Are you sleeping better? HOPE SO~
Are you sleeping better? HOPE SO~
i agree, last 2 times i dieted i did keto so this was my first time dieting with high carb and low fat. im doing this show for fun also, it wasnt planned and next time around i will plan 6 months out, do a state show then to junior nationals afterwards (or plan to do that, depending on my placing at state show)
Nothing will help you get a good nights sleep at this point.......its the end weeks of the sport. We all except that.....
double post
Last edited by Kawigirl; 05-03-2011 at 12:52 PM.
we gonna have 1 week out pics?
It'll go by so fast...before you know'll be looking back saying...."That wasn't so bad"Originally Posted by vishus;5626***
maybe.....depends on how i look and if theres going to be any changes. im going to be busy this week with it being finals week n finally moving out of my sh1tty apartment. if i do take any pics ill post em up
always kno how to make me relax :P
Looking forward to your results man! I just like the way you have 100 of things (moving/finals/etc) going and dont let them hinder your contest prep/diet/or workouts. I guess it shows the true mentality of a competitor.
do you do a cheat meal when preping for a comp?
Your legs are huge, with regards to calves, I think their size is more related to genetics.
I cant believe your only 21, not due to your size but your skin maturity, you look alot older, maybe its just the pics.
What kind of level is this competition?
of course! but only if im allowed to do so. if my conditioning looks off or if i need to speed things up i will skip my weekly cheat meal. if i need to slow things down (if im losing too fast) i will have a cheat meal or in some rare cases, a cheat day
thanks bro. yes my genetics are terrible in the calf department, both my brothers have tiny calves as well
this is a state show, and a national qualifier, im going to be going up against some bigger guys with a lot more mature muscle than me, so itll be good experience
Judging by your pics I think you have huge potential and I can see your reasoning for entering this competition, hopefully you gain good experience from it.
Are you considering going full time in the future?
thank you for the kind words bro. im hopin to get experience from it, im not expecting any kind of high placing or award, just the experience and fun from it.
i dont think i will ever go "full time" as a bodybuilder. i plan on keeping my job and saving money for my future family and kids, to go full time is a pipe dream. yes that would be fantastic if i could, but i dont plan to lol
i totally agree, but i do feel that once i have accomplished school and getting a job and finding a girl, that my next step in life will be kids and a family. yes, this sport is selfishness to the fullest lol its the only way we can succeed! and who knows, it might turn out that i wont be able to have kids n whatnot. but for now im focusing on the present, no need to dwell in the past or become anxious for the future
yo Bro;
You will look good i am sure because you have an amazing base, so have fun with the show and don't worry too much about being rite on for conditionning. Having said that - you look like a giant marshmellow - or maybe the Michelin Man - I guess there's not too much sun where you live and you have a nocturnal lifestyle atm. MTII is the bomb for adding some color - u got to do that for your next show - plus it will just make you feel better when u look in the mirror!
Still jealous of your massive quads, man! ;-) enjoy the contestn and be better prepared for the next - you'd do really well at the nationals & have a huge potential.
I've got the genetically small calf problem too. My upper legs and ass blow up when I hit weights heavy, but calves are stubborn. One thing I found that works is stretching during sets. Before during and after reps especially when they are really pumped. Going really heavy helps too. Light weights, drop sets etc. don't seem to do s**t. Hope that helps. I think the guys are right that you may want to take it easy on the quads. I know it's fun to work those strong body parts, but symmetry is important. Good luck. Overall you look great, wish I had that kind of mass.
you still alive vish?? new pics??
He's just going through the motions right now....being the last week...water loading....drained of energy. But, he's relaxing and doing well......
Good luck! Have someone take lots of contest pics. Can't wait to see how your conditioning turned out, especially since you didn't have the usual amount of time to prepare.
As said above good luck bro!
Well????????? Show should have been yesterday. Looking forward to hearing how things went.
Looking great.
An advice if you dont mind.... do some sunbathing or go to the solarium. Muscles look more toned if you have 'color'
how did it go??
He's back today...I'm sure he'll fill everyone in........
I know...but up to him to say
To everyone telling him he needs to tan for this show:
Regardless of how much time he spends in a tanning bed or the natural sunshine and regardless of how much Melanotan he were to take he wouldnt be dark enough to compete. He will still have to pay to have Pro-Tan, Jan Tana or another brands competition color applied (which he already stated is his plan). Asian and even light to medium skinned black athletes are not even dark enough for the stage and must apply a tanning agent.
No need whatsoever for him to tan prior to the contest.
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