A lot of people's results also disprove what he is saying.
I have been using Chinese generic for almost two years now, and my blood pressure has gone DOWN significantly. I have dropped almost two waist sizes without a diet change.
You can get faked pharm grade just like you can get faked Chinese, so I don't understand the pharm agenda a few people have here.
I am very satisfied with the cost and results of my red tops and will continue to use them.
Just to piggy back on the above:
I've been running blue tops since X-Mas and am very pleased with my results. If names and titles are important to some, my doctor is also supplying some notable Pro BB's and a NFL football team. They are all extremely happy with the results they're getting.
I feel like it's the BS crap that gives a bad name to the stuff. Granted, most of it is trash, but there are some that stick out from the rest.
When you realize what they put in their gh and you have used pharm grade gh you will understand how crap Chinese gh is. If your happy buying from a second rate none licenced lab you carry on but I'd seek to get it tested imho.
Great programme last night about counterfeit tabacco from China , should of seen the additional shit and SUPER high levels of nasties in them compared to normal tobacco. I know its not hgh but !!!
This is what worries me its what else is in them we dont know about . Gains at what cost !!
Pharma grade for me know.
It would be great to test some of the ug aas we take to see what else may be in them as most powders come from China aswell!!
DISCLAIMER: I am a believer in generally you get what you pay for.
However, I think there are some good values out there if you are smart enough to look around and lucky enough to find it. Just got my blue tops tested and waited a few weeks to get tested. I am at 795 IGF. In school so can't afford pharma. But if i had the money i would only buy top grade pharma. So my advice would be to get always get an IGF test.
Why would your nails and hair grow faster if the chinese hgh is fake.?
That seems to me an indicator it must be real?
I can post links to most of the HGH manufacturers if Marcus or one of the Mods lets me know this is appropriate
and this is y if i know nothing else i will consider ur opinion on this subject. someone made a claim and u wanted to see the evidence.
i recently tore my achilles and i was lookin at hgh to help with the healing process, i am 26 and was in impeccable shape (resting heartrate of 55 bpm) when i sustained the injury. i have been reading all over over about chinese bluetops and yellow's and every other color, its has hcg in it or its weaker and a pos pregnancy test can tell u if its hcg and crazyness. so i have done my research and now my concern is quality. and i have been following and i guess pharm grade is the way to go. but then of course as i type this i dont know what "pharm grade", (pharmaceutical grade obviously) actually is. i was leaning towards something like serostim or glotropin, but then how do i know if thats real??!!!
good thread though, the most helpful one i have seen.
Last edited by therealachilles; 03-21-2011 at 01:12 AM.
Lol ............. which part of links to the manufacturers is confusing you.
I did not say suppliers.
HGH requires a huge investment in equipment to manufacture, so there are very few manufacturers in the world.
There is also a huge amount of miss-information, particularly on who produces 191AA and 192AA versions of HGH, I know because the HGH I use is widely reported to be 192AA, yet I have mine tested by a university lab as 191AA.
For me the only way to buy HGH is directly from the manufacturer and since there are only a handful of them, they are not that hard to track down.
So i just recieved Rips
After reading through this entire thread im nervous and feel like this stuff is bunk..
are there any more updates?
Last edited by slimshady01; 03-28-2011 at 07:12 AM.
You should edit your post man.
Found this quote on a HGH manufacturers website.
When taking HGH the transportation of amino acids goes up as well as the rate of protein synthesis.
These are actually affected by IGF-1 which happens to be a very anabolic hormone that is made in the liver as well as other tissues.
This is triggered by HGH and when one takes human growth hormone injections like Jintropin, peak levels of IGF-1 are sure to be seen about 20 hours or so afterwards.
For those wishing to use blood tests to proove the efficassy of their HGH, the suggestion is that you should test for IGF-1 20 hours after your injection.
Sounds OK as long as you have the manufacturers website and not a scammer website.
For instance GenSci that manufacture Jintropin list a number of scammers on their website that appear to be GenSci but are not.
