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Thread: results are in......

  1. #1
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    results are in......

    ok, well this was a huge disappointment to me. came in 4th out of 4 competitors in my class. hurts for me to even type that. my color was off and i had a minor 'episode' after pre judging (was unconscious for a few minutes from dehydration) and retained a lot of water leading into the night show. i feel as if i wasted my time with this prep. its a hard dose of reality when u feel u looked better than the others and only end up losing to them.

    and to all of you who are wondering where i was, listen to kawigirl. she has helped me through the last week and even after the show. she is truly a sweetheart and knows the mental aspect of competing and how to deal with it. i didnt even want to come back on this board n tell you guys how it went. still cant get over it, will take a while for me (im too damn competitive lol)

    i wont be posting pics for a while, have to wait untli i get my photo album. i have posted a pic below just for a pre view of things to come. i still have to get ahold of the judges to see what the fvck went wrong and why i placed last. i will try to be on here throughout the week to answer any questions n give more info

  2. #2
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    i don't know anything about competing.. but i would say you are still VERY impressive.. as FG and a few others stated you didn't give yourself enough time.. you are still young bro, and I am sure you are a bit younger than the others on that stage next to you.. so just imagine where you will be in a few years.

    Keep up the good work man.. nothing to hang your head about.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i don't know anything about competing.. but i would say you are still VERY impressive.. as FG and a few others stated you didn't give yourself enough time.. you are still young bro, and I am sure you are a bit younger than the others on that stage next to you.. so just imagine where you will be in a few years.

    Keep up the good work man.. nothing to hang your head about.
    i appreciate the kind words. and yes i was 10yrs younger than my other competitors. still hard to keep my chin up, im one of those people who is too hard on themselves. guess itll just fuel the fire to train harder n get bigger for next years show

  4. #4
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    So you don't go home with a trophy, you still go home a F*CKIN BEAST! Lookin diesel, you'll get em next time.

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I have not idea how to judge a show, but know that you look impressive. Don't judge yourself too harshly when you didn't have enough time to prepare. Personally, I can't wait to see more pics.

  6. #6
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    disappointed bro ??? you should be them proud of what you accomplished so far; most people on here ( including me) wont ever step foot on stage for one reason or another, and you did it, and looking huge...
    IF i competed and came last, ( even if it was 40 people) i would still be proud, that i was on that stage, and that would drive me to work harder, and do better the following year... The only thing i have to say, for next time, you decide to compete, is to start your diet earlier ; looking at your pictures 4 weeks out, you were still holding a lot of water, so im assuming, you started dieting late, but other then that, you still look huge, and accomplished a lot, to be on that stage.

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Vishus, take a look at your pics from your last show then compare them to this shows. This will tell you why you finished where you did. All the size in the world doesnt mean shit in this sport if you are not in shape. Your color could have been better, you were probably overdid the diuretic but the reason you fell short was because you still had too much bodyfat and were not nearly hard enough. If you dont own this, you will never correct it. I have been exactly where you are and I know it sucks. Friends and family saying you looked great, you wanting to believe them. Fortunately for me I had a couple honests individuals who just said dude you werent in shape. After arguing with them for a few minutes I was finally able to set my ego aside and admit it.

    Chalk this one up to a learning experience, remember how much this feeling sucks and never ever step onstage again until you know you have done your work and are ready to wreck some fools standing next to you. The only thing stopping you is you.

