Too many low blows here
Too many low blows here
I may be a noob but for what ever my 2 cents is worth, here I go. I work in one of the most physically demanding jobs in the world and I can say that drinking DOES effect your ability to push weight for the next few days! That being said I also know that alcohol in moderation does have its pros but is not without its side affects. I would agree with most here that drinking on cycle for the most part is a bad idea. I for one will not be drinking on cycle when i start. There is much truth in what was said above about not being able to stop drinking for 12 weeks = a BIG problem. If you find your self with nothing to do try playing video games or how about reading up on AAS? On the lighter side of things maybe you could still go to the bar and hang out without drinking, if you cant pick up chicks without being drunk maybe its not your physic that's the problem lol jk
People who drink and cycle = stupid
everything in moderation my friend
what do u mean by low blows ? lol and u guys didnt respond 2 the weed / coke / pills question... guess its the same effects as alcohol aswell tho ?
GUYS RUM has no carb, or no sugar..... its has around 65 calories per once.... have that with diet coke and your golden if you have 5 drinks that only 325 calories..... its the way to go and if you dont believe me read up on it no carbs or sugar in rum.
It's more than an issue of calories, it's a poison. It rapes your central nervous system, you need a CNS for everything. By drinking (on or off cycle) you are in a sense storing fat, losing muscle, getting stupider. Why take a substance to build muscle/lose fat and then take other substances that do the opposite? It doesn't make sense does it?
Look we get it, you want everyone in the club to see how jacked you look in your extra-medium t-shirt, but take it from me, not being a douche bag isn't so bad either.
Having a drink means not 100% dedicated????
Some of yall have your heads up ur asses. Yall better be walking around at 2% body fat all year round.
How thats for dedication.
Nothing wrong with a drink here and there.
Drugs are bad mmk....
I don't know why so many people say "I drink liquor instead of beer because it has way less calories", not really. Just one shot of 80 proof liquor contains 100 calories, and people in here are saying "you're fine if you have 5-8 drinks"...really? That's 500-800 calories, assuming you're not even mixing it with anything.
I'm not anti-alcohol, but when on cycle there is absolutely no benefit at all to drinking. Of course it's just my opinion, but if you're on cycle and trying everything possible to maximize your gains, why the hell would you introduce such a destructive substance to your body? If it isn't benefiting you, stay away from it.
Most wine has a pretty high calorie content. Most red wines has around 100 calories per glass. that being said, im from san francisco and like a glass on the weekends. no biggie for me
I hope anyone advocating not using alochol on cycle also don't use it off cycle. It's actually worse for gains off cycle because you are damaging your natural production which is already low compared to on cycle.
Also, drinking certain types of alcohol has shown to be healthy in numerous studies.
"The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (May 1999) reported that consuming moderate amounts of beer would lower one's chances of coronary heart disease by 30-40%, compared to those who don't drink at all. (Beer contains a similar amount of 'polyphenols' -- antioxidants -- as red wine and 4-5 times as many polyphenols as white wine)."
LOL @ Rum is poison... seriously mate read a ****ing book.
I don't drink on or off... Its easy to pick up chicks (and fight) when you're sober...
Plus its much cheaper. Who cares if somone else does...
It's really hard to have a leg to stand on to promote drinking for a healthy lifestyle, let alone while using steroids. You'll really look foolish to the people that know why the booze is so bad. I'll give you that calling alcohol (not just rum) a poison is ALMOST an exaggeration, because anything in excess is obviously not good for you. Don't get mad just because you like to drink. I like to drink too, in moderation and when it's appropriate, however, I'm not gonna advocate it to someone trying to physically better themselves. When I do drink (in moderation) I know it's not the healthiest choice and am aware of what I'm doing to my body. I'm not gonna try and alleviate any sort of guilt I might have about doing this by hopping online and having some other guys who do the same thing tell me "nah brah it's not so bad".
so if u were to drink on steroids, what would be the best choices, rum or vodka? lol
in moderation guys its okay... you go to a social event couple drinks won't hurt..... dont go induldge yourself though like its an all you can eat buffet of vodka or rum or w.e..... Human nature to have a glass of wine once in a while, or some hennasy on the rocks,with a nice Monte cristo cigar from cuba.... and hanging with guys.... Just dont get stupid and start pounding back...
I like how everyone just skips over the study that says beer lowers the risk of heart disease by 30-40%. Steroids are known to cause problems with the heart.
Seems like a good mix to help prevent heart disease.
Yeah mate this thread doesnt appear to be focused on the facts, moreso about the 'holier than thou' crowd getting another opportunity to remind us how much better they are because they dont ever drink anything. Alcohol in excess is bad for you, just like anything else, in very strict moderation there is no reason it couldnt be had during a cheat meal or higher carb day if you cycle carbs... obviously going out and getting blind is never a great idea.
mmmm wat if u eat protein bars while u go out drinking would that work or help to keep some muscle / size lol
We all have to have a life!! A drink here and there is natural and if you dont want it dont have it !
You shouldnt even be cycling at your age and weight.
You have been told time and time again not to cycle, your years away and now you start a thread like this lol
shut down.
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