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Thread: Thinking I made a mistake on my order. Help please .....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Thinking I made a mistake on my order. Help please .....

    I just want to do a testosterone cycle. I've done test enanthate before and heard about this "Testosterone Blend". So... get this testosterone "compound". I notice today that the components are .....

    1) Testosterone Propionate
    2) Testosterone Phenylpropionate
    3) Testosterone Isocaproate
    4) Testosterone Decanoate

    I see the "Deca" in Decanoate and I don't know "what the hell" an Isocaproate is. So, I'm wondering if I have some "Deca" here. I really am scared of that "Deca" stuff. I read all about "Deca Dick" and it scares the hell outta me.

    Can someone inform me more of what I have here?? Thanks so much.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2011
    Its sustanon by the sounds of it in this article im not to familiar with sustanon im on test e read this article Best of luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    I just want to do a testosterone cycle. I've done test enanthate before and heard about this "Testosterone Blend". So... get this testosterone "compound". I notice today that the components are .....

    1) Testosterone Propionate
    2) Testosterone Phenylpropionate
    3) Testosterone Isocaproate
    4) Testosterone Decanoate

    I see the "Deca" in Decanoate and I don't know "what the hell" an Isocaproate is. So, I'm wondering if I have some "Deca" here. I really am scared of that "Deca" stuff. I read all about "Deca Dick" and it scares the hell outta me.

    Can someone inform me more of what I have here?? Thanks so much.
    The "Deca" that everyone refers to is actually Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone being the drug and decanoate being the ester attached. What you ordered is Testosterone with 4 different esters. Sustanon is actually what you have. Sustanon is a combination of those 4 testosterone esters. The reason they attach different esters to lengthen how long it stays active in your body.

  4. #4
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    Ive havent heard of too many ppl experiencing deca-dick when stacking with test... and youve got prop in there... should be g2g!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrBucket22 View Post
    The "Deca" that everyone refers to is actually Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone being the drug and decanoate being the ester attached. What you ordered is Testosterone with 4 different esters. Sustanon is actually what you have. Sustanon is a combination of those 4 testosterone esters. The reason they attach different esters to lengthen how long it stays active in your body.
    So, Mr. Bucket.... I like your explanation, now let me see if I understand. Are you saying that it's the Nandrolen in the Deca Durabolin (Nandrolene Decanoate) that causes the "Deca Dick" and not the esther (decanoate) ??

  6. #6
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    Sounds like the label on my sust amps...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    Its sustanon by the sounds of it in this article im not to familiar with sustanon im on test e read this article Best of luck
    T-Lee... good read,... thanks a lot for the help.

  8. #8
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    OP, you should really do more research on AAS before ordering and/or administering. These are basic fundamentals that should've been learned waaaaaaay before attempting a cycle. Kind of like trying to rebuild an engine before ever even doing something as basic as replacing an air filter...not a very good idea.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    OP, you should really do more research on AAS before ordering and/or administering. These are basic fundamentals that should've been learned waaaaaaay before attempting a cycle. Kind of like trying to rebuild an engine before ever even doing something as basic as replacing an air filter...not a very good idea.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    T-Lee... good read,... thanks a lot for the help.
    Welcome hope it works out well for you. From what i have heard from buddies and quite a few people on forums is that Test E is a better all around so keep in touch and tell me which one you prefer. How long was your previous Test E cycle and what did you use for a PCT?

  11. #11
    Yeah thats Sust for sure! Good stuff by the way!


  12. #12
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    To the senior members..... I jumped too fast on ordering, because I "assumed" something that just happened not to be fact. But, I would not do the cycle under just an assumption. So, the research and questions are coming now. I am reading a lot about this and using this forum as a tool for me education on it. As far as the gear goes, if I decide it's not the cycle I want to run, I'll have no problem passing it on, as I have friends who will find a home for the "sust". But, thanks for your concern. It is appreciated.

    T-Lee - My first Test Cycle was only 8 weeks and I didn't use PCT. I kept about 60-70% of my size and everything else stabilized pretty well. But, I only did about 350 mgs per week. If I do a cycle any more extreme, I'll surely use PCT. On hand, I have Clomid, Nolva, and "Exeplex" tabs which is Exemestane or more commonly called Aromasin. Do you have any suggestions regarding PCT ?

  13. #13
    G2G bro its sust

  14. #14
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    Guys just out of curiosity... don't mean to impose on the thread... but what is the diference then between Test 400 and sustanon?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    To the senior members..... I jumped too fast on ordering, because I "assumed" something that just happened not to be fact. But, I would not do the cycle under just an assumption. So, the research and questions are coming now. I am reading a lot about this and using this forum as a tool for me education on it. As far as the gear goes, if I decide it's not the cycle I want to run, I'll have no problem passing it on, as I have friends who will find a home for the "sust". But, thanks for your concern. It is appreciated.