  8. #8
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    agree with fireguy and the only reason i do is because I know you know you can do better! Regardless...much respect and a lot of courage to come out here and share with all of us your experience. Good luck in the future bro!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    So you don't go home with a trophy, you still go home a F*CKIN BEAST! Lookin diesel, you'll get em next time.
    i did get a trophy....u want it? lol
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I have not idea how to judge a show, but know that you look impressive. Don't judge yourself too harshly when you didn't have enough time to prepare. Personally, I can't wait to see more pics.
    it wasnt just myself, im harsh because i felt i could have done bettter than the other 3 i was up against
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    disappointed bro ??? you should be them proud of what you accomplished so far; most people on here ( including me) wont ever step foot on stage for one reason or another, and you did it, and looking huge...
    IF i competed and came last, ( even if it was 40 people) i would still be proud, that i was on that stage, and that would drive me to work harder, and do better the following year... The only thing i have to say, for next time, you decide to compete, is to start your diet earlier ; looking at your pictures 4 weeks out, you were still holding a lot of water, so im assuming, you started dieting late, but other then that, you still look huge, and accomplished a lot, to be on that stage.
    thanks bro
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    Vishus, take a look at your pics from your last show then compare them to this shows. This will tell you why you finished where you did. All the size in the world doesnt mean shit in this sport if you are not in shape. Your color could have been better, you were probably overdid the diuretic but the reason you fell short was because you still had too much bodyfat and were not nearly hard enough. If you dont own this, you will never correct it. I have been exactly where you are and I know it sucks. Friends and family saying you looked great, you wanting to believe them. Fortunately for me I had a couple honests individuals who just said dude you werent in shape. After arguing with them for a few minutes I was finally able to set my ego aside and admit it.

    Chalk this one up to a learning experience, remember how much this feeling sucks and never ever step onstage again until you know you have done your work and are ready to wreck some fools standing next to you. The only thing stopping you is you.
    i hear ya. just sucks......hate this feeling. still pissed off, probly wont get over it for a while. i need some anger to train wth
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    agree with fireguy and the only reason i do is because I know you know you can do better! Regardless...much respect and a lot of courage to come out here and share with all of us your experience. Good luck in the future bro!
    thanks bro

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the shout out Vishus! Wish I could have been there for more support in person!

    Either way.....xox

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Thanks for the shout out Vishus! Wish I could have been there for more support in person!

    Either way.....xox
    no, thank YOU kawi, you truly helped me with some psychological anguish leading up the show and even more afterwards (including today). its such a sh1tty feeling....i just want to rewind and start earlier so i couldve taken my class, i KNOW i could have if i was in better shape. and i know that now (as fireguy pointed out) and to learn from it. im going to stay LEAN this next year and starting out 16weeks no matter what! next time i step on stage i will be 240 rock hard, dry, and no BF whatsoever.

    i guess i feel a little embarassed coming back on here n letting you guys down. i know you have high expectations, and my own are even higher. i KNOW i could have done better and should have done better.

    like KG said to me, just gotta keep looking forward

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by vishus View Post
    ok, well this was a huge disappointment to me. came in 4th out of 4 competitors in my class. hurts for me to even type that. my color was off and i had a minor 'episode' after pre judging (was unconscious for a few minutes from dehydration) and retained a lot of water leading into the night show. i feel as if i wasted my time with this prep. its a hard dose of reality when u feel u looked better than the others and only end up losing to them.

    and to all of you who are wondering where i was, listen to kawigirl. she has helped me through the last week and even after the show. she is truly a sweetheart and knows the mental aspect of competing and how to deal with it. i didnt even want to come back on this board n tell you guys how it went. still cant get over it, will take a while for me (im too damn competitive lol)

    i wont be posting pics for a while, have to wait untli i get my photo album. i have posted a pic below just for a pre view of things to come. i still have to get ahold of the judges to see what the fvck went wrong and why i placed last. i will try to be on here throughout the week to answer any questions n give more info

    it takes a man and lots of guts to post this. much respect to you and to the work you put in. you know what they say, when you fall you'll learn how to get up and it gets easier. i have no doubts once you are in shape as FG suggested, you will be on top!

  13. #13
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    I wondered where you were....

    Gotta be in the game to win the game. You are just starting. And those who won this round better watch out for the next one when you COME BACK!

    Keep your chin up. Very few people would ever have the dedication and nerve. Keep moving forward........
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  14. #14
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    i agree, look at his size compared to the guy next to him! dry out and next time you'll take it hands down!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    I wondered where you were....

