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Thread: Few double checks on my research

  1. #1

    Few double checks on my research

    I've been on my sust 250 cycle for 6 weeks now and it's going great, I have nolva and armidex, I'm taking 1mg armi daily in cycle and then since sust has some long acting compounds I should start my nolva 2 weeks after my last poke. Everythings cool here right? I have my uncle taking care of my diet and extras.
    Here are my double checks: I'm doing it right, right?

    Also I'm suppost to cycle off on nolva for the same amount of time I'm on cycle right?

    Ive don't enough research befor had to know that some people just talk a lot about how inexperienced and young and dumb new posters are. I'm not looking for that, just simple input is much appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Stats please

  3. #3
    145 before, currently 165
    My goals are cometic and increase my strength to help me out during calls, it's nice to have energy. I'm a paramedic

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    WEll for starters...youre too young, too light and too uneducated to be using steroids. Dont care if you werent "looking for that" but thats how it REALLY is. It was told to me, im thankful others helped and unless youre stupid, you should be too!

  5. #5
    Ok I respect that, either way I'm still goin to have to get off this cycle right? Am I suppost to here that, shit myself and stop cold turkey right now and not do it right? That would be dumber, anyone have some advice? Yungone?
    Last edited by Paulthemedic; 04-09-2011 at 11:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Yes, stop asap before long term damage is done. Have you made or prepared a pct following the cycle at all? If so, approx. 2 weeks after last injection.

  7. #7
    The plan is nolva 20mg daily starting 18 days after last poke. I already have it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Nolva alone is not completely effective at restoring your bodys natural hormone levels. Before stopping ur current cycle, make sure you have atleast nolvadex and clomid...and preferably hcg to give even more drastic results. Do you have access to the others?

  9. #9
    Yes I can. Any dosage advice?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Yes. I myself do 20mg of nolva and 50mg of clomid for 4 weeks. I feel completely back to par after this however the sides are very discomforting...for me clomid causes depression and anxiety. Most people like to taper down from those dosages as they continue from week to week. Your best bet would be to go to the PCT section and submit a new thread informing some vets your current situation and the will help design a pct customized to YOU...not a generic. Youre smart bro and others respect that here. Thanks for being receptive, it helps myself (and others) to know this site actually educates and deters the misuse of steroids. Anything else bro?

  11. #11
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    Dosages above are daily.

  12. #12
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    You might want to start pct 10 days after last shot so u still have some test cyp lingering around. Sust is hard for pct due to the lack of knowing when the test is gone, or how much of each ester you inject. Good luck.
    Imo nolva and hcg are good for a first pct, no need for clomid.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulthemedic View Post
    I've been on my sust 250 cycle for 6 weeks now and it's going great, I have nolva and armidex, I'm taking 1mg armi daily in cycle and then since sust has some long acting compounds I should start my nolva 2 weeks after my last poke. Everythings cool here right? I have my uncle taking care of my diet and extras.
    Here are my double checks: I'm doing it right, right?

    Also I'm suppost to cycle off on nolva for the same amount of time I'm on cycle right?

    Ive don't enough research befor had to know that some people just talk a lot about how inexperienced and young and dumb new posters are. I'm not looking for that, just simple input is much appreciated. Thank you
    Hey bud look at this as a PCT it seems like a good way to go for you in my opinion. I think you should have started your HCG and an AI in the beginning of your cycle as it states here take a look and ask him a question Just read some stickies on the PCT and you will gain a lot of useful information. Next time have a clear outline of your PCT and also a understanding on how it works. Hope your PCT goes well for ya best of luck.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2011
    Besides the fact that it was a mistake for you to start this cycle with your stats and a funny rationalization of it, you will eventually have to come off this cycle and we can at least help you to do that right. So, I am going to cut to the chase here and show you how to do this part of your cycle right:

    * Get off the gear and wait for 21 days after your last injection to start your PCT. Your PCT starts on the 22nd day.

    * Nolvadex for six weeks, 40 mg ED for the first two weeks of it followed by 20 mg ED for the last four. Clomid for four weeks, 50 mg for the first two and 25 mg for the last two weeks.

    * I am assuming you are not experiencing testicular shrinkage at the moment, since you indicated that everything has gone great in this cycle so far. At any rate, if you think your testicles have shrunk noticeably and/or experiencing libido issues, get some HCG we'll tell you how to use it.

    * Do not cycle again until the age of 26 and before you have read a couple of books on AAS as well as all the educational threads on this site and hundreds of threads/discussions about AAS use and PCT.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 04-10-2011 at 12:08 AM.

  15. #15
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    21 days for Sust? A bit long don't u think? Being a combo of tests u don't really end precisely. I said 10 days to put it between e and c.

  16. #16
    Thank you everyone for your help, advice and positive criticism ! I'll review this all again in te morning and ask questions if I need again, much appreciated!

  17. #17
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    Oh hey Turkish would u to read my blog and lemme know what u think... from what I've seen u post we agree on a lot. Lol Sry to hijack... I want good criticism and/or questions

  18. #18
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    21 days for Sust? A bit long don't u think? Being a combo of tests u don't really end precisely. I said 10 days to put it between e and c.
    I have experimented with Sustanon 250 in relatively long cycles before and I am certain that it has the highest active life among all Tests due to its Decanoate ester with a half-life of approx. 15 days. The active life of Sustanon is around 3 weeks, so there is no point in starting a PCT before waiting for 21 days after the last injection. I have talked to people who have waited up to 30 days just to make sure that this compound would have left their bodies completely so that they can actually proceed with a proper PCT protocol and not have any question marks.

    As an anectode, I am through with Sustanon 250 for various reasons. I am not suggesting that it is a bad AAS but I don't like the idea of several esters with different half lives attached together and having to wait for PCT for up to a month. Besides, Sustanon 250 should not be employed in cycles shorter than 12 weeks IMO and I doubt I will be running a cycle longer than 8 weeks in the future, simply because I do not want increase my chances of ending up in TRT for an indefinite time. Health concerns come first for me.

    Lastly, newbies should not mess with Sustanon 250 at any rate.

  19. #19
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Oh hey Turkish would u to read my blog and lemme know what u think... from what I've seen u post we agree on a lot. Lol Sry to hijack... I want good criticism and/or questions
    Alright, I am going to check out your blog ''perfect first cycle'' and let you know what I think.

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