Originally Posted by
I don't think that was a sign of disrespect at all.
If you're gonna raise that card you can say he was disrespecting us by mispelling every other word and rushing his posts with abbreviations. We're talking about cycling here. Take your time, clear communication is important. It makes it seem like you came to the forum with a 10 second limit to research your entire first cycle.
Its not a huge deal but if you want quality feedback, quality posts usually achieve that. Some of the posts in here a lot of people wouldn't even comment about and would just click out of the thread as it annoys them. So its not to offend you its for your benefit.
Anyway I agree that cycle is not good. It doesn't matter what site you research on but you definitely didn't spend enough time doing it. I actually researched for 3 1/2 years before I ran my first cycle. Not because I'm special, but because the more I learned the more I would learn how much I didn't actually know. So I'd do more research and realize more and more how inexperienced I was. Your post clearly conveys a lack of experience, thats all I will say. G/luck regardless and I hope I didn't come off rude.