arms didnt grow much from september. i believe its time to change it up...
my routine was
* 3 sets of preacher curls(seated) with ez bar
* 3 sets of standing dumbbell curls
* 4 sets of weighted chin-ups with belt
* 3 sets of tricep pull downs
* 3 sets of weighted tricep dips
* 3 sets of skull crushers supersetted with close-grip bench press
I workout alone so its a pain to do the weighted tricep dips(i use 2 benches to do this while putting the plates on my self.. im up to, two 45 lb plates on me...)
so i'd like to remove this from my workout if possible, and replace it with some other exercise that hits it in the same area as those tricep dips...
I also always hit my biceps before triceps. but im going to do triceps before biceps now(most of the time) since triceps are a bigger muscle than biceps. etc.