Ok i will start with i know that i should have done wayyyyyy more research so i wouldnt be in this situation. I just started a cycle 3 days ago, the cycle i am on is the novice cycle #2-1 in the cycle section. Here are my questions to start with i am 195 lbs 37 years old an 19% body fat, today i was doing a little research and most people seem to say never start a cycle over 15%. With that said what do i do now? should i stop since i am only a few days in and drop my body fat then restart? I am also worried after reading the negatives of starting over a certain bodyfat that i might have more problems arise with gyno and putting on additional body fat because of starting at a higher body fat. I am also curious if there is any way to combate the bloat (excessive water gain) from taking the dbol. Also because of the additional muscle gain which of course burns more calories will my body fat go down while i am on the cycle, i know that one conflicts the other in terms of gaining muscle and droping body fat i just really dont want my body fat to go up any higher. please take mercy on me i know that alot of my problems i am asking about are from me not doing enough research. Thanks