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Thread: looking for some input

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Lightbulb looking for some input

    days 1-10: 1mg sus pd
    days 11-20: 1mg decca/bolderone/primo mix pd
    days 21-30: 1mg proprionate pd

    at the best of my knowledge this is what i cave come up with

    30yrs old
    183 lbs

    intake 3500-4500 cals a day hard to take in much more because it is so hot.
    6-7 meals a day
    Iam not sure if this is good because i have read that first time users should only use 1 test for there cycle because it is a foundation builder.

    not sure what else to add if need more info please ask and i will respond
    looking for more endurance
    Last edited by 11Bgrunt1; 05-09-2011 at 02:43 PM.

  2. #2
    this is a disaster waiting to happen ur taking 1 g of test per day? or do u mean per week?

  3. #3
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    Per week. Is that bad. Sorry not very good at putting what i want to say into words.

  4. #4
    is this ur first cycle,,, what are u stats etc?

  5. #5
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    May 2011
    yes what do you want to know i dont want to give you a bunch of info you dont need

  6. #6
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    age 30
    I do mostly functional fitness type stuff being as I am in the INFANTRY I have to be quick strong and agile. I do lift 2 hours a day after work. In the morning for PT I have myself and my guys do more or less cardiovascular type stuff two more hours of PT.

    I eat healthy. don't eat sweets, not a junk food guy. I don't eat anything out of a can. My wife is a health food freak so there is no fried foods or MCD's.

    Height: 5' 9" (1 m 75 cm) Waist: 31" (78.74 cm)
    Weight: 183.65 lb (83.5 kg) Thighs: 22.5" (57.15 cm)
    Bodyfat: 7.5 % Calves: 14.5" (36.83 cm)
    Chest: 42" (106.68 cm) Forearms: 12" (30.48 cm)
    Arms: 15" (38.10 cm) Shoulders: 52" (132.08 cm)
    Hips: 38" (96.52 cm) Neck: 16" (40.64 cm)

    Bench: 325 lb (147.7 kg) Bicep Curl: 130 lb (59.1 kg)
    Squat: 390 lb (177.3 kg) Barbell Rows: 180 lb (81.8 kg)
    Deadlift: 350 lb (159.1 kg) Overhead Press: 250 lb (113.6 kg)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    days 1-10: 1gram sus pd
    days 11-20: 1gram decca/bolderone/primo mix pd
    days 21-30: 1gram proprionate pd

    at the best of my knowledge this is what i cave come up with

    30yrs old
    183 lbs

    intake 3500-4500 cals a day hard to take in much more because it is so hot.
    6-7 meals a day
    Iam not sure if this is good because i have read that first time users should only use 1 test for there cycle because it is a foundation builder.

    not sure what else to add if need more info please ask and i will respond
    looking for more endurance
    Thats terrible for a first time user.... whats you PCT like? and IF you read that first time users should only use test, then why not just use test???? Also 30 weeks in my opinion is to much.....Most importante Question... how long you been working out?

    From week 1 to 10 is that test Suspension or test Sust?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    this is what i would do....

    week 1 to 15 500mg a week of test Sust (250mg 2 times a week)
    week 1 to 12 400mg of deca

    i would also get some nolvadex to have on hand incase you are prone to Gyno, i would also get some proviron, and take 50mg everyday for the entire 15 weeks.
    you need HCG, clomid, for PCT.

  9. #9
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    May 2011
    1 milliliter of Sustanon 250 Contains:
    30 mgs Testosterone Propionate
    60mgs testosterone Phenylpropionate
    60mgs testosterone Isocaproate
    100 mgs testosterone Decanoate -100 mg
    this is what is in the day 1-10 vials

    Sorry about the confusion I fixed it. it is one mg per day

    I am not taking this as of yet so i have not come up with a PCT.

  10. #10
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    I have been working out for the past 12 yrs

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    1 milliliter of Sustanon 250 Contains:
    30 mgs Testosterone Propionate
    60mgs testosterone Phenylpropionate
    60mgs testosterone Isocaproate
    100 mgs testosterone Decanoate -100 mg
    this is what is in the day 1-10 vials

    Sorry about the confusion I fixed it. it is one mg per day

    I am not taking this as of yet so i have not come up with a PCT.
    O.K... now i get it... we thought you were saying 1000mg a week.
    1 mililiter of sustanon 250 on the syringe is 1CC.
    So you want to take 500 mg a week.... so thats 2 injections a week ( lets say 1 on Sunday and 1 on wednesday).
    you have you sust in vials or Amps????

