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Thread: Aromasin or Arimidex?

  1. #1

    Aromasin or Arimidex?


    I was wondering what were the pros and cons of these AI?

    Also, from what I read, some forums seem to recommend to use AI no matter what whereas the general consensus here is to only use AI if you are prone to gyno... any reason why? Shouldnt we better be safe than sorry? :P


    Offtopic question but if anyone has the time... Should I stop using Jack3d on a 12 week Test E cycle? I read it wasnt good to use NO products while on steroids but didnt see any reasons why.

  2. #2
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    Both do a very good job at controlling estrogen...

    If you know your prone to erse's then it makes sense to run an ai, however some are better suited to elevated estrogen levels as estrogen is also important when building new muscle tissue...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Wouldn't then finding the perfect amount of AI to stop estroegen side effects while still having enough to make gains be the goal?

  4. #4
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    ^^^ Thats what most would do yes...

    However i can run test only at upto 750mgs ew before i experience erse's, so if i was to run test at 500mgs ew then i wouldnt bother running an ai...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    Hmmm I get it then! I think I'l;l have it just in case but wait before using it.

    Do you have any input on NO products while on Test E?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by esc0bar View Post

    I was wondering what were the pros and cons of these AI?

    Also, from what I read, some forums seem to recommend to use AI no matter what whereas the general consensus here is to only use AI if you are prone to gyno... any reason why? Shouldnt we better be safe than sorry? :P


    Offtopic question but if anyone has the time... Should I stop using Jack3d on a 12 week Test E cycle? I read it wasnt good to use NO products while on steroids but didnt see any reasons why.
    Either one are great AI's and will work well. I say better safe than sorry,,use and AI. It will help you avoid some of the estrogen sides we like to saty away from like gyno,,bloat/water retention,,,etc...

  7. #7
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by esc0bar View Post
    Hmmm I get it then! I think I'l;l have it just in case but wait before using it.

    Do you have any input on NO products while on Test E?
    continue with your jack3d if you want, its fine

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