here we go
here we go
damn dude lookin hella swole, and clean.
what are you running?
Beast! What are some of your lifts?
Nice! Looks really well rounded, great job. Also curious as to what you've got.
now thats a clean bulk , great work!!!
thanks bro. Test e 500 ew 12 weeks and tren e 400 ew for 8 weeks
bench 405 6 reps now squat 455 10reps dead lift 365 10 reps. I know i could go hevier but i only count lift where i cud get 6 to 10 good reps
thanks bro
Thanks alot
Those wheels are catching up.
Note: this is the OP's second cycle only.
look good man,is it your 2nd cycle?
I seen another one of your earlier posts a little while back you were definately a beast before you ever touched a needle
The question is when are you going to do your first show man, any goals for something like that you look ****en great man and the size fits you well.
looks crazy, like to know your diet. posted please.
thanks brother. The wheels were a lil blurry because i did them earlier that day.
thanks bro. yup 2nd cycle
thanks alot
thanks bj mostlikely april 9
thanks bro. diet was simple. I ate nothing but chicken breast and rice and 2 shakes for 9weeks. now its just tolopia and brown rice 4 sevings a day and 2 shakes
Looking huge and thick bro,Need to bring up the wheels more but other than that sick,How old are you?
fvck man looking sick. good sh*t
Damn that's good to know, now I know where I have been screwing up, that's all I eat except I have been doing chicken breast and baked potatos and steamed lentils or flounder and baked potatos and steamed lentils. I am going to switch to the brown rice, how long after that will I look just like you?
good god ty! uve made dam good progress since ur first cycle, wheels are looking better as well! keep pounding away dude, lookn good
phht...frikin tiny man...
lol just kiddin bro you know im a big ty fan...well done bro, very insperational....i just want to note to the kids thinking there gonna jump on cycle and look like aint gonna happen, ty is a perfect example of doing things right...and good genetics dosent hurt eather....way to go brother!!!!![]()
This cycle has been a truly remarkable to follow. Well done you should be very satisfied
your lat spread pics makes your avi looks small. how's the weight now? 250?
Ty you look amazing bro! Proof that hard work pays off and just as Dfoster said I also have seen alot of your pics before your cycle and you looked like a physical beast so hats off to you bro.
Man your looking great
Very nice and symmetrical. Overall size looks great.
whts ur stats now? u thinking of competing? if ur not, u shuld be :P
thanhks my brother. they gonna get there trust me
LOL bro. Yea i follow directions to the T. You guys helped me alot
Thanks alot bro.
Thanks bro. Im floating around 255
Thanks bro> much appreciated
thanks bro
Thanks alot
im around 255. Yea i think i am around july
Potential right there.
455 squat for 10. 365 deadlift for 10. Seems a bit off for your physique, back looks much stronger than legs..
nonetheless, 2nd cycle... elite response genetics right there, Keep at it.
Kudos Bro....
Im new to this, do you run the cycles concurrent or one after the other or what?
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