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Thread: Thinking about doing my first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Thinking about doing my first cycle

    So I've been thinking about doing my first cycle, and have been doing some research and also talking with a friend of mine who's a body builder( he would be the one getting them for me). What he recomends is that I do a cycle of tren and win. The tren would be injected every 3 days and the win would be ora taken every dayl, which makes me a little nervous. Not sure if this the correct way to go. Haven't got a complete straight answer from him on the dosages or length of cycle, but I was thinnking about 8-12 weeks.
    My goal is to drop to about 11-12% body fat and be around 225lbs. I want my muscle bellies to be a little larger and more cut, be a bit more vascular, gain some athletic endurance and stength, and have a little less pain from sports and lifting injuries from the last 20 years.
    I'm kind of wanting to run a light cycle, because I'm not looking to put on a ton of muscle, I'm already fairly big and when I was larger, around 245, my athletic ability sucked.

    Some back ground
    - I'm 35 and have been lifting reguraly for almost 20 years. I'm right around 230lbs 6'1 and somewhere between 15 and 17% body fat.
    - My diet is good, but not great. I sneak in a bad meal here and there and a few beers. This probably won't change much.
    - My lifting cyles run about 12 weeks with a week off in between for rest, I lift 4 days a week. I start out light high reps for 2 weeks between 12-20 reps, go to medium for 4 weeks 10-14 reps, light heavy for 4 8-12 reps, then heavy for 2 4-8 reps. I work out two body parts per day, which I mix up with each cycle.
    - I do 4-5 days of cardio where I put in 2-3 days of 30 mins at a medium to vigerous pace and 2 days of HIIT for 20 mins. I continue my cardio even on my week off.
    - I'm very active ecspecially durning the summer with recreational sports.
    - I've been a gym rat for 20 years, but have never done a cycle and I am a little nervous about doing so.
    - Some of my fears are liver damage, acne, hair loss and aggression. I have 2 young children, that can be trying at times, and I don't want this to cause me to be too aggressive.
    - I've read a ton in here, but there is so much to absorb that I'm still a little lost.

    Basically I'm a newbie and really need some help getting this figured out before I make this decision. Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    to much to read, but dont need to.
    Ur friend is not to educated if thats the cycle he proposed for you. as a matter of fact, he is a moron.

    u have to start at beg if this is what u came up with after research, ur research was bad mate.

    i have the flu, so feel to bad to continue, my apologies but someone will finish for me, just please do not do this cycle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    What would be a good beginer cycle? I'm really just in the begining stages of my research on this. Sorry for the long post, just figure it's best to get advice with as much background as possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    basic test cycle, keep a great diet and u will love it...
    plus only have to pin twice a week....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    So test by itself? I'm down to start with the minimum I can get away with so that doesn't sound too bad to me, plus I don't have to do any orals

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    For my first cycle I did Sust250 @ 500mg/week, so 250mg twice a week. I had really good gains in strength and weight. I ate extremely clean and managed to lose some bf as well. Def a good first cycle for me. Although at this point I would probably go with test e or cyp. Good luck bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    Ur friend is not to educated if thats the cycle he proposed for you. as a matter of fact, he is a moron.

    u have to start at beg if this is what u came up with after research, ur research was bad mate.
    Enough said.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by iGoHard508 View Post
    For my first cycle I did Sust250 @ 500mg/week, so 250mg twice a week. I had really good gains in strength and weight. I ate extremely clean and managed to lose some bf as well. Def a good first cycle for me. Although at this point I would probably go with test e or cyp. Good luck bro
    What is your reasoning for not going with sust250 again?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Midland, MI
    I am still in my first cycle and I'm currently stacking Equipoise with Test300 and some Winstrol-V.

    I inject twice a week with 2cc and pop 5 pills a day.

    I found that it was a great first cycle, I didn't add so much mass as I defined and toned the body. Really enjoyed it and would gladly recommend it.

    Hope it helps!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Orangutang View Post
    What is your reasoning for not going with sust250 again?
    Because I've read that a single ester will keep a much steadier level than a mix

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    basic test cycle, keep a great diet and u will love it...
    plus only have to pin twice a week....
    i 100% 44 and ive done only 2 cycles,and both of them were Testosterone alone and done really well with both,thats what i would do,test only for 1st going to start my 3rd cycle in june-july nad im going to use only Test/ my opinion trial and error first dont just jump in whole hog first time around,im no expert by no means,im still doing research for my 3rd i did my 1st one.....good luck