  12. #12
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    O.K... now i get it... we thought you were saying 1000mg a week.
    1 mililiter of sustanon 250 on the syringe is 1CC.
    So you want to take 500 mg a week.... so thats 2 injections a week ( lets say 1 on Sunday and 1 on wednesday).
    you have you sust in vials or Amps????
    IM a ****ing dumb ass they are amps but i call them vials i know the difference I apologize for confusing everybody. What else can I say I will pay more attention from now on

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    IM a ****ing dumb ass they are amps but i call them vials i know the difference I apologize for confusing everybody. What else can I say I will pay more attention from now on
    Amps, cool...use 2 of those a week...

  14. #14
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    May 2011
    so you think this would give me the out come i am looking for, Stronger without lots of size added and more endurance?

  15. #15
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    Arctic Circle
    183 lbs, 5'9, and only 6-7% Bodyfat? Post some pics up those are great stats (although I'm skeptical). In addition, I think you should read the stickies & Educational threads to help educate yourself about the world of anabolics.

  16. #16
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    I have tried but it tells me that it cant upload them.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    so you think this would give me the out come i am looking for, Stronger without lots of size added and more endurance?
    Stronger yes... without lots of size ( then why use steroids, IF you dont want to get big???) that also depends on what you eat... i have friends using test and tren and dont grow much, BUT thats because they dont eat enough and their diet sucks.... more endurance ??? i know your wife will be happy in you not looking to get lots of size, then drop the deca, just use test...
    IF you are not looking to get big, then there is natural things on the market, that will get you stronger, with more endurance, without lots of size...

  18. #18
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    I have tried but most of what i read is most people telling one another they are dumb for this or that and its so full of shit I don't feel like spending days going through useless shit just like the new users read this before posting and commenting most of that stuff is years old.

  19. #19
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    Here is my thing about OTC stuff Is I don't understand enough about Phytomedicine. And there is no scientific proof any of it actually works as it claims to. Creatine is great i have used it and currently am using it. I don't like stimulants I am very sensitive to them. I drink a cup off coffee i puke and shake and feel as if my heart is going to fall out of my chest. So if you have some suggestions over what i was think originally i would greatly appreciate. the help.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    O.K... now i get it... we thought you were saying 1000mg a week.
    1 mililiter of sustanon 250 on the syringe is 1CC.
    So you want to take 500 mg a week.... so thats 2 injections a week ( lets say 1 on Sunday and 1 on wednesday).
    you have you sust in vials or Amps????
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    Amps, cool...use 2 of those a week...
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    183 lbs, 5'9, and only 6-7% Bodyfat? Post some pics up those are great stats (although I'm skeptical). In addition, I think you should read the stickies & Educational threads to help educate yourself about the world of anabolics.
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    Stronger yes... without lots of size ( then why use steroids, IF you dont want to get big???) that also depends on what you eat... i have friends using test and tren and dont grow much, BUT thats because they dont eat enough and their diet sucks.... more endurance ??? i know your wife will be happy in you not looking to get lots of size, then drop the deca, just use test...
    IF you are not looking to get big, then there is natural things on the market, that will get you stronger, with more endurance, without lots of size...

    I dont mind getting bigger but i dont want to weight over 210 LBS> Try to see it from my view 180 lbs person, 50 lbs plate armor, ammo 10-20 lbs ,ACH ( helmet) 3 lbs, Shot gun 5 lbs, M4 with 203 attachment 12 lbs NOT to include the fact it is 120-140 outside. See where im coming from thats like 265 lbs now say i was heavier more weight for me to carry I know I would be stronger but I don't want to kill my joints IT sucks enough carrying that shit around now at 180+- a pound or two 30-40 more pounds i would hate it I see the big guys now and they ****ing suck all day on patrols. So this is where I am coming from and if does not make any sense please someone say so

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    183 lbs, 5'9, and only 6-7% Bodyfat? Post some pics up those are great stats (although I'm skeptical). In addition, I think you should read the stickies & Educational threads to help educate yourself about the world of anabolics.

