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Thread: Aromasin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    What are the pros and cons of using aromasin "during" a testosterone cycle ??

    If there are advantages, what are they?

    Also, would you adjust the dosage of aromasin to the dosage of testosterone?

    I am planning on running a 400-500 per week dosage of Sustanon.

    For those that do not know my stats, I am 53 years old

    wt. - 177
    ht. - 6 ft

    have a little fat around the waistline, but really lean other than that.

    Have been working out since the early nineties. Backed off a few times during that span, but always kept up some kind of fitness throughout all those years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I am currently on Test E 500 per week i am on 10mg of aromasin eod i find that i have not gained any water weight compared to my buddy who is on the same cycle as myself without taking the aromasin. Whats your PCT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    I planned on this schedule of PCT. I have read about taking Aromasin during cycle and also heard of taking it after. I'm just getting some input here so I can plan out the best possible cycle and PCT. The doages are per day for 4 weeks.

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 additional 10/10 if needed.
    Clomid 50/50/50/50 additional 25/25 if needed.

    Also, what would the dosage of Aromasin be during a 400-500 mg per week cycle??

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post
    What are the pros and cons of using aromasin "during" a testosterone cycle ?? it is good to keep e sides in check, but you dont want to take anything unless you have to

    If there are advantages, what are they?it seems to be less harsh than other AI's without as much E rebound

    Also, would you adjust the dosage of aromasin to the dosage of testosterone?only if you are having E related sides

    I am planning on running a 400-500 per week dosage of Sustanon.may not need an AI during cycle unless your gyno prone

    For those that do not know my stats, I am 53 years old

    wt. - 177you need to eat as well, visit diet section
    ht. - 6 ft

    have a little fat around the waistline, but really lean other than that.

    Have been working out since the early nineties. Backed off a few times during that span, but always kept up some kind of fitness throughout all those years.
    hopefully there is some input to help

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post

    I planned on this schedule of PCT. I have read about taking Aromasin during cycle only if neededand also heard of taking it after.yes I'm just getting some input here so I can plan out the best possible cycle and PCT. The doages are per day for 4 weeks.

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 additional 10/10 if needed.standard
    Clomid 50/50/50/50 additional 25/25 if need if you run aromasin IMO

    Also, what would the dosage of Aromasin be during a 400-500 mg per week cycle??12.5mg EOD if needed
    think about adding HCG to PCT, but honestly, what are your nat test levels actually recovering to? At your age it may be worth it to check in to a TRT program and not worry a whole lot about PCT. PCT meds can have some negative impact on lipids and other important health issues concerning your heart. Just ideas. You should take multiple opinions in regards to that and decide what may be best for you. Many users concentrate on not losing Nat production and shutting themselves completely, but heart health should be a strong focus as well.
    Good Luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post

    I planned on this schedule of PCT. I have read about taking Aromasin during cycle and also heard of taking it after. I'm just getting some input here so I can plan out the best possible cycle and PCT. The doages are per day for 4 weeks.

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 additional 10/10 if needed.
    Clomid 50/50/50/50 additional 25/25 if needed.

    Also, what would the dosage of Aromasin be during a 400-500 mg per week cycle??
    For me i am on the start of my third week of Test E 500 a week it is my first cycle. I am using aromasin 10 mg eod because i was getting a little bit of puffy nipples so i jumped on it as soon as i seen some sides and im about to be using HCG at 250iu twice a week up my PCT well actually i stop 5 days prior. Then i jump on the nolvadex at 40mg for the first week of my pct then i go down to 20mg for another 4 weeks. Here is a thread by swifto there is some really great info in there about it just scroll down and see some of the answers he helps out with also here is another thread on how all these compounds work together Go to the diet section on here and check out the great advice they have while on aas. Best of luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thanks to everyone. I actually went to my doctor and had him draw blood to get my testosterone level. I will know the results Monday (tomorrow). I'll post them here. I may be able to get Testosterone Replacement Therapy, as Kelevra was mentioning. I'll add to this thread tomorrow. Thanks again.

  8. #8
    Blood test is the only way to go, lets you know how everything is working not just your test levels. Be sure to post it these guy's seem to read them better than the doc himself

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    i liked aromasin and dont think there were any bad sides to using it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    The blood test only showed my testosterone level and it came back at 799. I have been doing HGH for the last two months. Would that have affected it ?? I am not half as horny as I used to be. I thought my level was going to show like in the 200's. I really do like the hornyness (libido boost) associated with taking test.

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