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    i 100% 44 and ive done only 2 cycles,and both of them were Testosterone alone and done really well with both,thats what i would do,test only for 1st going to start my 3rd cycle in june-july nad im going to use only Test/ my opinion trial and error first dont just jump in whole hog first time around,im no expert by no means,im still doing research for my 3rd i did my 1st one.....good luck
    What were your goals going into it, what side effects did you experience? Also how much did you do per week and how long was your 1st cycle? I'm definately not wanting to jump in. I'm looking to do the least amount I can the first time around to get a feel for things. I'm not wanting to bulk much more than I currently am, I put on muscle pretty quickly and easily, I just want to put on a little more lean muscle, get a little better performance in the gym and in the sports I do, plus help get some of my nagging injuries to heal a little faster when I flare them up.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cjay View Post
    What were your goals going into it, what side effects did you experience? Also how much did you do per week and how long was your 1st cycle? I'm definately not wanting to jump in. I'm looking to do the least amount I can the first time around to get a feel for things. I'm not wanting to bulk much more than I currently am, I put on muscle pretty quickly and easily, I just want to put on a little more lean muscle, get a little better performance in the gym and in the sports I do, plus help get some of my nagging injuries to heal a little faster when I flare them up.
    my goals were to gain mass and strength,my diet was in check and my workouts were adjusted to what i wanted to accomplish,and i did make some good gains,my first cycle was 500mg/week of Test Cyp i pinned on sunday and again on thursday for 10 weeks,as far as side effects,i didnt have any,i didnt do a PCT because im on TRT lifetime,so i just lowered my dose back down to my TRT dose and i was ok,im lucky in that respect,i dont havt to worry about doing PCT with test.....and my second cycle was with Test Cyp again at 600mg/week and used the same protocol as my first one,i didnt have any side effects at all,but i kept and A.I. on hand just in case,this time around i increased my calorie intake a bit more/day and also had good gains from this up coming cycle im going to be using Test Cyp 700-750mg/week and Deca 400-500mg/week and will have and A.I. prolactin suppressant on hand for the deca sides....ive done alot of homework on my new cycle,and still learning more,and im still reseaching.My stats right now is 6'5 and i weigh 275 with around 15%BF..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    ^^im 15%, you look much" larger" than say 20%+

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    ^^im 15%, you look much" larger" than say 20%+
    well i may be man,i hadnt checked it in a while,thats what it was the last last time i had it checked,but that picture was taken in april of 09,and ive slimmed down bf% since then

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Oh wow! That's an old pic then. You should post some new pics, you say your 6"5 275...that's freakin huge!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    Oh wow! That's an old pic then. You should post some new pics, you say your 6"5 275...that's freakin huge!
    yea i need to get another pic updated lol...i just dont like taking pictures of myself lmao!!!!......yea thats pretty much what my wife and gym friends tell me to lol,that i am big lol....bad thing is when i graduated high school,i was 160lbs ha ha

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cjay View Post
    So I've been thinking about doing my first cycle, and have been doing some research and also talking with a friend of mine who's a body builder( he would be the one getting them for me). What he recomends is that I do a cycle of tren and win. The tren would be injected every 3 days and the win would be ora taken every dayl, which makes me a little nervous. Not sure if this the correct way to go. Haven't got a complete straight answer from him on the dosages or length of cycle, but I was thinnking about 8-12 weeks.
    My goal is to drop to about 11-12% body fat and be around 225lbs. I want my muscle bellies to be a little larger and more cut, be a bit more vascular, gain some athletic endurance and stength, and have a little less pain from sports and lifting injuries from the last 20 years.
    I'm kind of wanting to run a light cycle, because I'm not looking to put on a ton of muscle, I'm already fairly big and when I was larger, around 245, my athletic ability sucked.

    Some back ground
    - I'm 35 and have been lifting reguraly for almost 20 years. I'm right around 230lbs 6'1 and somewhere between 15 and 17% body fat.-bf too high for tren
    - My diet is good, but not great. I sneak in a bad meal here and there and a few beers. This probably won't change much.-if your not gonna commit 100% why bother with a cycle
    - My lifting cyles run about 12 weeks with a week off in between for rest, I lift 4 days a week. I start out light high reps for 2 weeks between 12-20 reps, go to medium for 4 weeks 10-14 reps, light heavy for 4 8-12 reps, then heavy for 2 4-8 reps. I work out two body parts per day, which I mix up with each cycle.
    - I do 4-5 days of cardio where I put in 2-3 days of 30 mins at a medium to vigerous pace and 2 days of HIIT for 20 mins. I continue my cardio even on my week off.
    - I'm very active ecspecially durning the summer with recreational sports.
    - I've been a gym rat for 20 years, but have never done a cycle and I am a little nervous about doing so.
    - Some of my fears are liver damage, acne, hair loss and aggression. I have 2 young children, that can be trying at times, and I don't want this to cause me to be too aggressive. - if you feel agression is gonna be a problem with your children then for their sake don't do steroids
    - I've read a ton in here, but there is so much to absorb that I'm still a little lost.

    Basically I'm a newbie and really need some help getting this figured out before I make this decision. Thank you for your help.
    sounds like your goals can be achieved without steroids if your willing to make a strong commitment which you are not judging for your comment on your diet

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