Last edited by vishus; 04-29-2011 at 10:44 AM.
took these this morning right after cardio. look extremely flat and i feel like a pvssy lol
weight was 235 upon wakening.
FIREGUY, need ur input please! i kno these pics arent pretty, but im hopin they are better than last one i posted
I think amazing.....
Lower back and legs are holding ALOT.
I still feel like youre def behind. At 2 weeks you should pretty much already be stage ready. The second to last week you should be "there" and able to experiment with carbs, sodium, water so you have a better idea of what your body will respond to doing various things. Then the last week should just be cruise mode.
I think you can still pull it off for a solid placing depending on the show.
You have the mass. But conditioning is lacking in my eyes.
Im sure Fireguy will have some solid advice for ya.
What is your bf% at now?
you've cut alot of bf off in a short time. legs look big! chest lacking a bit perhaps? good layer of tan will make a big diff, you not use mtan?
Some retention ....but...still time; and your trainer probably will adjust in the few weeks coming up anyways.....its what they're there for.
I can already see striations in the shoulders....
But for someone who started late in the you know for next time.
Has he worked with your posing? Just cause I see some slight movements that could bring out more as an illusion to your advantage..........
I still love the legs. Those will help your scoring.......
your legs are massive bro.
thank you
i know. but if i crash diet just to get rid of a little BF and water my upper body will SHRIVEL up, its what happened last time around. once i drop my water itll all tighten up qiukly
no idea. i hate playing with numbers. i even hate weighing myself lol numbers will drive a person crazy
thanks. yes ive used it before, dont have the $$$ right now for it or tanning salon. will have to apply a few extra layers of pro tan instead. yes my chest has been lacking for some time, it used to overpower my other bodyparts when i was younger, i hate training chest lol
thank you!anytips for the posing? i havent worked on posing much :s i know, shame on me!
i appreciate it bro. my body changes very quickly with slight changes, so hopefully by showtime i will be somewhat ready to look good on stage
thanx, not to brag but i hit an all time high this week squatting 405 for 20 reps. tren does wonders lol
hahaha what a stud.^^^
Your last show you looked spot on, very impressive. If you were a client or friend of mine and asked me for input, I would say, pick another show further out. You arent ready and you arent going to be ready in 14 days. You have a 6-8 week out look. Please dont take that the wrong way, you know I have a ton of respect for you but when it comes to crunch time you need people who will be brutally honest with you. Anyone who tells you you're on track is just doing it to not hurt your feelings. If your coach/trainer is telling you you're on track its simply because he doesnt want to admit he didnt bring you in correctly.
The fact you are hitting all time highs with your lifts is just further evidence you are not where you need to be. At two weeks out climbing the stairs should be a challenge.
looking swole bro.. what chems you running?
Wow dude, you look great, and way thicker than your previous contest pics.
Gotta start tannin soon!
personally vishus i dont get what she sees in that body... :P
looking much btr then previous pics, but still, for 2 weeks out ur not as cut as u shuld be (to put it lightly). ur legs are ur best asset and u dont relaly have any cuts between ur heads, ur back needs alot of work 2 get ur "christmas tree" visable and ur traps sepereated from ur rhombs and lats. triceps need 2 get cut alot more aswell, i culd go on :P nice progress though. good luck in the show! u'll have the size on every1 at least :P
As always a great , no bull shit reply from FG...
I know u wanna do this show just for the hell of it but whats the point.... why not take FG's advise and come in shredded with size.... I think you will do great if you can come in shredded...
IMO conditioning is number one, posing number two and size number 3...