    Gotta be in the game to win the game. You are just starting. And those who won this round better watch out for the next one when you COME BACK!

    Keep your chin up. Very few people would ever have the dedication and nerve. Keep moving forward........
    thanks for the kind words slim and yes, next time around it will be hell to pay for those going against me, im only going to get bigger this year and will be ready to go next time!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i agree, look at his size compared to the guy next to him! dry out and next time you'll take it hands down!
    thanks for the kind words bro, and i agree. next time i will start 16weeks out and bring the full package

  17. #17
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    What are the odds of a competitor getting on a stage ?
    Been in the gym since 82 and have heard the I wanna compete story 1 million times .
    The dedication you exhibit is amazing . Not sure if you give yourself the credit you deserve for just trying .
    I think you look great and will learn from the experience .

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    it takes a man and lots of guts to post this. much respect to you and to the work you put in. you know what they say, when you fall you'll learn how to get up and it gets easier. i have no doubts once you are in shape as FG suggested, you will be on top!
    Bass said it better than i could. You got some excellent advice here and made a lifelong friend of Kawi girl (U lucky dawg!). Wallow in self pitty for a moment, then leave it behind like excess BF! Believe in yourself dude - you will go far in this sport and in life - Major props!

  19. #19
    no offense but i called it bro

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mperk View Post
    Bass said it better than i could. You got some excellent advice here and made a lifelong friend of Kawi girl (U lucky dawg!). Wallow in self pitty for a moment, then leave it behind like excess BF! Believe in yourself dude - you will go far in this sport and in life - Major props!
    this just changed my whole attitude. i need to get over it, and will

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrniceguy215 View Post
    no offense but i called it bro
    That's not very nice, mr.niceguy.

  22. #22
    major props for competing and sticking to your guns and seeing your game plan through.

  23. #23
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    sucks vish but youve now learned. i liek what FG said but to add to that honesty in that pic you posted your legs are killin buddy beside you lmao. next time man youll get it right

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrniceguy215 View Post
    no offense but i called it bro
    good for you

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    sucks vish but youve now learned. i liek what FG said but to add to that honesty in that pic you posted your legs are killin buddy beside you lmao. next time man youll get it right
    yes i did learn. need to start earlier out and def work on bringin my upper body up so i can suffer and being my glutes in shredded next time

  26. #26
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    BB competitions do involve a lot of politics bro. No need to get discouraged. Unless you're willing to make this your lifestyle in the future, just do it for fun and don't worry about where you place. Just worry about how much better you look compared to the last time.

  27. #27
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Any more pics?

    Are you going to enter a later show and kill it?
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  28. #28
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    from what i can see of the other competitors (which a much) u look a lot fvcking better than they do. hand them their arse next time. its the set backs and low points in life that we remember the most; we build our strength from it and do our best not to get back there again. good luck keep the bar high bro!!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by turkishexpress View Post
    BB competitions do involve a lot of politics bro. No need to get discouraged. Unless you're willing to make this your lifestyle in the future, just do it for fun and don't worry about where you place. Just worry about how much better you look compared to the last time.
    i kknow, the politics blow. its just a hard pill to swallow when u realize its mostly politics. sucks big time, oh well though
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Any more pics?

    Are you going to enter a later show and kill it?
    will post up more pics after i recieve pre judging pic cd. no more shows this year
    Quote Originally Posted by oldschoolfitness View Post
    from what i can see of the other competitors (which a much) u look a lot fvcking better than they do. hand them their arse next time. its the set backs and low points in life that we remember the most; we build our strength from it and do our best not to get back there again. good luck keep the bar high bro!!
    thanks bro, makes a lot of sense!

