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Thread: Cycle Results Wini and Tren

  1. #1

    Cycle Results Wini and Tren

    Hello Guys!!!

    Heres my cycle
    MWF 1cc Wini
    TTH .5cc Tren A

    *** No space between lines means superset
    *** 4 Sets 65%x12 /65%x12 / 65%x12 / 90%x8
    ***3 days on 1 day off
    ***30 minutes of cardio 3x per week

    DAY ! Chest & Tri

    Incline Bench Press
    Incline Dumb Press

    Flat Bench Press
    Flat Dumb Press

    Parallel Dumbell Press

    Incline Dumb Fly
    Flat dumb Fly

    Lying Dumbell Extensions
    Triceps Kickback

    Rope Pushdown
    Reverse Tri Pushdown

    Medicine Ball Chest Pushup

    DAY 2: Back ans Biceps

    Lat Pulldown
    Reverse Pulldown

    Bent Over Row
    Reverse Bent Bar Row

    Seated Close Grip Row
    One Arm Dumb Row

    Dumbell Pullover
    Machine Pullover

    Barbell 21s
    One Arm Dumbell Curl

    Hammer Curl
    Reverse Barbell Curl

    DAY 3: Shoulder & Legs

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    Barbell Shoulder Press

    Seated Dumb Side Lats
    Front Barbell Raise

    Parallel Dumbell Raise
    Upright row

    Front Squats

    Leg Extensions
    Leg curl

    18 Week Journey

    Week 1

    Week 10

    Week 18

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Before and after weight?

  3. #3
    Sorry dude......

    BEFORE: 288LBS
    AFTER: 245LBS

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    i would guess ur bf went from about 25% to 15-18%, awsome results!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    while the change is huge..and undoubtedly you look a million times would have achieved the same results without either drug..i would bet a grand if you hadn't used either but kept the same training/diet you would look the same..good job none the less

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Rockin Z28 View Post
    while the change is huge..and undoubtedly you look a million times would have achieved the same results without either drug..i would bet a grand if you hadn't used either but kept the same training/diet you would look the same..good job none the less
    Thanks for all the responses..

    @Rockinz28.... what made you say what you said? I am curious as to what the basis of your comment was ...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    because you were not even kind of close to need those drugs..usually i give people the benefit of the doubt..but you looked like you had never touched a weight and ate cheeseburgers and you jumped on tren? what on earth prompted you to do this?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    OC/LA Cali
    Great results! Proof of higher BF on a steroid cycle with great results.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Rockin Z28 View Post
    because you were not even kind of close to need those drugs..usually i give people the benefit of the doubt..but you looked like you had never touched a weight and ate cheeseburgers and you jumped on tren? what on earth prompted you to do this?

    Heres the story so that you know before you start blabbing your mouth.
    ***I played D2 football for 4 years while I was in college .. this was 10 years ago
    ***I lifted weights for 5 years consistently and was on a Dbol and test cycle
    ***3 1/2 years ago ... I lost my job due to the financial crisis and went into depression... and yes gobbled up cheeseburgers and fries

    NOT EVERYONE IS AS BLESSED AS YOU.. so maybe before you start judging people .. ask first.

  10. #10
    Thanks 27300man

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    amazing!! looks like you turned all of that unwanted bf into solid muscle. it is understandable that the results could have or could not have been achieved natural, but either way you got there at a faster rate and look pretty good. well done.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by asianhulk888 View Post

    Heres the story so that you know before you start blabbing your mouth.
    ***I played D2 football for 4 years while I was in college .. this was 10 years ago
    ***I lifted weights for 5 years consistently and was on a Dbol and test cycle
    ***3 1/2 years ago ... I lost my job due to the financial crisis and went into depression... and yes gobbled up cheeseburgers and fries

    NOT EVERYONE IS AS BLESSED AS YOU.. so maybe before you start judging people .. ask first.
    HEy i dont thinl rockinz28 was trying to disrespect you its just so many people act as if juice is the miriacle drug and while you look awesome and your results were amazing i have to agree and say that proper diet and exersise could have gotten you pretty close if not all the way to where you are now. Not trying to strip you of credit for your hard work which you obviously put in to achieve that in 10 weeks. Good work man keep up the diet and workout and see where you can go from here

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by asianhulk888 View Post

    Heres the story so that you know before you start blabbing your mouth.
    ***I played D2 football for 4 years while I was in college .. this was 10 years ago
    ***I lifted weights for 5 years consistently and was on a Dbol and test cycle
    ***3 1/2 years ago ... I lost my job due to the financial crisis and went into depression... and yes gobbled up cheeseburgers and fries

    NOT EVERYONE IS AS BLESSED AS YOU.. so maybe before you start judging people .. ask first.
    Wow really man? Everything he is saying is so true! There was no need to jump on Tren and Winny. Winny? Why even do that? For strength? You had way too much BF for that to make a huge difference. Tren I could kinda understand but still...You just need a better diet and more cardio first then jump on those. Sry dude, love the results and really respect all the hard work you have done and you look great but he was right on with what he said.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    as blessed as me? tell your sob story to someone else..i used to be obese 35% still never needed those drugs

  15. #15
    You know what guys ... **** ALL OF YOU

    YOu dont know what people go through.... I post and I get flamed.

