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Thread: Good Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria

    Good Advice

    Hi Guys,

    Just need some quick Advice so that I get started on my cycle.
    Firstly do u think I should add arimidex and HCG to the cycle or do you think that 20mg/ED of nolvadex and finnishing off with Clomid would do the trick ?

    1-4 Anabol 30mg/ED
    1-10 Aratest2500 500mg/w
    1-10 Boldenon 400mg/w
    7-13 Winnie Tabs 50mg/ED (1 tab/ED)
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED
    Clomid (start on 13th week)

    Please all advice will be appriciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by morpheus
    Hi Guys,

    Just need some quick Advice so that I get started on my cycle.
    Firstly do u think I should add arimidex and HCG to the cycle or do you think that 20mg/ED of nolvadex and finnishing off with Clomid would do the trick ?

    1-4 Anabol 30mg/ED
    1-10 Aratest2500 500mg/w
    1-10 Boldenon 400mg/w
    7-13 Winnie Tabs 50mg/ED (1 tab/ED)
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED
    Clomid (start on 13th week)
    The basic structure doesn't look bad, but a couple of suggestions seem in order here:
    1. I have never heard of "Anabol" (which in NO way means it doesn't exist). Are you talking about DI"anabol" or maybe anadrol? If the latter, it's probably not the best idea to go with drol on what looks like your first cycle judging by the questions.
    2. Consider running the test out to week 11 so that the clearance times for the enan element and the eq (bold) clear in a compatible manner.
    3. Winnie from 7-13, if in fact you plan to run it for week 13 as well (which you might want to do if you structure the test as in #2) , is a bit much at seven weeks. Maybe try running it 9-13 for a total of five weeks?
    4. I would imagine that with the prop element in aratest you may want to begin the first few weeks with more frequent injections (and maybe even continue doing so throughout) until the enan has time to stabilize, otherwise you're levels will be a little bit "out of whack".
    5. As far as the HCG, I don't think you need it on a cycle of this duration, but I am by no means an HCG guru.
    6. With regards to the nolva I'd run a search on "nolva throughout" or something similar to see what people have had to say on using nolva as their primary anti-e have to say. I'm a dex guy myself, so I haven't looked into nolva for any other purposes than emergency situations in sufficient detail to offer advice.

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    The basic structure doesn't look bad, but a couple of suggestions seem in order here:
    1. I have never heard of "Anabol" (which in NO way means it doesn't exist). Are you talking about DI"anabol" or maybe anadrol? If the latter, it's probably not the best idea to go with drol on what looks like your first cycle judging by the questions.

    good luck

    Hey BG, by ANABOL he is referring to British Androlic Dbols... from what I know they are a quality brand, just with more bloating then naps.

    As usual, BG's suggestions are solid... go with what he advised.

    Your cycle looks good, thanks for researching before asking.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by Huge Presser
    Hey BG, by ANABOL he is referring to British Androlic Dbols... from what I know they are a quality brand, just with more bloating then naps.

    Wow, you learn something new everyday. Except of course on Sundays.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Yes, It is Anabol by British Dispensary ( 5mg with snake imprint) the active ingredient in this product is methandrostenelone.(Dianabol) not androlic.

    Good advice,I will extend the test to 11 weeks,The winnie tabs I want to run them for 6 weeks (9-14).
    Should I start my clomid therapy on the 15th week ?
    (3weeks after last test jab)
    Let me sum up the changes, Tell me what you think?

    1-4 Anabol 30mg/ED
    1-11 Aratest2500 500mg/w
    1-10 Boldenon 400mg/w
    8-13 Winnie Tabs 50mg/ED (1 tab/ED)
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED
    Clomid (start on 13th week)

    Thanks for the advice, hope to hear from you guys cause I will be starting on Monday.
    Last edited by morpheus; 07-26-2003 at 09:52 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    As for the Nolva, I did some research on Mick Hart's Laymans guide and I think I will stick with the Nolva.
    I just hope that 1 /day will do the trick

    Do you guys suggest I take somthing for my liver?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Here is a pic of myself.

    stats: 1.74m, 80kg, chest 45inch, Bi 15inch, quads 23inch, calves 15.5
    2 years(dedicated).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tn_Image040.jpg 
Views:	350 
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ID:	21163  

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Solid base, the pics look good, the cycle looks better. How old are you?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Thanks, I'm 27.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    my advice...

    1-4 Anabol 30mg/ED (add some ALA @ 1,000mgs ED & milk thistle @ 1,500 mgs ED for your liver) is where I get mine.
    1-11 Aratest2500 500mg/w (Because of the prop in this, I would think it would be best injected EOD. I was gonna run it @ 250mgs EOD when I was thinking of using it.)
    1-10 Boldenon 400mg/w Good.
    8-13 Winnie Tabs 50mg/ED (1 tab/ED)(Good.)
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED (I would of used liquidex/arimidex ED and saved the nolvadex for when symptoms of gyno occur. But you'll be fine with this.)
    Clomid (start on 13th week) Good. Run it 300 day 1, 100 days 2-11, and 50 days 12-21 or 28. Also, I like to add cell tech post cycle to keep my weight up.

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