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Thread: my cutting diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    my cutting diet

    5'9, 185lbs, 16% bf

    i will be using clen to cut. also, supps i will be using: xtend, fish oil, vitamin e, and whey protein. only thing i will be drinking is water and maybe some diet coke if i get a craving. i like to mix up my lean protein sources between lean steaks, chicken breast, tilapia, tuna, etc but i will stay on track with the macros.

    training will consist of high volume and cardio will consist of a 45min-1hr walk 5x a week

    i know you guys are a tough crowd, so be nice please

    meal 1
    -6 egg whites
    -1/2 cup oatmeal
    -1 plain chobani yogurt

    meal 2
    -2 scoops whey
    -1oz almonds

    meal 3
    -6oz chicken or lean steak
    -green veggies

    meal 4
    -6oz chicken or lean steak
    -1/2 avocado
    -green veggies


    meal 5 (PWO nutrition)
    -2 scoops whey
    -3 rice cakes

    meal 6
    -3 packets tuna
    -green veggies

    1951 cals
    287g protein
    98g carbs
    49g fat
    Last edited by fif; 03-27-2011 at 11:11 PM.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I advise you to begin at no less than 2350 calories to begin with....

    Start there with a perfect diet and cardio 5-7 times a week...

    Each week add cardio to ur program while keeping the calories the same...

    When you hit 10 hrs of cardio a week (5 of which are moderate to high intensity) begin to reduce energy intake...

    Slowly reduce carbs and fat intake each week....

    Good luck

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    To begin with....

    265 protein
    205 carbs ( cycle them but average 205... So 205x7 over the week)
    52 fat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    To begin with....

    265 protein
    205 carbs ( cycle them but average 205... So 205x7 over the week)
    52 fat
    205g carbs a day while cutting seems like way too much. also, i feel like working my way down with the carbs/cals is sort of pointless seeing how my body could easily adjust to the sudden drop.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fif View Post
    205g carbs a day while cutting seems like way too much. also, i feel like working my way down with the carbs/cals is sort of pointless seeing how my body could easily adjust to the sudden drop.
    205g is not at all too much, my daily consumption is ~230g and I'm cutting. Your body needs energy to be able to function and if you have no carbs then all of your prtoein is going to be used instead. Not too mention your going to feel groggy, under perform, and probably not last 2 weeks.

    The concern is not so much about your body adjusting to the drop but the change in the REQUIREMENTS your body needs. As you lose fat, build muscle, and just lose weight in general, your body has a lower TDEE value and thus requires less energy to maintain homeostasis and function optimally. Think of this way, in a vacuum, does a person who weighs 185 lbs and a person who ways 160 lbs need to consume the same amount of calories to maintain their weight?

    Also, I think walking isn't proficient for cardio, you want to be able to burn a good 3500 calories from your exercise. 1 lb of fat roughly equates to 3500 calories. Eating 500 calories less than your TDEE means 3500 LESS calories consumed a week, plus 3500 calories burned, equals 2 lbs of weight (hopefully all fat) lost each week.

  6. #6
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fif View Post
    205g carbs a day while cutting seems like way too much. also, i feel like working my way down with the carbs/cals is sort of pointless seeing how my body could easily adjust to the sudden drop.
    You are wrong

    You have even writen why you are wrong with regards to the 'sudden drop' in your post...

    Re-read ur post number 4 and if you have any idea you would realise why a sudden drop is a bad idea... You have answerd it in ur comment.

    I would also hold off on the clen for about 6ish weeks...

  7. #7
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    out of curiousity, i'm 197/5'11"/20% and cutting.

    gbrice has me at:

    287.5_p 145.5_c 55.5_f 2260_c

    calorie wise i'm within 90 of 2350, but i'm 50g less of carbs. i eat my carbs after AM cardio, preworkout/post workout

    so im guessing you both have different views as to how to take in carbs when cutting.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdace18 View Post
    out of curiousity, i'm 197/5'11"/20% and cutting.

    gbrice has me at:

    287.5_p 145.5_c 55.5_f 2260_c

    calorie wise i'm within 90 of 2350, but i'm 50g less of carbs. i eat my carbs after AM cardio, preworkout/post workout

    so im guessing you both have different views as to how to take in carbs when cutting.
    Nope, not really different views. I've cut at 200+ grams of carbs too. I just have you at a lower carb intake right now to see how your body reacts. That's why I always tell people to monitor very closely as adjustments will almost definitely need to be made to really dial things in to the sweet spot. I have your protein set a bit higher as well.

  9. #9
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