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Ok everyone, I have about 3 weeks left on my 175mg/sust/EOD, Clen 2 wks on/2 off, hgh blues 5iu daily (2iu am subQ, 3iu bi-lat PWO), ldex .5/day, b12 1000mcg/day(just started that).
So far I am very pleased with the results, I've finally mastered a cycle without incurring any bloat whatsoever. My body is prone to water retention it seems, so packing on 20 lbs of muscle on my 4th cycle without getting a chubby face was pretty much the highlight of my life. The last weeks are usually the most dramatic, I am eager to see how far I can take it.
I was planning on implementing HCG now before I start on PCT, what are everyone's thoughts on that? If yes, at what dose/schedule?
Also, I am staying on the GH for another 4-6 months at least. I am currently at 5iu/day as I stated above, should I bump this up to say 8iu every day during PCT? Theoretically it seems like it would help to retain gains. What are your thoughts on that?
Lastly, how should I implement MGF and IGF-1 lr3 into my routine during pct and afterward?
Thanks guys, this forum is my primary resource for information on the net. I appreciate your help!