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Thread: Compounded Testosterone Gel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Carolina

    Compounded Testosterone (Questions and Photo)

    Hello, noob here.

    Brief history of my situation. I was considered a heavy user of gas by friends from about 1992 to 1996 when I had a mild heart attack and was forced to stop. I haven't stepped foot into a gym since. When I went off I was 305 pounds and thick as can be. I'm now the exact opposite. 305 pounds and soft as can be. I dropped down to 240 pounds and over the years put the weight back on but in the wrong way. Soft as can be.

    My doctor has seen fit, after blood work, to perscribe me a topical gel that is made at a local compounding pharmacy called Testosterone Carbopol 20% 200mg/ml per dose. Now I have done several searches over Google and here and have found nothing with this name. Is this nothing but AndroGel?

    I was hoping some folks current on today's stuff could tell me what if anything I can gain from this. Since I started last month, I have combined this with the atkins diet, and plenty of walking and have dropped from 345 down to 305. I do VERY light weights just to see if I have anything left. I don't see it.

    When I was on before I had no structure to what I was doing which led to my downfall. To give you an example I recall doing 1850mg of Decca for 4 weeks. People thought I was crazy. I didn't know what I was doing. After reading some on these forums I am starting to believe them that it was crazy. Anyway enough of this. I have attached a photo taken a few minutes ago. Yes I've hiked up my shorts a tad to spare everyone the horror of staring at my gut. Wish I could hide the man boobs but if I want an honest answer I better let the world see.

    Any advice or comments from people who know what they are doing would help.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	me729.jpg 
Views:	537 
Size:	21.9 KB 
ID:	21232  
    Last edited by StevePJC; 07-29-2003 at 11:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    First thing to do is drop the b/f with some cardio( take it easy if you have been out of the gym awhile) before doing any cycles! Doing AS in your condition will only discourage you cause you won't see any results because they'll be under layers of b/f and you'll most likely give up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    start swimming. Best cardio and no stress on your joints, which may be a problem at your weight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Pensacola Florida

    Thumbs up

    being that it still will be hot 4 a while i would try to get some clen or if u can find anything with efdra in it that would be good along with cardio lots of it diet remeber u r what u eat and dont not it cause that is just as bad

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Stay away from ephedra or clen if you've had a heart attack!

    Cut your carbs,do some weight plus cardio. Workout everyday and keep it short. No more than 1 hour per day.

    That gel sounds like something very similar to androgel. I'd go with weekly injections if I were you. My wife gives me a 200mg injection weekly and it helps withg bodyfat. Better have you a woman around if your testostrone levels have been low. That will motivate your weight loss. You can do it!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Carolina
    [QUOTE=MR.BICEPS]Stay away from ephedra or clen if you've had a heart attack!

    Yeah I know about the ephedra. I asked my doc about Xenadrine and she said even though tests show minor permanent damage some 7 years later something like that could kill me.

    I had another appointment this afternoon and asked about the difference between what I am using and AndroGel. If I understand her explination: AndroGel gives about the same amount of Testosterone as Testaderm 5mg. The stuff I am using has an absorption (sp) rate of 30-50% which would give me 70-100mg of good testosterone per day. I have to admit. She put me on the test patches a few months ago and it did next to nothing. I've been on this stuff going on 4 weeks and have come up to the normal range. She is trying to put me in the high normal to high range before bringing me back down. I asked her about doing the shot and she said the gel is much more effective which knocked my socks off.

    The compounding place has a website if anyone reading is interested. VERY reputable place here in Tucson. Strictly by the book though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    I agree, try to cut up naturally for a while. But I do not think you will see many gains with this gel.

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