  30. #30
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turkishexpress View Post
    BB competitions do involve a lot of politics bro. No need to get discouraged. Unless you're willing to make this your lifestyle in the future, just do it for fun and don't worry about where you place. Just worry about how much better you look compared to the last time.
    Do you really think this is what is happening at local level Bodybuilding show? First of all when the guys file on stage the judges have only their numbers not any names on any of their score sheets. Do you honestly believe the 7 of them get together before the show (that has no prize money) and discuss who should finish in front of who? Even if it were one or two judges they throw the high score and the low score out so their vote wouldnt even count. I get so F'n sick and tired of hearing competitors play the "politics" card every time they get beat. You guys need to stop flattering yourselves.

    Vishus, you will do a show in the near future and you WILL WIN. How disrespected are you going to feel when your fellow competitors start bitching about how they got robbed and the only reason you won was because of the "politics" involved from 7 judges you have likely never met? After every show I find the guy who won my class and whomever else may have beat me and tell them they looked great I am am happy for them. After I won my last show I sought out the guy who got 2nd and said, wow that was close could have gone either way. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

  31. #31
    It's obv very hard to see any definition in the pics you posted but it's not hard to see your arms and quads dwarf the other dudes. And there is no way to deny, regardless of where you placed or maybe even "should" have place, you look incredible. Most of us on here don't have the dedication to ever step foot on a stage, yet you buckled down and made shit happen. I feel your disapointment but remember, your just a pup in this game, and from what you've learned you took stuff from this so it wasn't a total loss. Walking off the stage looking how you do is incredible in itself.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    Do you really think this is what is happening at local level Bodybuilding show? First of all when the guys file on stage the judges have only their numbers not any names on any of their score sheets. Do you honestly believe the 7 of them get together before the show (that has no prize money) and discuss who should finish in front of who? Even if it were one or two judges they throw the high score and the low score out so their vote wouldnt even count. I get so F'n sick and tired of hearing competitors play the "politics" card every time they get beat. You guys need to stop flattering yourselves.

    Vishus, you will do a show in the near future and you WILL WIN. How disrespected are you going to feel when your fellow competitors start bitching about how they got robbed and the only reason you won was because of the "politics" involved from 7 judges you have likely never met? After every show I find the guy who won my class and whomever else may have beat me and tell them they looked great I am am happy for them. After I won my last show I sought out the guy who got 2nd and said, wow that was close could have gone either way. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
    Cry about it all you want pimp. It happens at every level. I do see your point and I do agree that its a common cop out but it does exist. At the end of the day if you put in enough time AND you look good enough you'll place well.
    Last edited by turkishexpress; 05-19-2011 at 07:24 PM.

  33. #33
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    Cry? I am the one advocating for people to stop crying and accept their placing with some dignity.

    Look, this is a subjective sport and if you do enough shows there is going to be a time or two when you finish lower than you think you should have. I know there have been more than a few instances where my name was called earlier than I thought it should have been come awards time. There are also a few times I got bumped up a spot or two higher than I thought I deserved to be.(we tend to forget about those) Not once on any of these instances did I think there were any politics involved. I am not saying it has never happened but do you honestly believe that it's common place at local shows? First of all "politics" infers the judges have something to gain in return for placing a competitor lower than he should have placed. I mean if you finish 2nd by one point and find out two of the judges are related to the guy who won you might have a point. But these people who finish middle of the pack bitching about politics crack me up. You really think all 7 of these judges are out to get you?

    I know a Figure competitor who finished 14th out of 16 last year in her first show. All her and all of her friends wanted to talk about was how political the judging was. Really? 99.9% of the time it's just people looking for a way to escape accountability. Funny thing is, all these people who bitch about politics always seem to think the judging is just perfect on the days they win.