    ? why would you be skeptical. Just curious

  22. #22
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    If this is your first cycle please stay away from deca your first time out. Stick with a test only cycle first cycle and see how your body adjusts to what you are introducing into it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    If this is your first cycle please stay away from deca your first time out. Stick with a test only cycle first cycle and see how your body adjusts to what you are introducing into it.
    yes this will be my first cycle i have never taken anything other than protein and creatine. I am trying to find the best cycle for me. I dont know anyone who uses so i have no body to speak with over this subject. I am getting ready to deploy and the shit is everywhere I can get what ever I want I just dont want to do the wrong shit. If I am going to do this I want to do it right. Im not looking to add tons of mass as I have explained before. Just trying to do this the right way.

    failing to plan is planing to fail.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    I dont mind getting bigger but i dont want to weight over 210 LBS> Try to see it from my view 180 lbs person, 50 lbs plate armor, ammo 10-20 lbs ,ACH ( helmet) 3 lbs, Shot gun 5 lbs, M4 with 203 attachment 12 lbs NOT to include the fact it is 120-140 outside. See where im coming from thats like 265 lbs now say i was heavier more weight for me to carry I know I would be stronger but I don't want to kill my joints IT sucks enough carrying that shit around now at 180+- a pound or two 30-40 more pounds i would hate it I see the big guys now and they ****ing suck all day on patrols. So this is where I am coming from and if does not make any sense please someone say so
    i hear you bro ten years ago this was me. don't worry about gaining alot of weight. if you don't wish to add much size just decrease your calorie intake. after all these compounds are used in the cattle industry to improve feed efficiency ie the more eat the more you gain less you eat the less you gain. it won't inhibit any thing but mass you will still get stronger and more endurance. lean bulk cycles are actually done on a calorie restricted diet. i lose weight while doing my cycles. that what i am shooting for.

  25. #25
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    just do I test only cycle for 9-12 wks. but have stuff on hand for gyno, and have your pct ready for after. I think you will like the results of a test only cycle with the info you have already said.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by chopzall View Post
    i hear you bro ten years ago this was me. don't worry about gaining alot of weight. if you don't wish to add much size just decrease your calorie intake. after all these compounds are used in the cattle industry to improve feed efficiency ie the more eat the more you gain less you eat the less you gain. it won't inhibit any thing but mass you will still get stronger and more endurance. lean bulk cycles are actually done on a calorie restricted diet. i lose weight while doing my cycles. that what i am shooting for.
    Could you give me some information on these cycles you are taking? If you don't mind.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    just do I test only cycle for 9-12 wks. but have stuff on hand for gyno, and have your pct ready for after. I think you will like the results of a test only cycle with the info you have already said.
    Thanks for the input man appreciate the advice

  28. #28
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    I'm really skeptical of your stats. 183 lbs @ your height with only 6% bodyfat means you look pretty close to Costa Armen (google: narcissus simplyshredded to find him). A test cycle for 9 weeks is pointless assuming you use a long-estered Test, which is what you would want for your first cycle. I'd read the stickies and educational threads, along with getting a picture of yourself with those stats, and posting your current diet in the diet forums. In addition, I'd get some bloodwork done. If each of the aforementioned criteria are met, then look into an anabolic cycle. You can literally spend days researching just from the material on this website, let alone books, scientific journals, etc.

    There's a huge difference between 3500 and 4500 calories, which also sends a red flag up that your diet is not in check.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I'm really skeptical of your stats. 183 lbs @ your height with only 6% bodyfat means you look pretty close to Costa Armen (google: narcissus simplyshredded to find him). A test cycle for 9 weeks is pointless assuming you use a long-estered Test, which is what you would want for your first cycle. I'd read the stickies and educational threads, along with getting a picture of yourself with those stats, and posting your current diet in the diet forums. In addition, I'd get some bloodwork done. If each of the aforementioned criteria are met, then look into an anabolic cycle. You can literally spend days researching just from the material on this website, let alone books, scientific journals, etc.

