Here's a lil backround;
27 yrs
133 lbs
Weightlifting for about 3 years, last 6 months 4xs a week
I'm about to take either Cypionate/Enanthate/Propionate. Any suggestions or advice on my first dose/cycle?
Thank you
Here's a lil backround;
27 yrs
133 lbs
Weightlifting for about 3 years, last 6 months 4xs a week
I'm about to take either Cypionate/Enanthate/Propionate. Any suggestions or advice on my first dose/cycle?
Thank you
im about to do my first cycle and im going with cyp, but i think enan is just as good. I dont see prop being suggested for the first cycle ever.
im just doing 400mgs ten weeks of cyp with a dbol kickstart and nova and hcg
Been reading the threads but still don't understand the purpose of taking "dbol kickstart and nova and hcg" along with the cyp or enan?
You both need to do a lot more research before starting a cycle and end up hurting yourselves. Neither of you are ready for a cycle. Read my quoted replies and you'll know why.
When investigating test varities and which one you should use, you should realize that they all have somewhat different chemical compositions in themselves. For instance, they all have esters attached to them that determine the active life of gear, which brings about the question of gear duration. Test Prop has the shortest ester, hence the shortest active life, making it the ideal candidate for all first time cycles. As you see, there is no good or bad when it comes to gear, there is the real and fake; more effective and less effective.
Your claim that you don't ever see it being suggested for the first cycle is simply flawed, since it is by far the most adviced gear for a first cycle.
Here is a question for you: What is nova and can you explain it to me?
Test prop isn't an ideal candidate for a first time user. You think someone is going to be ready to stick themselves every day or every other day on a first cycle. I'm almost done with my first test e cycle and I still hate needles.
Post up a pic bro, I wanna see what you look like at 133?..
Test prop is certainly the most ideal candidate for a first time user, even when needle phobia is brought up as an issue. Moreover, Test prop is also the best choice for short cycles, regardless of whether a person likes needles or not. There are ways of dealing with needle phobia and the most effective way would be finding the right person to inject, who is smooth and knows what he is doing so that you don't develop any hard feelings against needles in the first place.
Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 04-09-2011 at 01:13 AM.
I used test prop on my first cycle and I loved it. Needles are just a part of it that I don't fear. I will only use prop because of its rapid effectiveness![]()
bro i am like an inch taller then you and 40 pounds heavier. I was able to get to 180+ after 2 years of weight training starting at 128 naturally. With massive calories, and creatine. I had no other knowledge or tools like this site to use to my advantage. Go hit up the diet section that is where you should start. Good luck on your journey. Take before and after pictures it will keep you motivated.
Here are some before pictures:
Last edited by Viper563; 04-08-2011 at 11:48 PM.
hey bro this is the best link on this site. Go to the link and watch all the videos. You might want to have a pen and paper ready for some of the info. Good luck.
So you wanna learn how to Diet?
Thanks for link
Watch those videos... those videos are diet-bible for me....
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