Hi guys, ive just started a course of Test E i was told to take 1ml twice a week over the course (5 weeks.) The test is 300mg/ml. I used a 21 guage 1 inch pin, not sure if thats important just thought more info better advice i can get,
Anyway took the first jab monday at about 9am into my quad went in smooth no pain no leakage when removing needle, however by about 10 pm i started to get a dead leg, by thursday my leg was swollen just above the knee about three - five inches down from injection site, and reddish, was really painful to walk especially if i didnt keep my leg moving all the time. I was told test jabs hurt but this isnt normal surely?.
I was going to take my second jab on thursday but i didnt because was in so much pain, my leg seems to be fine now, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions what it was that caused it, was the dosage too high for a first jab?
I dont think it was injection technique because the jab didnt hurt and i have regulary taken growth hormone so know how to jab (obviously not into muscle).
Any help would be awesome cheers,