Originally Posted by
I think Marcus' explanation and evidence is valid, regarding the complexity and necessity to use a testing procedure that is highly complex and would logically not be available to the layman. The only company that would have the financial motivation to do such a test would be an HGH producer, while an individual with a competitive product should not expect that a competitor would test another company's product and report objectively that it is as good or better....
I believe that a test through a legally certified GC/MS machine could break down the components and reliably tell you what you have. However, the finer point of whether the product is effective could be missed, similarly to the difference between fresh and sour milk, it's both milk, the components are there, but the sour milk is not quite as beneficial. That's my take on this testing argument. Also, as there are more than one process of testing, different detectors within the same process, etc., to my way of thinking there are finer points that leave questions that support Marcus' argument.
I will admit that I also support the possibility that Marcus is correct and the the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. I conceded that the best test is the taste test, ie take both products and the fact that Marcus has taken both does put him in a better position than I to know the truth. I want to know the truth and will try pharm HGH, if and when i am able to do so. The difficulty and expense of getting access to pharm HGH is the problem and the underlying reason we are here arguing this issue.
I still take my Chinese HGH every day. I could say more in defense of my personal decision, but some things are best left unsaid on a public forum and relate to my experience with the specific product that I take, distributor's undocumented claims, etc., so is not specifically relevant to the argument in this thread.
If or when I try the pharm taste test, I will measure the results in three ways: (1) How I feel. (2) If the results are noticeably different. (3) What does a blood test show for my IGF-1 level.
I still believe that an IGF-1 test demonstrates the effectiveness of HGH use. Others posting on this forum do not support that conclusion.
With all that said, I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to compare their experiences on this thread. I respect member's experience and the time people have taken to bring scientific conclusions, statements and opinions to the debate. While everyone here has their own experience and bring their own prejudice to this discussion, I do not discount or disregard Marcus' comments (or anyone else's) because they oppose mine.
When you quit listening, you quit learning. This is a very complex issue and real life experience for others help me determine my course of action.