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Thread: feel sick, steroid flew??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Under Marcus's Feet =]

    feel sick, steroid flew??

    feeling like shit today,,, could it be steroid flew? wondering wat the symptons are.... not sure if its cus i took 2 much creotine / ate sum dirty chinese food / or cus im just getting a nasty cold , or wat but i got stomach pains, runny nose, hard for me to shit feels like my ass it blocked and hard for me to eat food...

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You come on here and ask questions about cycling and your given the correct advice for someone with your age and weight and you totally disregard the advice and do what you want to anyway!

    Why even ask questions if you dont like the answers being given.

    You shouldnt even be cycling at your age and weight.

    You have been told time and time again not to cycle,

  3. #3
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    Under Marcus's Feet =]
    do u have that written down as a template or something, uve wrote those exact same words with the same links about 5 times now.... i dont care if im not the right age or weight ill do what i want exactly. so u can help or dont help
    Last edited by bozlet; 04-11-2011 at 05:39 AM.

  4. #4
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    Marcus is one of the most knowledgeable people on here, so when you're disregarding his advice, your opting to take more substandard advice to better suit what you wanna hear. It'd be in your best interest to listen to him otherwise why even post on here if you're not looking to get real, professional opinions from people with the knowledge and experience to help you sort out your issues. Regarding your little test flu problem, just go to a doctor maybe you'll listen to him.

  5. #5
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    too late ive already started 4th week in im not goin to stop it now... just wondering if i got test flew or not..... and wat makes u think id listen 2 a doctor then someone who knows more about steroids ??.... u guys take this stuff 2 seriously

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    too late ive already started 4th week in im not goin to stop it now... just wondering if i got test flew or not..... and wat makes u think id listen 2 a doctor then someone who knows more about steroids ??.... u guys take this stuff 2 seriously
    You could easily stop now and start a PCT and maybe get your life together a little bit. What does it matter if you have it or not? Why post at all? Nothing said will change your mind about anything. Yeah most doctors don't know too much about steroids, but they know something about general health and stupid kids. And you've got it quite backwards, you don't take it serious enough. Anyway I've got better things to do with my time then talk to a little troll.

  7. #7
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    Yup probably AAS flu and hopefully it gets worse. Your getting what you deserve hopefully. Feel better now for not listening to anyone? What now you will say it has nothing to do with your age or weight, right? Then why believe anyone here about anything?

    Funny how some tools never learn and keep making the same mistakes over and over thinking no one will notice.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yup probably AAS flu and hopefully it gets worse. Your getting what you deserve hopefully. Feel better now for not listening to anyone? What now you will say it has nothing to do with your age or weight, right? Then why believe anyone here about anything?

    Funny how some tools never learn and keep making the same mistakes over and over thinking no one will notice.
    Hey, if it weren't idiots like this kid, doctors running TRT clinics wouldn't be driving Bentleys.

  10. #10
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    Last edited by Cracovia82; 06-08-2011 at 10:48 PM.

  11. #11
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    lol bunch of haters..... dont open ur mouth less u got somethin good to say k bye

  12. #12
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    Last edited by Cracovia82; 06-08-2011 at 10:48 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post

  14. #14
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    grats i dont care wat u think, this forum is designed to answer questions u dont answer questisons all u do is say ur not ready for steroids so why bother even being on the forum

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    do u have that written down as a template or something, uve wrote those exact same words with the same links about 5 times now.... i dont care if im not the right age or weight ill do what i want exactly. so u can help or dont help
    I'm a little confused? Here you are shopping for advice and only wanting agreement on what you are going to do anyways?

    Marcus may come off a little short sometimes, but then again, he is here, day in and day out, answering the same questions from kids that really have no business considering what they are considering. After having spent years here doing what he does, then here you come, thumbing your nose at him, telling him that "ill do what i want". On a scale of 5, Marcus' experience is probably a 5. On the other hand, your experience is probably a 1. So again, here you are, being slightly rude to somebody that really knows his sh1t.

    So yeah, he may come off a little short. But damm dude! Be thankful he's even here talking to you. Last I checked, I think the price of admission, is what? And then for his advice, you paid, what?

    If you don't like the program, stop coming to the show!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    grats i dont care wat u think, this forum is designed to answer questions u dont answer questisons all u do is say ur not ready for steroids so why bother even being on the forum
    wrong again! it's guys like Marcus that make this board what it is....

    I'd suggest more listening and less talking.....

    but that is up to you, of course

  17. #17
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    lol are u his boyfriend or something? i am listening to wat he said, i just choose to do what i want... just cus someone tells u not to do something doesnt mean u shouldnt its all our own lives u can do what ever u want

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    lol are u his boyfriend or something? i am listening to wat he said, i just choose to do what i want... just cus someone tells u not to do something doesnt mean u shouldnt its all our own lives u can do what ever u want

    You know, you are absolutely right! Just go ahead and do what you want. Don't listen to us.

    Remember to not let the door hit you in the asss on your way out.

    Not sure why I'm even wasting my time....?

  19. #19
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    dude, how would we know if it's test flu, are we around you 24/7? It could be anything that you contracted; at home, work, gym, who knows. If your this paranoid about contracting the flu assuming it's the test, how are you going to feel when your cycle is done and you have no labido and your life starts to turn upside down cause your gains will diminish, your not as strong anymore, your packing a wet noodle and depressed 24/7? I'd be more worried about the near future than wondering whether or not you got the flu from test.

