lol'd @ cone on head
feel free to join my FB, guise!
ah, i knew there was something i needed to do
bumpy bump
good morning sweet prince
you're all mirin me brahs
if you look at some vids, he is nearly 100% openly gay. nothin wrong with such a thing. But his douchiemindset encourages one to love to hate his wayzz......imo. I'd say I love him because he is so incredibly hateable and disgustingly repulsive that i gotta watch more and more lollll. I love to hate him! no jelly, just lolz! He's entertaining, more than jersey shore douchebaggage!!
I guess I dont understand the big deal about the kid he looks just like the pretty boys that played ball with me in highschool..Lets get some more attention for the mass monsters this generations thin under fed "bodybuilders" should stick to running and push ups and situps.You dont need juice to look like that dude you need good looking parents and enough money to tan and by some tatoo's...
Bumping this thread was a bad idea....
Last edited by KINGKONG; 07-18-2011 at 06:38 PM.
Hey King, sounds like you haven't watched the video in the first post of this thread. That video is key to understanding why this thread became 41 pages long!
^^^for me, personally, I'd rather laugh at jyzz all night, then yell at my wife all night
Zyzz and crew is Australia's own version of Jersey Shore. they were originally to make a movie but Dumb And Dumber had already been filmed.
^^agreed, sholva, but in my opinion, this zyzz crew is a big step up a notch in douchebaggery, making it more entertaining and comical.
dont know the guy but he looks like a douche.. the hair says enough.. looks like chris angel on roids
^^^ lol point proven
zyzz and chestbrah in newspaper about steroids.
Do they admit to steroid use in the article ?
His next book is titled "The Easy Life Thanks To All The Idiots Who Bought My First Book" at 60 bucks a pop.
people are saying on bb forums that he died. I don't know if it's been confirmed or not yet
I just spent about 5 min researching this.. about 4min 45sec too long
The speculation is it may have been cardiac arrest from clen but I think its just poor media hype. This hasn't been confirmed by any reputable source and if you google it, he supposedly died in jan, mar, and now... 3 times in 1 yr
I believe its a cheesy publicity stunt.. I could be wrong
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