    There's a huge difference between 3500 and 4500 calories, which also sends a red flag up that your diet is not in check.
    Yeah 1000 Calories trust me guy i know how to eat. I don't put in more than i need to. And if your trying to imply that I need to eat one set amount of calories everyday you are hugely mistaken. Which gives me a RED flag that you shouldn't be giving people advice. Look guy I am no expert on steroids I agree but I know how to eat. I run a 12.15 two mile run I max push ups and sit ups for my pt test PU 115 in 2 min SU 103 In 2 min. I run 5 miles in just under 40 min I know this means nothing to you or you may not even understand what I said. And no I don't look like that guy. maybe some similarities but no. I think i look thicker and I said between 6-7 the last time i did a BF test was about 3 months ago but I know im not fat ass. I do way to much cardio to get fat. And dont be such a hater I told you already that I would post the pics when this web site allows me. I will say one thing it needs to hurry because I leave for deployment here in about 7 days. But i figured you would have something to say about my lifting stats be as IM SO SMALL. not my height and weight MAN you add my measurements up and see what my BF is just stand by and i will put up my pics as soon as the site allows I promise you I will.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    Yeah 1000 Calories trust me guy i know how to eat. I don't put in more than i need to. And if your trying to imply that I need to eat one set amount of calories everyday you are hugely mistaken. Which gives me a RED flag that you shouldn't be giving people advice. Look guy I am no expert on steroids I agree but I know how to eat. I run a 12.15 two mile run I max push ups and sit ups for my pt test PU 115 in 2 min SU 103 In 2 min. I run 5 miles in just under 40 min I know this means nothing to you or you may not even understand what I said. And no I don't look like that guy. maybe some similarities but no. I think i look thicker and I said between 6-7 the last time i did a BF test was about 3 months ago but I know im not fat ass. I do way to much cardio to get fat. And dont be such a hater I told you already that I would post the pics when this web site allows me. I will say one thing it needs to hurry because I leave for deployment here in about 7 days. But i figured you would have something to say about my lifting stats be as IM SO SMALL. not my height and weight MAN you add my measurements up and see what my BF is just stand by and i will put up my pics as soon as the site allows I promise you I will.
    Not hating at you at all. I don't think you do or need to eat a "set amount" of calories every day, but to eat between a ranger of 1000 calories would be wrong unless your carb cycling or doing a 3 day plan (which I am assuming you are not since you didn't already provide that information). And I'm also skeptical that you can eat upwards of 4500 calories and still stay at 6% bodyfat naturally.

    The reason I gave you that guy is because he is the same height and bodyfat as you, and in that pic he was 187 pounds too. So if you don't look like him that would imply your stats are off.

    How did you calculate your bodyfat 3 months ago ? This might help you until you get pics up:

    In addition, if your in the military and leaving in 7 days is it that you want to cycle when you come home ?

    Not trying to be rude or hate on you at all chief, just trying to help get all the details.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Not hating at you at all. I don't think you do or need to eat a "set amount" of calories every day, but to eat between a ranger of 1000 calories would be wrong unless your carb cycling or doing a 3 day plan (which I am assuming you are not since you didn't already provide that information). And I'm also skeptical that you can eat upwards of 4500 calories and still stay at 6% bodyfat naturally.

    The reason I gave you that guy is because he is the same height and bodyfat as you, and in that pic he was 187 pounds too. So if you don't look like him that would imply your stats are off.

    How did you calculate your bodyfat 3 months ago ? This might help you until you get pics up:

    In addition, if your in the military and leaving in 7 days is it that you want to cycle when you come home ?

    Not trying to be rude or hate on you at all chief, just trying to help get all the details.

    No the reason I am asking is because I can get what ever i want overseas. All you have to do is walk into a gym and they sell the stuff right on the wall. Or have my terp get it for me sense they can come off and on the installation as they like, unlike us.

    I dint calculate it when you take a pt test for it to be recorded they measure you neck and waist and take into account your weight and height when they measured me I was 5'9 183 lbs 16 inch neck and 30 or 31 inch waist. Which came out to 6-7 % body fat unless someone ****ed up the math thats what is written in my documents.

