess ol dude in the pic got bigger and got a tramp stamp on his "tummy"

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