thanks for that post... researching stuff looking to get my first experience.. good info...appreciate it
thanks for that post... researching stuff looking to get my first experience.. good info...appreciate it
great post!
Thanks for the post, very helpful!
I <3 your Avatar Matt
I never believe good diet has anything to do with BB, always on my mind was about a good training thats really matter, until the day I decide to follow a diet for fews months. The guy gave that diet say: diet is 80%, training is 10% and sleep is 10% of the gains. 12 months later I got gains that did not happed in my life before. I'm so focus in what a eat, all my friends and family say that I'm nuts about my diet..... and i believe I will be on the diet for a long time............
marcus i am new to taking aas, i have only tried PH's from nutrition shops and now i want to try the next level. i came across some tren 75 but before i start taking it i would like to know how much of a dosage to start with? do or should i stack it? if so with what? or can i use the tren by itself? and what would be recommended for a pct? if you can give me some guidelines to follow i would greatly appreciate it. i have done some reading and there is more going on than i knew. i dont want to get started off on the wrong foot. i read your thread on short burst cycling and it makes sense when you said "shorter shut downs produces easier recoveries" i am only a moderate user of ph's i dont compete or make a living doing this. im just a guy who wants to improve myself for myself. so anything you can help me with i will apply to my experience. thank you very much.
What is your bf?
Are you taking about the tren 75 from the banner at the top of the page?
my bf is about 24%
no im not talking about the tren 75 in the banner.i have posted a pic, i dont know the quality of the pic or if it will post. i have 2 friends that take this and they are very happy with the results, but they have been taking this for quite some time now. i didnt want to stack it being how this will be my first time taking this kind of supplement and i wanted to see how my body would react to it first then go from there. both of my friends take it twice a week for about 8 weeks.
You need to address your bf first before doing any kind of cycling,
You also don't want to be using tren only and you shouldn't even be considering taking tren when your new to steroids.
Work on your diet and do some research in the education threads
what should my bf be idealy? and what should i consider for a first aas? i asked about the tren because thats wut i came across. I read for first time using tren 37.5 mg's eod would be ideal. my acess to these supps is limited. so if you can advise me what to look for then i can ask?
Your bf should be below 12-14% before cycling,
You shouldnt use tren on your first cycle and not even on your second or third.
Your along way off from cycling to be honest, I would concentrate on your diet and cardio and in the mean time go and read the education threads, first cycles are test only IMHO.
ok. as i said in my first post any advice given i will apply to my experience. so i will concentrate on my diet and cardio and in the mean time read up. what test do you recommend so i know what to read up on as far as cycle lengths, results, side effects, and pct's?
If you check out the education threads on first time cycles you will get more of an idea, test only either test e or cyp will do for a novice cycle. But first you need to seriously drop your bf, this will take a fair bit if time so start researching in the diet section and start planning a new diet.
ok marcus ill do that thank you very much for the help... ill be in touch.
Big bump
good post.
Last edited by Twin; 08-17-2011 at 02:37 AM.
Bump for the newbies![]()
I'm grateful that you guys care enough about newbies to invest time into writing stuff like this. I absolutely applaud and commend you for it. Am definitely going to listen to and use your advice when it comes to my first cycle.
Thanks from a new newbie!
Some of the best advice on the net thanks marcus!!!
To the top
This was one of the first post I read when I joined. Good start.
Im also going to bump this
didn't Arnold take steroids in his teenage years??
awesome post. This makes me want to postpone my first cycle for another year and develop naturally even more.
You guys sound like congressmen. Trying to scare people out of gear calling out muscle maturity when you know it's literal maturity. If you're going to be an idiot with test when you're 17 you're probably also going to be retarded at 25. As long as you start small and work you're way up you'll be ok but no one says that here. ****ing washed up bodybuilders.
Great post Marcus this should be a sticky!
One of the many reasons I love this site is because of posts like this. Young guys new to AAS need to take this info to heart and understand that posts like this are actually caring messages about how to manage their health for the long term. Thankfully, some of them will hear it as such.
Kudos for this post.
Welcome, new members!
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