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Thread: Test E/Deca cycle questions!!!!!

  1. #1

    Test E/Deca cycle questions!!!!!

    So I got some test e/deca this will be my first cycle.I've heard that deca can shut you down pretty hard I'll only be taking 200mg of each I was thinking of doing a little more test around 350/400 to help with the deca shutting me down regardless I know im gonna shut down but I'd like to bounce back in pct as fast as possible for pct in gonna be running nolva and hcg also taking hcg at first hint of shrinking nuts. Now this will be a 10 week cycle so my questions are

    Is that a decent first cycle for good gains?

    Is there anything im missing in the pct?

    Should I up the mgs on either test or deca since they are pretty low?

    I'm open to hear what everybody has to say also my diet is spot on I've worked on it for the past 2 months before thinking about a cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Taking more test during a cycle with deca will not help or speed you recovery. Most people only do this to prevent loss or decrease in sex drive during this particular stack. Regardless, the deca will shut you down.

    This is not a good first cycle, stick with only ONE compound for your first.

    More importantly, what ard your body stats?

  3. #3
    Ok I wasn't doing more test forthe pct I read a couple places that with this stack if you add more test you would prevent the lost sex drive so thanks for answering that.
    6'4 276 25yo,not sure about the bf never had it checked i have fat but not overly fat

  4. #4
    Yeah, what youngone said.
    Deca can kill sex drive, higher doses of Test help combat that for some. However it can still cause problems with ejaculation. All AAS will shut you down, but don't do deca on a first run. Test only and the preference there should be Test E or Test C. Less pins than prop which is safer again for a first cycle. If your an older man with joint probs, a small dose (200mg weekly) for Deca may help without the penil problems.
    Don't try to identify when your nuts are shrinking. Imagine how embarrassed you would be to get caught! LOL A joke. Seriously don't try and use that as a reference. Start HCG about week 2-3 @ 250iu 2x weekly. Run it the course of cycle. Then use Nolva for PCT.
    I'm not a pro of course and have very little experience so make sure and study for yourself.
    Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    Yeah, what youngone said.
    Deca can kill sex drive, higher doses of Test help combat that for some. However it can still cause problems with ejaculation. All AAS will shut you down, but don't do deca on a first run. Test only and the preference there should be Test E or Test C. Less pins than prop which is safer again for a first cycle. If your an older man with joint probs, a small dose (200mg weekly) for Deca may help without the penil problems.
    Don't try to identify when your nuts are shrinking. Imagine how embarrassed you would be to get caught! LOL A joke. Seriously don't try and use that as a reference. Start HCG about week 2-3 @ 250iu 2x weekly. Run it the course of cycle. Then use Nolva for PCT.
    I'm not a pro of course and have very little experience so make sure and study for yourself.
    Good luck
    at what dose of test cyp/deca cycle is usually recommended? if you are using 450-500mg of deca/week,what dose of test would be a good ratio,this is gonna be my 3rd cycle,first one using deca,plus im on lifetime TRT...

  6. #6
    yea i have both on the way but im just gonna store the deca and see how just the test e cycle goes ill be takeing that at 350mg weekly, run it for 12 weeks since its just test e. I have a question about the hcg, ive read alot about people useing it every fourth week of the cycle so i was gonna use it week 4 and 8 then in pct with the nolva.

    lol yeah i dont plan on measuring them that would be pretty embarrassing if i got caught doing that but funny also

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    at what dose of test cyp/deca cycle is usually recommended? if you are using 450-500mg of deca/week,what dose of test would be a good ratio,Very dependant from person to person. I have taken even amounts before 400-400, but did experience some numbness. If you want to take Decca @ the 400-500 range, I would say roughly 750 to a gram of test. Just my opinion. You may need more or less. So hard to say. this is gonna be my 3rd cycle,first one using deca,plus im on lifetime TRT...
    Good luck answer above in bold

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by sinamatic87 View Post
    yea i have both on the way but im just gonna store the deca and see how just the test e cycle goesgood choice ill be takeing that at 350mg weekly,350 is kind of a low does, but you may get good gains from there. Some respond well others need more drugs. No need to go over 500mg weekly for first run though. run it for 12 weeksjust go for 10 IMO since its just test e. I have a question about the hcg, ive read alot about people useing it every fourth week of the cycle so i was gonna use it week 4 and 8 then in pct with the nolva.Most common applications for HCG are right after the end of cycle at higher doses ed or eod for about a week period before the start of PCT. I like to simply run 250iu 2x weekly starting between week 2 & 3 of cycle for the duration of cycle. Remember to have an AI or Nolva on hand to treat gyno if symptoms occur during cycle.

    lol yeah i dont plan on measuring them that would be pretty embarrassing if i got caught doing that but funny also
    Glad you seen the humor.
    Answers above

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    my first cycle consisted of 200mgs of test e/deca a week
    i grew alot, pretty much side effect free

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    Good luck answer above in bold
    thank you for your help

  11. #11
    Yea you have to be able to joke sometimes lol

    Thanks for the help bro once I get everything in it'll be 350mg test@10 weeks,250iu hcg at 4weeks twice weekly and nolva for pct/sides.

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