Hello there good folks,
I have been a lurker of these and many other forums for a while now. Let me tell you a bit about myself: I was very disinterested in bodybuilding until about one year ago. Since then, I have given it everything I got. I can safely say that I have surpassed my friends (all varsity athletes and/or bodybuilders) in terms of determination, research, developing good habits, and etc. They are still bigger and leaner than me though, which brings me to:
I want to do a cycle of test soon. I know that a lot of people are going to flame me for talking about a cycle so soon in my training. Especially since this is my first post, I know that I need to thread (pun anyone? hehe) carefully. Therefore, here are some of my thoughts as to why I should do a cycle even though I am a beginner:
1) I know my stuff: I am studying Electrical Engineering and also doing a double degree in Commerce at a reputed University right now. I have very good research skills, and the time management that goes along with it. If I ever do a cycle, you can be assured that I could also write a book about it.
2) I am 20 years old, but consider myself mature: A lot of BBers just seem to throw a number around about the appropriate age. If the age is being used as the determining factor of maturity, then sure, great. But what if maturity isn't a factor? Is there some real research that shows that a 18+ (or even 16+) old person's body is more damaged than a 26 year old's body when a cycle is done?
3) My friends have trained for years: i.e: I can get good coaching on correct lifts, and just generally have knowledgeable people to watch out for me.
4) My diet and rest is in order: I eat well. No help needed here. I have lost about 40 pounds of body fat and put on some good lean muscle (two different phases obviously).
I have some more things, but I don't want to bore anyone (yet...=P).
If you have read all of this, and wondering what help I need, then it is this: If I have everything down right, should I do a cycle to reach my natural limit FASTER?
You could also indirectly answer my question by telling me whether adding a test cycle to my already high teen natty test will give my QUICKER and BETTER gains. Sure, my natty test is high and awesome. But does that mean extra test wont be better for size and strength?
One last thing that is connected to my original question. Just because I use test now to reach my natty limit, does it mean that I cannot use a cycle to go above my natty? (Money issues aside for extra cycle needed for reaching natty limit).
Please do not post about feeling good about oneself or anything along those lines. Also, no need to call me lazy or a cheater.
I am really looking forward to some advice. And I am sorry if I come off as a bit negative in anyway at all during my first post ever. Thanks.