    **** YOU

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by minion0812 View Post
    wow really man? Everything he is saying is so true! There was no need to jump on tren and winny. Winny? Why even do that? For strength? You had way too much bf for that to make a huge difference. Tren i could kinda understand but just need a better diet and more cardio first then jump on those. Sry dude, love the results and really respect all the hard work you have done and you look great but he was right on with what he said.
    i worked hard and wanted fast results. ... I am probably in better condition than any of you guys ... \rockinz28. ... Screw you!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by asianhulk888 View Post
    i worked hard and wanted fast results. ... I am probably in better condition than any of you guys ... \rockinz28. ... Screw you!!!
    You got it Hulk! lol

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    We are not flaming you but stating that Roids were not the safe answer. Should have got down cardio and diet first. If you wanted a quick fix then great, you got the results you wanted but don't be such a fool to think that even one vet would advise someone that looked like you before to jump on roids without using a diet and cardio to be the first option. Only one flaming and being a whinny little bitch is you. Take the response like a man. Oh wait forgot your the hulk only half man.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by asianhulk888 View Post
    i worked hard and wanted fast results. ... I am probably in better condition than any of you guys ... \rockinz28. ... Screw you!!!
    Dont come on here comparing yourself to members here philsbury. You may have lost some fat but thats about it. Open your mouth when you are 8-10% BF, if you can even get there.

    What fukin disrespect you have, cant take criticism? I mean you didnt even have test in your cycle, what a fukin moron.

    Now that your cycle is over and your strength is going to plummet im sure youll go into a depression and start eating cheeseburgers again and lose all your results.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Dont come on here comparing yourself to members here philsbury. You may have lost some fat but thats about it. Open your mouth when you are 8-10% BF, if you can even get there.

    What fukin disrespect you have, cant take criticism? I mean you didnt even have test in your cycle, what a fukin moron.

    Now that your cycle is over and your strength is going to plummet im sure youll go into a depression and start eating cheeseburgers again and lose all your results.
    lol!!!! Wow, now there is the advice from the Vets I told you about Hulk boy!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    hi m8... come on all hes on tren so he will be abit emotional.!!! i thnik the work youve done is great so keep it up, we all could of done this could of done that but hey who cares we all live for now that is what we are all breed to do.... keep up the good work and dont get to touchy bro they dont mean bad by it ,its just to guide you the next time for example a thread above has said ull prob go back on the cheese burgers and get fat again but because hes pissed you off and made you angry.. now thatll be in your mind so you prob wont !!! see what i mean so even when there slightly flameing you really there still teaching you....think about it bud its all good... anyway well done great work keep it up proud of you bud later bins!!!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Damn people on here like to rain on other people's parades... But shouldn't this be in cycle results anyways

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    hi m8... come on all hes on tren so he will be abit emotional.!!! i thnik the work youve done is great so keep it up, we all could of done this could of done that but hey who cares we all live for now that is what we are all breed to do.... keep up the good work and dont get to touchy bro they dont mean bad by it ,its just to guide you the next time for example a thread above has said ull prob go back on the cheese burgers and get fat again but because hes pissed you off and made you angry.. now thatll be in your mind so you prob wont !!! see what i mean so even when there slightly flameing you really there still teaching you....think about it bud its all good... anyway well done great work keep it up proud of you bud later bins!!!!!

    no doubt! I tried to make sure he knew that I respected the results and am proud that he busted his butt to get there but again since he has to go all crazy this was overlooked. I understand we were grilling his choice a bit but to get all emotional over it and come out attacking and claiming he is so much better than everyone else is pathetic and childish. Whatever will leave this be. Good job OP keep up the good work!!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MastaMan View Post
    Damn people on here like to rain on other people's parades... But shouldn't this be in cycle results anyways
    Nobody is raining on anyones parade. Hes getting criticized, not insulted. He however is taking everything as an insult and lashing out on others.

    Fact of the matter is, he should have started cycling @around 12% BF. Not 25%.

    He ran 2 compounds that are used to harden up an already cut physique (Which he was nowhere near the word cut)

    And he didnt include test with his cycle. So he doesnt have a clue what hes doing. Thats why we are "Raining On his parade"... Home-boy.

