Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
IMO, it is implausible to say ''serms and ai's are not the best things to plug in your body'' first and then ''the test alone is much healthier for you.'' second. Although I agree with the statement that ''most of them are powerful cancer medications,'' since this is a fact afterall. But when you say ''the test alone is much healthier for you,'' I feel like I have to say ''really?'' Sure, one can rationalize any statement to prove his point as long as the statement itself is arbitrary/superficial rather than science proven. No offense but in this case ''the test alone is much healthier for you'' is a superficial argument, since there is nothing healthy about injecting 500 mg of a very strong synthetic compound with several indicated possible side effects in your body and all AAS users are aware of this. Yes, SERMs and AIs were not designed for bodybuilders to intake but neither were most of the test. varities available to BBs today. Some of them are not even human pharmacetucal grade. In the final analysis, it is an oxymoron to vote for test use and vote against AIs and SERMs.
A quick question for you, what do you do for PCT when your test cycles are over?