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Thread: Clen question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Clen question

    Stats:6 ft 3, 215lbs

    ive read a little bit about clen and the posts about clen on this forum are very helpful. But im just a little confused.
    is clen more suited for someone with reasonably low body fat whose looking to drop a few pounds of fat OR someone with a mid to high body fat (say 20% or higher) trying to assist fat loss over a long period of time??

    if i was to get on clen i would only want to drop a few pounds to make my abs come out a bit better BUT im really only curious to increase my IQ about all these things then actually serious about getting on clen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    it can be used on either really. but will get good results if you diet clean and train hard. common sense really

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    yeah thats what i thought. i just cringe when i hear someone who has a "sloppy" physique (nicest way i thought to put it) "oh yeah im getting on Hydroxycut" or any of those OTC fat burners thinking theyre a magical pill so didnt know if it would be suited to a big guy.
    thankyou fellow new south welshman.. i think i recognise that mirror lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    lol recognise my mirror. haha.

    np mate. good luck with the clen. have a read on clen here. e.g. 2 week on 2 week of cycles. im going that atm. just in the diet section getting help with the gurus to help with carb cycling

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