Sorry if I have posted in wrong thread, I am new to forums.
I know this question is asked a lot but please give honest answers rather than opinions, what do you think would happen if a 15 year old took Halotest-25 by Powerlab Nutrition with a good pct. I am not saying that I want to take it so please don't flame. I found some sites that say cause this does not aromatize to estrogen there is very little chance of this causing fusing of the growth plates, is this true?
Also, if liver support was taken with this product would it still damage the liver. Also would I need to take a SERM if I was to take this prohormone. I would also take natural testosterone boosters while on cycle. I really don't understand that much at the moment so if I am wrong about anything then please correct me. Finally what would the side effects be if I was to stack this with everything mentioned, would it cause my growth to stunt and would it damage organs?
Like I say I never said I was taking this, it's just a thought, so please don't flame.
Thanks for your time.