  25. #25
    Also forgot to mention, there is NO PCT in this cycle. Lol.... people man... seriously.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Also forgot to mention, there is NO PCT in this cycle. Lol.... people man... seriously.
    And i'm hoping he just forgot to mention it, rather than disregard it entirely

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    OC/LA Cali
    He didn't reach yours or anyone here's goal. He reached HIS OWN GOAL, and that's all that should matter. He is kind enough to share his results to benefit people with similar goals as himself. Not everyone here is trying to be a professional body builder or have 5% BF. IMO

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 27300man View Post
    He didn't reach yours or anyone here's goal. He reached HIS OWN GOAL, and that's all that should matter. He is kind enough to share his results to benefit people with similar goals as himself. Not everyone here is trying to be a professional body builder or have 5% BF. IMO
    True, however EVERYONES goal should be to use AAS properly and not as a quick fix. Cardio, diet, hard training and hard work are your first choices then AAS. Either way, good results and keep it up.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by 27300man View Post
    He didn't reach yours or anyone here's goal. He reached HIS OWN GOAL, and that's all that should matter. He is kind enough to share his results to benefit people with similar goals as himself. Not everyone here is trying to be a professional body builder or have 5% BF. IMO
    Ok well he reached a goal that could have been easy done without drugs. There was no test and No PCT in this cycle as far as i see. So therefore he is undereducated and for him to lash out at people giving him legit information makes him look more uneducated.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    He put in effort and it shows, regardless of the fact that he cycled wrong and didn't PCT. People are going overboard bashing him.
    Last edited by Kiki; 06-03-2011 at 01:22 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by asianhulk888 View Post
    You know what guys ... **** ALL OF YOU

    YOu dont know what people go through.... I post and I get flamed.

    **** YOU
    You need to check your attitude, ASAP. Don't post up pics and talk about your cycle if you can't accept constructive criticism. I didn't see anything resembling a flame. Rockin Z was definitely a little crude, but he was making a point. He still credited you for your hard work and congratulated you on a job well done, but you seem to want to focus on the negative criticism.

    I hate to break it to you - but they're right. You absolutely didn't need the gear to achieve what you did. Proper diet and cardio with a solid workout regimen would have gotten you there just the same. In the before picture, you DO look like you've never touched a weight in your life. Instead of taking offense to that, be proud that you look SO much better in the after pics. You can't come on a steroid board looking like that talking about a cycle and not expect to get some sh!t about it.

    For those of you saying we're being too hard on him... nobody came down on him until he threw a tantrum. Humble down a bit, state your case in a respectful manner, agree to disagree, etc. No need to insult other members like you did above. Continue carrying that 'chip on your shoulder' and I can promise you won't be around here for very long.
    Last edited by gbrice75; 06-03-2011 at 02:49 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    You need to check your attitude, ASAP. Don't post up pics and talk about your cycle if you can't accept constructive criticism. I didn't see anything resembling a flame. Rockin Z was definitely a little crude, but he was making a point. He still credited you for your hard work and congratulated you on a job well done, but you seem to want to focus on the negative criticism.

    I hate to break it to you - but they're right. You absolutely didn't need the gear to achieve what you did. Proper diet and cardio with a solid workout regimen would have gotten you there just the same. In the before picture, you DO look like you've never touched a weight in your life. Instead of taking offense to that, be proud that you look SO much better in the after pics. You can't come on a steroid board looking like that talking about a cycle and not expect to get some sh!t about it.

    For those of you saying we're being too hard on him... nobody came down on him until he threw a tantrum. Humble down a bit, state your case in a respectful manner, agree to disagree, etc. No need to insult other members like you did above. Continue with that tone and I can promise you won't be around here for very long.
    bingo. spot on bro.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    I mean you didnt even have test in your cycle, what a fukin moron.

    Now that your cycle is over and your strength is going to plummet im sure youll go into a depression and start eating cheeseburgers again and lose all your results.
    That is critical AND insulting, so yes, the parade has been rained on

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ok, it's time for all the asshats to sit the **** down and shut the **** up. The facts are as follows

    1. He made the decision to utilize AAS
    2. He achieved nice results
    3. Could he have achieved results without AAS? Absolutely

    I'm sick of seeing people arguing like ****ing children here. Is bickering over the fact that he took AAS when he could have gotten the results without going to change the facts here? No! The first person to point this out is ok, but to see everyone come behind like a parrot is utterly ridiculous and negative and I'm sick of seeing it.

    When it comes to diet and training, we all need positive vibes and this negative shit is for the birds.

    Now to the OP, great job on your cycle and I hope you learned from it. Now it is time to keep going and press forward and you will be amazed how far you can go without AAS. I wish you the best of luck in the future. Check your attitude as well, it is easy to spot those who have sound advice to give and those who aren't worth a piss.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Im not sure if anyone else has noticed this but op only ran tren ace twice/week? And winny 3x/week? Im surprised no body finds this interesting...

    Your chemical blood levels were EVERYWHERE on cycle.

    Regardless you look great!

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    Im not sure if anyone else has noticed this but op only ran tren ace twice/week? And winny 3x/week? Im surprised no body finds this interesting...

    Your chemical blood levels were EVERYWHERE on cycle.

    Regardless you look great!
    Thats what i was pondering.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    results came out pretty good, i highly doubt he'd be in the same shape even if he hadnt take the tren and winny, its not like those drugs dont do ANYTHING, they probably just sped the results up quite a bit. now instead of flaming him lets find out exactly how long its been since the cycle ended, and do u have PCT in line? if not u should probably go to ar-r and express some to yourself so u can try to keep as much of your gains as possible and keep eating right and keep working out.

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