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Thread: Need a complete cycle, please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Birmingham, UK

    Need a complete cycle, please

    Hi all, im a 43 year old male, 5'11", 186Ilbs and 13% bf, im looking at doing a 12 week test e frontloading with 4 week dbol at 40 mg a day. What id like are some suggestions on what to run with it and what Pct. Ive read Swifto and Pheendos Pct's but its just too much information to make a selection on my own, would like to know what you all think would be a good solid cycle with pct, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board leewil1
    I will be happy to help, but first, I need to know a little bit more about you before I can think about answering your question
    It sounds like this is your first cycle? Is that right?
    How much weight lifting experience (years) do you have?
    Any other knowledge about aas besides swifto and Pheendos threads?

    Let me finish by saying the standard advice for any first cycle (I'm assuming here) would be test only for 12 weeks with a dose of 500mg (cyp or enth?) each week.
    You need to understand how test effects your body. So the advice is to skip the orals for now (dbol).

    Have you had your blood panels checked yet? This would be an excellent idea before you consider starting a cycle. For one, it gives you a base line on where your test levels are at, prior to a cycle.

    How's your blood pressure right now? You are at the age where this needs to be considered. High blood pressure can be a killer, and aas may increase your blood pressure.

    Cholestoral levels check out ok?

    How's your diet? Do you know your BMR?

    Your exercise routine. How's that looking? You can post it up in the exercise forum and we can check that out for you.

    Very simply, at a basic level, you will need 20mg/day of Nolva, for at least a month, maybe longer.

    Now, the question I should have asked in the beginning? What are your goals?

    Let me know and we can continue this conversation.

    Warm regards,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Birmingham, UK
    Ive been training for the last 2 years, ive also trained in the past and added muscle quite easily. Ive just had my blood taken and im awaiting results. Im in good condition but this time round after trying everything i cant add muscle. A couple of months ago i read an article on a bodybuilding forum that made me realise that my test levels are probably low, i have low labido, low energy etc. My goal is to add some lean muscle. Id have been happy to do it naturally its just not happening. My diet is excellent a clean 3000 calories a day, 6 meals 500 calories each roughly 22% p 48%c and 30% fat. My current training programme is a 4 day split upper and lower body by Charles Poloquin, any help with the cycle would be appreciated Roman

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    May I suggest something without you taking it the wrong way? You say you've gained muscle easily before, but now, you say possibly low test (will know soon) and cotninue by describing all the classic symptoms of low test. I'm thinking instead of "cycling" you may actually need TRT. If this is the case, and you can optimize your test levels, this may be better overall for you. I say this because, let's pick one symptom, let's look at low libido. Your libido will improve on cycle, but will come crashing down when off. You ready for a roller coaster ride like that? If you are looking for an improvement in your quality of life, then TRT may be the answer you seek. We will know soon enough when your blood panel results come back.

    Here's what I did. I went on TRT after doing all the blood work, and consultations with endos, and learning all i could here on the board. Libido improved, muscularity improved, and yet I was able to maintain a descent blood pressure, and cholestoral profile. A standard dose for TRT is 100mg cyp every week.

    Now, there are some other things you can do as well. You may wish to consider taking some peptides, which will increase your natural production of Growth Hormone. CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 are two that have good track records, and will improve muscular growth and fat loss, not a bad combination. Do some reading here
    to learn more about them. the nice thing is that they don't do the damage most testosterone based cycles can do, and certainly less harmful than any oral streroid.

    this is what I'd recommend. But do your research and decide for your self.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Birmingham, UK
    Cool thanks man, after training for 2 years and getting very little back apart from an enjoyable hobby,i guess ive become impatient. I need to take a step back and consider TRT. The problem we have in the UK is that very few doctors are aware of this problem and if i do get the right doctor ive heard it can take up to a year to get treatment and then you get patches. But then having read of other peoples experiences on a light beginners cycle i am aware of the risks but im prepared to take them, i dont take this lightly but i am going to do a bit more research, wait for my results and then go from there. Thanks for the advice. Mr Impatient.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I believe Marcus is in the UK, and is taking Nebido for his TRT. You can get some input from him.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Birmingham, UK
    Great thanks bro, I read his article on this product sounds interesting. Thanks for the help, much appreciated, Lee

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    welcome abord.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Birmingham, UK
    Thanks cro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Birmingham, UK
    Thanks cro

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