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So I've been thinking about doing my first cycle, and have been doing some research and also talking with a friend of mine who's a body builder( he would be the one getting them for me). What he recomends is that I do a cycle of tren and win. The tren would be injected every 3 days and the win would be ora taken every dayl, which makes me a little nervous. Not sure if this the correct way to go. Haven't got a complete straight answer from him on the dosages or length of cycle, but I was thinnking about 8-12 weeks.
My goal is to drop to about 11-12% body fat and be around 225lbs. I want my muscle bellies to be a little larger and more cut, be a bit more vascular, gain some athletic endurance and stength, and have a little less pain from sports and lifting injuries from the last 20 years.
I'm kind of wanting to run a light cycle, because I'm not looking to put on a ton of muscle, I'm already fairly big and when I was larger, around 245, my athletic ability sucked.
Some back ground
- I'm 35 and have been lifting reguraly for almost 20 years. I'm right around 230lbs 6'1 and somewhere between 15 and 17% body fat.-bf too high for tren
- My diet is good, but not great. I sneak in a bad meal here and there and a few beers. This probably won't change much.-if your not gonna commit 100% why bother with a cycle
- My lifting cyles run about 12 weeks with a week off in between for rest, I lift 4 days a week. I start out light high reps for 2 weeks between 12-20 reps, go to medium for 4 weeks 10-14 reps, light heavy for 4 8-12 reps, then heavy for 2 4-8 reps. I work out two body parts per day, which I mix up with each cycle.
- I do 4-5 days of cardio where I put in 2-3 days of 30 mins at a medium to vigerous pace and 2 days of HIIT for 20 mins. I continue my cardio even on my week off.
- I'm very active ecspecially durning the summer with recreational sports.
- I've been a gym rat for 20 years, but have never done a cycle and I am a little nervous about doing so.
- Some of my fears are liver damage, acne, hair loss and aggression. I have 2 young children, that can be trying at times, and I don't want this to cause me to be too aggressive. - if you feel agression is gonna be a problem with your children then for their sake don't do steroids
- I've read a ton in here, but there is so much to absorb that I'm still a little lost.
Basically I'm a newbie and really need some help getting this figured out before I make this decision. Thank you for your help.