So ive decided to give something a try. Im gonna do a short cycle of masteron and anavar. about 8 weeks max. Going to be using 100mg eod of masteron and 60mg ed of var. I am also going to use .5md of arimidex ed throughout.
Now I know...you need test. I have a few reasons for not wanting to run it. One of them being I get horrible sides with test that I have no from other drugs. Acne, hair growth, lots of bloat even with prop, and I also got some gyno from my last prop npp and tbol cycle.
Reason I am choosing masteron var and arimidex is because masteron and var do not shut down your hpta totally. May suppress it but will not shut it down. Also masteron somewhat acts as an anti estrogen...and along with arimidex im hoping it can reduce some of the puffyness and gyno I got from my last cycle. Arimidex also raises your natty test and I think that that should be able to keep me functioning properly since var and masteron arent hard on your hpta in the first place.
My goals are to gain 5-10lbs of lean muscle. I am 22 5'10 190lbs and 12% bf.