    T-Lee - My first Test Cycle was only 8 weeks and I didn't use PCT. I kept about 60-70% of my size and everything else stabilized pretty well. But, I only did about 350 mgs per week. If I do a cycle any more extreme, I'll surely use PCT. On hand, I have Clomid, Nolva, and "Exeplex" tabs which is Exemestane or more commonly called Aromasin. Do you have any suggestions regarding PCT ?
    wrong, you need to pct everytime. honestly mate, i'd set the needles down and learn what i was doing if i was you

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungMan View Post
    Guys just out of curiosity... don't mean to impose on the thread... but what is the diference then between Test 400 and sustanon?
    Sustanon is usually dosed at 250mg/ test 400 is just a more concentrated dose of regular sust. I've also seen test 400 with just cypionate and enanthate. The higher concentration is a favorite among UGL.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by higgy View Post
    Sustanon is usually dosed at 250mg/ test 400 is just a more concentrated dose of regular sust. I've also seen test 400 with just cypionate and enanthate. The higher concentration is a favorite among UGL.
    thanks for the answer bud

  18. #18
    Bro this is Sustanon it is a blend of different testosterones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    I just want to do a testosterone cycle. I've done test enanthate before and heard about this "Testosterone Blend". So... get this testosterone "compound". I notice today that the components are .....

    1) Testosterone Propionate
    2) Testosterone Phenylpropionate
    3) Testosterone Isocaproate
    4) Testosterone Decanoate

    I see the "Deca" in Decanoate and I don't know "what the hell" an Isocaproate is. So, I'm wondering if I have some "Deca" here. I really am scared of that "Deca" stuff. I read all about "Deca Dick" and it scares the hell outta me.

    Can someone inform me more of what I have here?? Thanks so much.

  19. #19
    You also inject sust once or twice a week. so it's totally fine to use instead of test e.

  20. #20
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    acadiana, la
    It's better to inject sust eod.....cause of the prop ester

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    To the senior members..... I jumped too fast on ordering, because I "assumed" something that just happened not to be fact. But, I would not do the cycle under just an assumption. So, the research and questions are coming now. I am reading a lot about this and using this forum as a tool for me education on it. As far as the gear goes, if I decide it's not the cycle I want to run, I'll have no problem passing it on, as I have friends who will find a home for the "sust". But, thanks for your concern. It is appreciated.

    T-Lee - My first Test Cycle was only 8 weeks and I didn't use PCT. I kept about 60-70% of my size and everything else stabilized pretty well. But, I only did about 350 mgs per week. If I do a cycle any more extreme, I'll surely use PCT. On hand, I have Clomid, Nolva, and "Exeplex" tabs which is Exemestane or more commonly called Aromasin. Do you have any suggestions regarding PCT ?
    Im on Test E 500 a week right now start of my third week gained about 14 pounds of lean muscle. I am using aromasin eod 10mg and Im starting HCG 250iu twice a week up untill my pct, with Nolvadex as my PCT its the same one as in swifto Q&A take a read there is some really good info in it

  22. #22
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    acadiana, la
    ^^^^ I love when guys say that,"yeah I'm on my third week of my cycle and gained 15 pounds of lean muscle" offense but I doubt u gained that much LEAN MUSCLE in three weeks. I'm sure it's a lot of water and maybe a lil muscle. It takes some time to gain that much quality muscle bro.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by higgy View Post
    ^^^^ I love when guys say that,"yeah I'm on my third week of my cycle and gained 15 pounds of lean muscle" offense but I doubt u gained that much LEAN MUSCLE in three weeks. I'm sure it's a lot of water and maybe a lil muscle. It takes some time to gain that much quality muscle bro.
    Hey bro i like how you know everything about myself. Im on an AI so i dont have any water retention whats so ever and the scale dont lie. Its 14 pounds from the first day till up to this morning i dont look like i have put any fat anywhere or retaing water so whats your explination. But your obviously a know it all about everything so dont expect you to get it. It takes usually 4 weeks for alot of people to feel the full effects right? Well not with me i started putting on weight and strength 5 days into it partially because of my new diet that is from my nutritionist. But people who say it cant be done are the people who cant do it themselves instead of giving negative feedback maybe a bit of encouragement would work better. Im not on here to lie im on here to help people out like i have been helped out. Next time you have something negative to say keep it to yourself thanks.

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