I would much rather go into a show being the shredded smaller guy than the 4 week out big guy... Just my opinion... But you could have both size and conditioning if you choose another show...
good luck whatever you decide to do
thank you. and i expected and always expect you to be honest with me. i respect that you are honest with me. i take criticism well and learn from it. i know i dont look near ready and im am VERY glad you said something about doing another show later on! why the hell not? lol if i do good at this show, i could find another one to do in june? or do you think later than june? the only obsticle would be my work schedule :s working weekends from 6pm-6am.
again, i respect your honesty and advice. thank you
sorry bro cant comment on that one :s
haha i know, i have the size this time but lack the conitioning from last time. i dont have any funds to start tanning :s
LOL! i always think the same thing (just kidding KG :P) yes i have much work to do, but i am probly going to listen to fireguy and do another show later this summer after the one in 2 weeks. ill consider this first one a "warm-up" show
thanks bro, always appreciate your input! and yes, i already registered for this show, but will take the advice and probly do another one later on so i can work on my conditioning and have some size too!
you conditioning is way better the fireguys and he won an open. your g2g.
im just kidding fireguy you looked amazing!
but vishus you look great in general speaking but not for this show i definitely think you should listen to fireguy and do a little later show whether you do this one or not. good luck buddy i wish ya the best
Are you planning on tanning at all?
yeah, i def would have if i have the funds....i only have about 170$ in my account to last me until may 16th lol i kno....pretty sad! but i can get by. i budget very wisely and focus on getting my food and thats it lol
ill probly start thursday morning with the pro tan and just coat it on all day and then again friday as well
another sleepless night......cant understand why i cant sleep now. anyone have the same problem when dieting for a show? its pissin me off like thoughts keep racing and i cant settle down. if anyone has a remedy for this please give ur input (sex is outta the libido is pretty much gone)
Take some Gaba....750 mgs about an hour before bed and then some melatonin at bed. At least 3 mgs and maybe 6 but no more since more could give nightmares. Also Unisom is OTC and really helps to KEEP you asleep.
and PS: sounds silly but clean sheets will help you sleep better. "tis true. I change mine a lot just for this reason. I love my sleep!
you dropped the bf bro that for sure. i'm no expert on shows and much respect to you and the others that compete. i think many guys out there don't realize the sacrifices that come with the lifestyle; like the budget and stress. good luck at the upcoming shows place your best and keep hitting any goals you set for yourself.
one thing i just noticed is your calves...ur quads just dwarf them :P do u train ur calves man? for such a big guy ur calves are on par with me, and im a long way from ur standard.
i appreciate the kind words. yes, it does take A LOT of sacrafice! so much to the point where u almost break down it wears n tears on u so much. i appreciate your support brother!
LOL! i know right? they are pathetic......i slacked on training them in high school and started kinda late on training them :s they are also stubborn as fvck!! they have come a long ways though (kinda hard to see but i do have pics where they are much much smaller lol)
i have been really switching up my training for them with a lot of supersets with high reps to try and stimulate growth, i also incorporate a lot of heavy standing and seated calf raises
It good to see a big guy with decent genetics. I also think your not all that ready but think you have a great base to work with.
I would also say to priority train those calves man your arms are good thighs good but calves tiny lol
but all the best mate...
looking good man need to start tanning! what was your dosing protocol if u dont mind me asking?
You look huge , but I would say your legs are pretty much dominating entire body, I would keep that in mind for next off season bulk.
In the home stretch Vishus........stay strong!
I am glad you are doing it bro. Amazing improvement in only two weeks! Like Kawi says, you are in the home stretch now brother! Score one for MASSIVE! GET SOME!!!!
i will most likely keep training them like i do now, i will be training other parts like my chest and arms more frequently to bring them up
thanks darlin! 12 more days! im gettin super excited!
thanks big brotherim ready to get down there and make some noise, ill be the baby on stage but that doesnt mean i can make some noise!
Looking good. You are leaning up great. As FG said you might be a few more weeks out and to plan on another show but I think you should still do this one just don’t try to FORCE yourself to get to where you want to be if you know you cant. Go to the show and do your best but don’t jeopardize your health and future show by trying to do a last minute crunch. Consider it a dry run, practice to work more on your poses and stage appearance.
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