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Thread: Is it time for my first cycle? Natural so far..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Is it time for my first cycle? Natural so far..


    I am pretty new to the forum but not to lifting..
    Been regularly lifting weights for nearly 5 years, have made mistakes but also learnt a lot.

    Pretty sure I am Mesomorph and stats are -
    Age - 29
    Height - 5'8
    Current weight - 75kg (165lbs)
    Bodyfat estimate - 13% to 15 %
    Never cycled

    I have a good understanding of diet needs and can bulk pretty well and cut for the summer, but have come across one problem. I have taken my weight to 83 kg before whilst bulking (Clean) but no matter what I always end up with too much bodyfat and as soon as I lean back down I end up back at around 73kg.

    (Currently I have been on a 4 week bulk so a little more fat than usual in the pictures)

    I have come to the conclusion that I just have an optimum weight of around 75kg and have been stuck here for the past 2 years.

    I maxed out on all 1 rep max's now and cant increase those either
    Bench - 125kg
    Squat - 140kg
    Deadlift - 129kg

    For quite a few years I have been thinking about trying a cycle, this year I hit 30 so natural testosterone will slow down and think its time..

    My goal is to to get to 85kg with bf between 10% - 13%. Not so worried about being cut, I prefer the size.

    I would really appreciate any thoughts based on the pics, I feel ready but still need to research exactly which cycle I will do.

    Cheers guys!
    Last edited by scootz; 05-23-2012 at 03:53 PM.

  2. #2
    a simple test e only cycle would be fine, but you are going to have to get diet right or you will gain fat on AAS as well, Trust me! I know that well. do the research and come back with a diet, cycle plan, and pct. We can look over it then.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Look pretty lean a couple pounds and you'll be right. Post a diet with macros so we can tweak this before you cycle so gains can be as lean as possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    not ready. learn your diet b4 starting

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Hi guys

    Was planning on giving myself about 3 months (approx) to research the right cycle/pct so will definitely post what I find and any feedback would be great. I have my diet plans all on computer at home so will post them up tomorrow.

    Test E is something I have been reading about and seems to be good starting point, thanks for the info!

    Vishus, was a bit confused as to why you think I'm not ready, haven't posted diet plan yet so surely it would be a bit quick to dismiss my doing a cycle unless you have other reasons? I do respect your opinion but please give more detail..

    Cheers again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by scootz View Post
    Hi guys

    Was planning on giving myself about 3 months (approx) to research the right cycle/pct so will definitely post what I find and any feedback would be great. I have my diet plans all on computer at home so will post them up tomorrow.

    Test E is something I have been reading about and seems to be good starting point, thanks for the info!

    Vishus, was a bit confused as to why you think I'm not ready, haven't posted diet plan yet so surely it would be a bit quick to dismiss my doing a cycle unless you have other reasons? I do respect your opinion but please give more detail..

    Cheers again

    suggested you do this just by looking at your pics. this post was not meant to flame you, it was merely to suggest you can gain more natrually with a bulking diet since u said you weigh only 165lbs, would rather have you gain naturally until youve reached your threshold then think about cycling

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    That's good feedback, cheers for explaining..
    Suppose my issue is I feel I have reached my threshhold and now gains only come very minimally. I don't feel I can get much bigger (while staying reasonably lean).

    If I decide to go ahead it wont be until after the summer so have some more time naturally but I would be really interested in knowing at one point did you guys decide it was time to cycle?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by vishus View Post
    not ready. learn your diet b4 starting

    You do have a better base then most guys proir to starting, but I see someone that could with the right diet and basic compound lifts put on another 15 pounds or more...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Need to get a solid diet plan before you cycle.

    knowing at one point did you guys decide it was time to cycle?
    Everyone is different obviously. In the end it's up to you. If you feel ready (which it seems you do), go for it, you're 30 and your base is fine. Again, make sure you get a good diet down before you start to achieve the best gains.
    Last edited by Kiki; 04-10-2011 at 03:58 PM.

  10. #10
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Not sure 165lbs at 5'8 puts you in the Mesomorph category as you state. I will go ahead and join the crowd in stating your plateau is almost surely due to lack of proper dieting and training. You have quite a bit of natural muscle still to be had if you wanted to put in the work to make it happen. Your pictures dont resemble that of someone who trains hard and eats right. The fact your Bench, Dead and Squat are all within a few lbs of each other is another red flag towards your training as well. A cycle may well get you to where you want to go but you will be right back to where you are now in shortly thereafter until you make training and dietary improvements.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by scootz View Post

    I am pretty new to the forum but not to lifting..
    Been regularly lifting weights for nearly 5 years, have made mistakes but also learnt a lot.

    Pretty sure I am Mesomorph and stats are -
    Age - 29
    Height - 5'8
    Current weight - 75kg (165lbs)
    Bodyfat estimate - 13% to 15 %
    Never cycled

    I have a good understanding of diet needs and can bulk pretty well and cut for the summer, but have come across one problem. I have taken my weight to 83 kg before whilst bulking (Clean) but no matter what I always end up with too much bodyfat and as soon as I lean back down I end up back at around 73kg.

    (Currently I have been on a 4 week bulk so a little more fat than usual in the pictures)

    I have come to the conclusion that I just have an optimum weight of around 75kg and have been stuck here for the past 2 years.

    I maxed out on all 1 rep max's now and cant increase those either
    Bench - 125kg
    Squat - 140kg
    Deadlift - 129kg

    For quite a few years I have been thinking about trying a cycle, this year I hit 30 so natural testosterone will slow down and think its time..

    My goal is to to get to 85kg with bf between 10% - 13%. Not so worried about being cut, I prefer the size.

    I would really appreciate any thoughts based on the pics, I feel ready but still need to research exactly which cycle I will do.

    Cheers guys!
    def not ready to cycle, squat and dlift should be way way above your bench press.
    to give you idea, i was squatting 235kg and dlifting 240kg when i plifted in 75kg class aged 23 and never had used gear

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The feedback I have received from you guys has been a real eye opener. To be honest I hoped I would receive more people saying 'Go for it' but over the past few days I have come to realize that although I could start planning a cycle the truth is I know I can still gain more naturally.

    Have always made one big mistake which has been during my bulking phases I panic when I lose any abs and go back to maintenance diet.

    I have never tried eating like an animal for 3 - 4 months and doing heavy compound lifts (maybe some isolation for smaller muscle groups) which I think is what I need to take me past the plateau.

    Think I will be heading over to the diet section to try and get a better plan for a bulking diet, if anyone has some good tips for getting past this plateau let me know!

    Cheers again for the advice

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Agree, need to get yourself to the diet section

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