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Thread: Serious Athlete looking for first cycle

  1. #1

    Serious Athlete looking for first cycle

    Yes, my team mate and I are both going to start using steroids. We are planning on playing in the NFL soon. We were looking on getting on TREN and splitting a cycle. I need to know what you all think would be a good steroid to get on? We are looking to get bigger, with a good cut like a athlete has not all bulky, faster, stronger. Preferably shots. I play wide receiver, he plays quarterback.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Go to the education threads and read about first time cycles and beginners, this will give you a better idea how to plan a first time cycle. You don't run tren on your first cycle or even your 2nd or 3rd, its a powerful compound which should only be used by advanced users IMHO.

    You also need to post your stats and goals once you have done some research and posted your planned cycle and pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    tren is deff not what you want to look at using! first of all if you have never used before it is extremely strong! and it also has a habit of killing endurance...I mean joging for 10 mins will feel like you just went on a 45 min jog with 100lbs on your back lol

    It really comes down to what position football you are playing? I would look and some joint friendly compound such as Eq and deca with a small amount of test added in. Eq is known to increase endurance and collagen synthesis (In other words less chance of injury).

    imo a good stack would be:

    600mg EQ weeks 1-14
    250mg test weeks 1-16
    anavar 60mg a day weeks 1-6

    pct nolva/clomid

    This will allow you to put on lean muscle, increase endurance, collagen synthesis, and recovery and increase strength while keep sides do a minimum.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    You could always add more test in there but like I said it depends on what you are using it for? If your a skill skill position player (WR/RB) or CB/SS/SF you wont want to throw on to much size to quickly or it will slow you down and ruin your mobility...10-15lbs lean pounds is about what you should look to gain but focus more on strength and speed...muscle will come along side.

  5. #5
    You're going to be drug tested so be sure to use gear with a short detection time such as test prop, oral winny, or other orals. Stay away from deca because it takes months to clear your system. I have played college ball and have been around the pro's because i've had friends that made it there and the cycle I see most athletes use that are subjected to drug testing is stacking test prop with oral winstrol. (short detection time-3 weeks). Winstrol will give you explosiveness and strength with the athletic build that you are talking about. Do not run winstrol alone though, be sure to stack with test prop. Do your research on prop and winstrol.

  6. #6
    A lot of fighter/boxers use the test prop/winstrol combo as well. Keeps you lean with great strength gains.

  7. #7
    As far as your QB, this should be golden because ive seen baseball pitchers gain 5mph+ on this cycle.

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