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Thread: Deca 250 & Sus 250

  1. #1

    Deca 250 & Sus 250

    I want to what the side affects of these two steroids will be like.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by EmreTheTurk View Post
    I want to what the side affects of these two steroids will be like.
    it depends on the individual,i know deca has libido issues due to high gyno symptoms,but not like a test gyno,but from a progeterone cause,that causes deca dick,also water retention is a common side from deca,it also is dose dependant sometimes on if you will have the sides or not,the lower the dose,the lower the chances are of sides,but both compunds need different ancillaries to combat sides,sus 250 needs aromasin or arimidex and the deca needs either prami or caber for progesterone build up,ive never run deca,but im fixing to run it with test cyp with my cycle,and im going to run it at the minimum dose of 400mg/week and the test cyp at 600mg/week,since its my first time using the deca to see what kind of sides i have,its a strong compund.what doses where you considering running?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board!
    you are 18 years old according to your profile. As such, I want to be clear that this board does not condone the useage of aas for youths until the age of 25. Because of your age, no member here will give you advice on how to take aas, or what the side effects are. you are certainly welcome to read any of the existing threads available, but we ask you to refrain from posting here in the aas section. We have taken this position to safe guard your health, as your endocrine and HPTA systems will continue to mature until your mid twenties. Your body needs to produce testosterone naturally for the next several years in order to be able to fully develop your hormonal systems, undisturbed with the introduction of exogeneos testosterone.
    The good news is that your body is still ramping up high amounts of testosterone, and with proper diet and exercise, huge gains over the next few years are to be had for the taking. So please go to the appropriate diet and exercise sections and learn everything you can. In a few years, after you have a solid, natural base, and if you still want advice on aas, then we will certainly be more than happy to help.
    Again, welcome to the board!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Welcome to the board!
    you are 18 years old according to your profile. As such, I want to be clear that this board does not condone the useage of aas for youths until the age of 25. Because of your age, no member here will give you advice on how to take aas, or what the side effects are. you are certainly welcome to read any of the existing threads available, but we ask you to refrain from posting here in the aas section. We have taken this position to safe guard your health, as your endocrine and HPTA systems will continue to mature until your mid twenties. Your body needs to produce testosterone naturally for the next several years in order to be able to fully develop your hormonal systems, undisturbed with the introduction of exogeneos testosterone.
    The good news is that your body is still ramping up high amounts of testosterone, and with proper diet and exercise, huge gains over the next few years are to be had for the taking. So please go to the appropriate diet and exercise sections and learn everything you can. In a few years, after you have a solid, natural base, and if you still want advice on aas, then we will certainly be more than happy to help.
    Again, welcome to the board!
    damn Roman,i didnt take the time to read his profile,my bad,im pretty dam stupid,thanks for the heads up and always aprreciate your post to yougters,and i shouldve checked his age before i commented

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    damn Roman,i didnt take the time to read his profile,my bad,im pretty dam stupid,thanks for the heads up and always aprreciate your post to yougters,and i shouldve checked his age before i commented
    you always have the option of pushing the "edit" button

    just a thought =)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    you always have the option of pushing the "edit" button

    just a thought =)
    yea i know man

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