Happy to provide a list of the scammers from the GenSci website if Marcus or another Mod advises this is OK
Not gonna happen guys
well thats what i like to hear. Ive been on 3iu for close to 2 weeks and havent had any sides other then getting sick and losing my voice for a week so far. Im sure it has nothing to do with the HG though.
IM going to keep running 3iu for a while then maybe go to 4iu.
will i get fat burning from 3iu and how long till you start noticing results? 3 months?
i have started too see really good fat loss at 5 ius at week 4 hands swollen like a muther fcker on 5 ius though other than that good too go im sure you will get good fat burning at 3 iu for my 5 seems too be perfect i will stay at that dose for rest of year
I have tried to get rips in the US but have not had any luck. I was using blue tops, did that for a month and switched to Hyge (generic). I am on week 6 now @ 4 IU. 20 IU per week. I feel great. Seem to bounce back from workouts quickly. Started leaning a little in the chest, shoulders and arms. I am ready for the belly to lean down.
What do you guys think of using peptides with the HG?
marcus is not intentionally trying to slam chineese generics guys. He's providing you with over 10 years of experience after having used various GH coming from China. He's handing out accurate advice IMO. I wish it weren't true but the generics do not compare to pharm grade which tells you it's not 100% pure GH. Think of your health not your wallet!
I used 5ius/day chinese yellow tops for 3 months and my blood test on igf-1 levels shot up dramatically. Some sources are legit.
You need to read the whole thread before making comments like that,
Do you know that IGF test instantly degrades,
To even get a good reading timing is very important from when the blood was taken to being tested,
IGF test are not accurate, to many variations to form a proper reading.
Also, its known alot of the generics put IGF in the hgh vial.
If you happy you carry on, but you should try pharm grade and you will see a hugh difference.
There are also no concern threads relating to pharm grade hgh!!
best of luck
I stopped using it anyway, didn't do much by itself except make slightly leaner.
So if you have 2 unmarked vials, one US pharm, one chinese, how can you test the actual compound to make sure it's hgh?
Finding a lab what test's for the hormones being active is hard but you can get them to test if the powder is gh and if its at the required iu per vial, many labs will do this for you for a price, isnt cheap, but you really need to get the powder tested to see if its active or not and that's were it comes into thousands of $$$'s. The Chinese know this that's why many claim get it tested. If you want to make sure you have 100% gh buy from a licenced lab end of story and you dont have to worry or take any risk!!
Ive used generic Chinese gh on and off for the last 8 to 10yrs and ive also have many personal friends/online friends who have used it aswell. Majority have reported bad side effects and in some cases life threatening complications. I have used pharm grade for many yrs previously and i know what it can do and Chinese generics don't even come close. Have you ever heard of anyone claiming that they have bought from pharm grade company and they suspect its fake, no its never been claimed but just look how many claim something is wrong with their generic brand.
If you also do a search online you will see many concerns regarding Chinese gh. I've had a very good relationship with many Chinese sources some of them are the best you can find but in reality all they are concerned about is money and not the product. I was told by a good Chinese source friend that they are producing all kinds of chemicals what mimic gh side effects and they are also using IGF, anit-diuretic hormones, and other chemicals what simply dont work as good as real gh.
All this as been discussed in this thread, please read the whole thread. I have wasted enough over the yrs!! I dont express my opinion for any kind of gain, I do it because its what ive seen and what ive experienced over the many yrs of using HGH. Infact its only recent ive found a pharm grade lab what's reasonable and i'm happy they are selling 100% hgh......I wouldn't take generics again even if they were free
Hey marcus please go to promuscle and tell this source where he can get his gh tested he said he will pay for it so if you have any info i'd love for you to tell him where to send it its a guy that has rips, he is doing it because someone said a 10iu bottle contained 1iu so he wants to prove people wrong so hopefully he has enough money lol or you can pm me and i'll tell him thanks man
I'm so happy with my Chinese generics that I just ordered 6 more kits![]()
My bad i must have read that wrong but marcus for all the criteria you said that needs to be done do you have a lab in mind I can let him know about or does anybody?? This is awesome that a source would do this he is the only one that has stepped up offering this everyone take care
I'm glad to see that HGH's popular enough to garner this volume of interest.
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