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Thread: Humalin-R Question

  1. #1

    Humalin-R Question

    Do you guys basically have to eat carbs for 6 hours on this stuff? I barely use any and go hypo like 6 hrs straight even on 40g dextrose plus a bunch of maltodextrin. Vision changes...etc? lol I can't imagine you guys aren't feeling hypo the whole time. My sugar stays in the 100+ range as it appears I got some minor insulin resistance possibly, but I still feel hypo on it or sluggish at least. Like I said I'm talking like 2 ius after a big carb drink. I get the same way on pancreas extract. Maybe I'm super insulin sensitive.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    PLEASE be careful and wait for a pro to chime in on this.....
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    What's your exact protocol and carb intake?

    IMO, humalin-R is best used PRE workout. What I do is take 10ius 1.5hrs before I train. 30 min after the shot I have 50g carbs (from real food), train while sipping on 35g waxy maize, bcaas, and creatine. Come home and have 50g carbs (oats) and whey.

    Since Humalin-R is so slow acting you really don't need to go over board with carbs, as that will only lead to excess body fat.

    If you're monitoring your BG and it's staying in the 100+ range, you shouldn't be having hypo issues.

    That said, if you're having issue at only 2ius, slin just may not be for you.

  4. #4
    So a bowl of oats is like 50 g of carbs? I guess I don't really feel that hypo on it, just sorta lazy. lol I guess that's expected. I'll take 3 ius post workout and chug 40g dextrose in water and then 30 min later make a weight gain shake with waxy maize in it. And then maybe in another 30 min i'll eat oatmeal. Then I'll wait an hour or two and have a full solid real meal. Sound good? Since I've been adding more carbs I haven't been going hypo really - just feeling lazy on occasion. D7M, do you run slin year round on workout days or what? I have read oh stay at 4 weeks but yeah. I'm gonna have a glucose tolerance test done just to see what is really going on. Like I said my glucose is always over 100 when I check it so i don't really know why I'd want to fall asleep unless I have some good degree of slin resistance. Obviously I'm not type 1 since my BG is somewhat normal. I've only used the slin like twice.

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