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Thread: Best AAS for strength in your experience

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell

    Best AAS for strength in your experience

    Wanted to hear what types of cycles and compounds helped you the most with strength. Please no parroting about how much strength halo and tren give. Halo never did shit for me or most people I know who havent taken it and tren, while perfect for bringing out vascularity and cutting up for bodybuilding was pretty disappointing in strength despite being a heavy androgen.

    Deca and masteron have been the best for strength in my experience. All with test base of course. Anadrol is great for higher rep work, knocking out 20 rep sets becomes much easier as opposed to tren where it is impossible to do high rep. Winny destroys my joints and honestly makes limit lifts dangerous because of this, even suffering some personal minor injuries taking it.

    Let's hear some real world experiences! Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Oxandrolone has been great for me even when I was on a low calorie, low carb diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    I've power lifted and done strongman for 4 years now.
    test-given for each cycle
    anadrol-no doubt makes me stronger than anything but makes me miserable
    tren-maybe it does but im not sure seeing I've always taken dbol or abombs with it
    deca-i love deca i get great strength gains week 8-11
    dbol-always gives me great gains in strength, but not what abombs do
    winnie-at real high doses gives me great strength but hurts joints
    masteron-never tried it maybe i will next cycle
    ephedra- surprisingly gives me noticeable strength gains....not huge but obvious gains

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    I've power lifted and done strongman for 4 years now.
    test-given for each cycle
    anadrol-no doubt makes me stronger than anything but makes me miserable
    tren-maybe it does but im not sure seeing I've always taken dbol or abombs with it
    deca-i love deca i get great strength gains week 8-11
    dbol-always gives me great gains in strength, but not what abombs do
    winnie-at real high doses gives me great strength but hurts joints
    masteron-never tried it maybe i will next cycle
    ephedra- surprisingly gives me noticeable strength gains....not huge but obvious gains
    Yep Ive noticed much the same. Abombs definitely make me miserable. And strength gains always come "late" in cycle as you say. As far as the ephedra any stimulants help strength temporarily as they excite the CNS, I know adderall has helped me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by mani_bono View Post
    Oxandrolone has been great for me even when I was on a low calorie, low carb diet.
    It just seemed to weak for me and I got very very tired and lethargic, didnt wanna workout, rather take a nap. Upset my stomach badly too, always farting

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