  34. #34
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    Chin up Vishus. This is a quote that I've copied and pasted from a post you made on 15/4/2011 -

    'i know what youre saying, im working with a new guy this time around so its kind of a "trial" if you want to put it that way. i didnt plan on doing this show, and decided last minute to join in, stupid idea, i know. im serious when it comes to competing, and shouldve started out earlier than i did. im just glad to get lean and compete again, i will be doing the mens open heavyweight class so im not too anxious about geting a high placing, i dunno if i wil even place, just love to be on stage'

    Sounds kinda stupid, but finishing 4th when there are only 4 competitors sounds bad, but if there were 20 competitors it would've been a great result. You were only beaten by 3 guys after all !! From the photo you were bigger than the guy next to you, especially your legs. All it came down to was conditioning etc. I'm no expert on shows at all, I've never been near one, dont have the physique or determination, but I think if the show had been a few weeks later the result may well have been different. You have to remember that it wasn't your physique that lost you the contest, but more likely your conditioning. There's no doubt you have the size. This is good news as conditioning and timing is something that is much easier to correct than having to gain another 20lbs of muscle. You have what it takes to compete, you just have to get the hang of polishing it in time for the show. With people like Fireguy around to advise you, I'm sure you'll get it nailed next time.
    Now quit feeling sorry for yourself and get down the f&ck1n gym !!

  35. #35
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    You just got knocked down, only question is what you gonna do about it? You gonna stay down or you gonna use this as motivation to shut the mouths of those little pusssy haters on this board and come back bigger and better?

  36. #36
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    good work, judges of bb competitions decide on their subjective impression often, so not winning a contest does not mean anything IMHO without being an expert on competitions, that's just how I feel about it. How can a body shape be judged otherwise but on subjective opinions, especially if the competitiors are all well-built

  37. #37
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    Lookin massive man. Regroup and crush them at the next one. I need to borrow those legs for my next show.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by amar7 View Post
    good work, judges of bb competitions decide on their subjective impression often, so not winning a contest does not mean anything IMHO without being an expert on competitions, that's just how I feel about it. How can a body shape be judged otherwise but on subjective opinions, especially if the competitiors are all well-built
    So if the judging is so subjective, that not winning a contest doesnt mean anything then, by your same logic winning a contest doesnt mean anything either. People, HE GOT BEAT!! End of discussion. This show doesnt define him as a bodybuilder or a person.I know several competitive bodybuilders and every single one of them has been through what Vishus is dealing with now.

    Judges have several well defined criteria they judge upon, shape, symmetry, muscularity, guys are making it sound like it's a crap shoot as to who places where. I have attended well over 100 bodybuilding shows and over 90% of the time I can tell you who will be the judges will have as the top 3 in any class. 80% of the time I can put them in correct order 1-3 as well.

    The message I am trying to get across is if you are going to attribute a poor placing to bad judging then you need to be prepared to say the judging sucked on the days you win as well.

    Clarification: I am not by any means suggesting Vishus is doing the above.

  39. #39
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    Bro you look great!! Its results and feelings like this which make you win events. Its great to hear you have these disappointments in you which will push you to conquer those dreams. Some say fook it, others like you will see where you went wrong and never let it happen again.

    Good luck with next run!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    So if the judging is so subjective, that not winning a contest doesnt mean anything then, by your same logic winning a contest doesnt mean anything either. People, HE GOT BEAT!! End of discussion. This show doesnt define him as a bodybuilder or a person.I know several competitive bodybuilders and every single one of them has been through what Vishus is dealing with now.

    Judges have several well defined criteria they judge upon, shape, symmetry, muscularity, guys are making it sound like it's a crap shoot as to who places where. I have attended well over 100 bodybuilding shows and over 90% of the time I can tell you who will be the judges will have as the top 3 in any class. 80% of the time I can put them in correct order 1-3 as well.

    The message I am trying to get across is if you are going to attribute a poor placing to bad judging then you need to be prepared to say the judging sucked on the days you win as well.

    Clarification: I am not by any means suggesting Vishus is doing the above.
    Ronnie coleman took 14th in his 1st Olympia I believe.....

    Vishus...... you know you've got it..... one show doesn't define you. You're young yet man LOL and you're leaps and bounds ahead of a lot of other guys. I know all the posotive words in the world wont make you feel better about it because i've got that same competative edge..... if you don't win you lose..... it's hard to deal with. You just have to know what mistakes you've made..... and how to correct them for the next one. Learn from this and use it as fuel from this point on.....


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