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You come on a forum and ask experts regarding taking steroids because your a novice and your given the best advice for someone with your stats and you toytally disregard our advice and do what you want anyway. Can you see how immature you look and maybe in the future you shouldnt ask questions if you arent going to listen.

    If you could see further than the end of your nose you would realise how reckless you sound and how immature you are, you will learn the hard way,
    best of luck to you, you will need it lol.

  21. #21
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    you really need to work on your spelling too. Not only do you come off as a complete ignorant moron you make yourself look uneducated on top of it. I doubt you will do well in life. Good luck

  22. #22
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    yeah I don't think too many people care about spelling here, but it does take a real special guy to misspell flu

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    yeah I don't think too many people care about spelling here, but it does take a real special guy to misspell flu
    i look at it when someone is arguing though, it really makes their points seem meaningless to me. Lol flew

  24. #24
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    Dude I got the same thing one day. The best cure is to find a tall building and cover yourself in bubble wrap and soak your clothing in Pepto Bizmol. Then jump off the building. The esters will just dissapear it's so easy, science proven fact man, try it out !!

  25. #25
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    Yeah, that attitude ain't getting him anywhere. Too bad we can't run a ban train on him, forum would be so much cleaner w/o all that bs.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    yeah I don't think too many people care about spelling here, but it does take a real special guy to misspell flu
    Spelling and grammar mistakes make me irate.

  27. #27
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    I'll be honest spelling bothers me a little too, but I've met plenty of people that actually have a good head on their shoulders for most things, but God help em they just can't spell. So I take it with a grain a salt; it's just not a priority to some people.

  28. #28
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    when i read the title of this i was like what the hell is wrong with this kid flew??? how can you not spell a three letter word. no wonder he wouldn't listen to any advice he was given he didnt have the brain capacity to understand it. but thats the worst part no matter how good the advice is on here it does no good for the foolish idiots just trying to get quick results.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    feeling like shit today,,, could it be steroid flew? wondering wat the symptons are.... not sure if its cus i took 2 much creotine / ate sum dirty chinese food / or cus im just getting a nasty cold , or wat but i got stomach pains, runny nose, hard for me to shit feels like my ass it blocked and hard for me to eat food...
    Its definitely the Chinese

  30. #30
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    Do you guys think this is actually a troll or just a stubborn-headed youth who is "going to do what he wants to do?"

    A person (even a kid who's not ready) gets to decide what he does and does not do to his body. Why are you flaming him relentlessly when he's asking a simple question? If he comes back because he hit a vein and it gives him a panic attack are you just going to laugh at him?

    I thought the purpose of these forums was to provide education, not say "I told you so."

    To the OP, when on cycle, I have frequently had days that I felt like absolute crap. You're altering all kinds of levels in your body (cholesterol, lipids, hormones, etc) when you take steroids and test flu isn't uncommon.

    If it lingers, you get a bad fever, an infection, obviously, go see a Dr, otherwise, I'm sure you'll be fine. Also, if you're still feeling like crap and have a scheduled injection day coming up, skip it, all it's going to do is make you feel worse.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    lol are u his boyfriend or something? i am listening to wat he said, i just choose to do what i want... just cus someone tells u not to do something doesnt mean u shouldnt its all our own lives u can do what ever u want
    For the health of our gene pool, I really hope you continue your cycle, little man.

  32. #32
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    dude i have fried my brain, i have a.d.d. and dyslexia and i can spell flu you are my hero ha.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by fetch View Post
    for the health of our gene pool, i really hope you continue your cycle, little man.

  34. #34
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    Re. spelling..

    Remember we use the WWW. (World wide)
    So english will be most users second language.

    Myself, I speak Norwegian, english, german and french, although I´ve lost most of my french for lack of practice through the years.
    I am only 80% on each language, even my first language, I´m all over the place spelling. I mix the words up a lot, as some are similar in the different languages.

    It is a little annoying when someone has commented on my spelling, especially when that person only speak one language themselves.

    However, misspelling makes one sound/look uneducated, I just have to agree. Not only misspelling, but accents. Certain accents makes people sound uneducated, or less intelligent. And I´m actually embarrassed I feel like that, it´s just in the subconscious.
    Especially if I´m looking for a professional, like a Doc. or lawyer, I prefer no accent, if I´m in the US. I even look for certain last names, if I have a list to choose from. Won´t say which names I avoid..hehe, since again, I´m embarrassed of my subconscious actions.

  35. #35
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    and you may be surprised to find the the flu is the same in several languages.

  36. #36
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    i wouldnt call 21 a "kid"

    hes old enough to make his own decisions and bozlet. no your not doomed and you may recover just fine from this cycle. and i dont think you have the flu sometimes you will feel like shit just rest up and dont train you will be fine in no time at all, theres too much flaming on this board hes here for advice, you have advised him not to cycle which is correct. he did it anyway and now hes asking another question and i think its fair that he gets an answer. after all it is questions and answers regardless of age and bodyweight

  37. #37
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    sorry i didnt go to a high educational school that teaches u how to spell each word correctly nerds.

  38. #38
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    Mike Tyson can´t pronounce "Pigeon". He says "Piggin". But he can still kick ass.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    sorry i didnt go to a high educational school that teaches u how to spell each word correctly nerds.
    Rofl... Ok, now I'm convinced it's just a troll.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Rofl... Ok, now I'm convinced it's just a troll.
    agreed, flu is along the lines of cat. High education words I mean.

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