    Well all i know is i work out 5 days a week for 4 hours. Two Hrs in the morning, hard pt. We only do cross fit type stuff. Every monday we run 5 miles and every friday we ruck 10 miles. After work I do about 1.5 hours of lifting and cross fit stuff and run for at least 30 min. I have a very high metabolism I would say I am a hard gainer. It is very hard for me to keep the weight I have now, if I don't eat at least 3k calories a day I will drop weight very fast. When i went through SFAS I dropped 33 lbs in 21 days and I was eating 5-6k calories a day, 4 full MRE's. I almost got dropped from the course because they thought my health was at risk. Although I made it through it took me almost 8 months to get the weight back.

    Well I dont really look like any of the guys from the site you gave me. I really wish I could post my pictures so you could see how I really do look. I didn't come on this site to try an bullshit anyone. I am proud of the way I look and I work very hard to stay this way. I did an online calculation of my BF% and this is what it gave me.
    Body Fat:
    8.32 % asked for height weight and age
    Fat Weight:
    15.2 pounds
    Lean Weight:
    167.8 pounds

    If there is information you need from me ask me specifically what you want and i will give it to you so I can get the best advice I can.

  32. #32
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    One other thing I get it a lot that people dont think I am 183 lbs I fluctuate a lot I can drop 5 lbs in a week with out trying. It is hard for me to gain and easy to lose but I have been told that I am very dense and strong for my size I get guys in the gym all the time BIG guys coming up to me asking how I lift what I lift being so small. I have no answer other than I just work hard. I dont see to many people my size well I have never see anybody my size rep 125 LBS dumbbells on incline. Not saying that is some magical feat but Im not a big guy by any means. Hopefully this helps some Fuk I dont know I just wish I could post my pics so you could see but I cant even look at my profile yet.

  33. #33
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    hopefully this works

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    hopefully this works
    I dont see nothing????

  35. #35
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    Yeah I dont know I spent over an hour trying to get the pictures to up load on the the site but I cant seem to figure it out i tried dragging and dropping them to the message and it wont up load. So i dont know what the problem is I don't know if it s because i am using a MAC computer or if I am doing something wrong . It pasted the text but not the picture. So I don't know if it is because I have not been a member long enough or what.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bgrunt1 View Post
    Yeah I dont know I spent over an hour trying to get the pictures to up load on the the site but I cant seem to figure it out i tried dragging and dropping them to the message and it wont up load. So i dont know what the problem is I don't know if it s because i am using a MAC computer or if I am doing something wrong . It pasted the text but not the picture. So I don't know if it is because I have not been a member long enough or what.
    make a free account on photobucket and upload your pic there. Once the pic is uploaded copy the "IMG CODE" and paste it in a post on this thread.

  37. #37
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  38. #38
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0134.jpg 
Views:	119 
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ID:	115493DSC_0140.jpg DSC_0136.jpg DSC_0134.jpg
    Last edited by 11Bgrunt1; 05-11-2011 at 04:45 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    make a free account on photobucket and upload your pic there. Once the pic is uploaded copy the "IMG CODE" and paste it in a post on this thread.
    i got it to work

  40. #40
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    Bro , from those pictures, you have more then 11 to 12 % body fat... at 8% you start to see your abs, and in your case i dont see it, in the pictures, also IF you are 183 pounds ( and i believe you IF you tell me) you must be heavy bone... not trying to put you down, just giving you my honest opinion.
    I also dont think you need to eat between 3500 and 4500 calories a day, being you only weigh 183 pounds... im 215 pounds with 13% body fat now, and i dont consume 4000 calories a day and soon will be cutting down those calories to start cutting...
    IF you still want to do a cycle,i would just use test, BUT again, i'm still going to give you my opinion, and i would say, ( looking at those pictures) that you are not ready for a cycle yet... you can still grow without using steroids.

    one more thing for you to consider... you said "I don't like stimulants I am very sensitive to them. I drink a cup off coffee i puke and shake and feel as if my heart is going to fall out of my chest." now i ask you, what do you think, its going to happen when you start taking steroids ,IF you are sensitive to stimulants and coffee... do you think steroids are not going to be worst for you????

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