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Thread: 1st hgh run

  1. #1

    1st hgh run

    So this will be my first hgh run and i think i might have started a little strong.
    I took 2iu for 2 weeks then 4iu for the next 2 weeks and now this will be the end of my first week @ 6iu.
    I noticed an incredible bloat from doing 6iu and i don't know if it's possible but my vision got a little blurry.

    Should i go back to 4iu or do the bloat goes away after a few weeks?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Yes, go back down to 4iu. Stay there for 10 days. Increase by 1iu to 5iu/ed. Split your dose 2.5iu in the AM and 2.5iu in the PM. See how you feel after 10 days and increase by 1iu to 6iu.

  3. #3
    Thank you very much

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Yes, go back down to 4iu. Stay there for 10 days. Increase by 1iu to 5iu/ed. Split your dose 2.5iu in the AM and 2.5iu in the PM. See how you feel after 10 days and increase by 1iu to 6iu.
    Good advice ^^ pull back on the iu's and slowly ramp up

  5. #5
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    Edited and warned. Please read our rules


  6. #6
    I am with rybo. Have a ton of questions. I think a lot of the older members like me are out of thr loop and would like to get back at it and believe that HGH would be the magic we are in need of but have no idea what we are doing. I would like more info on how to mix it with b. water need someone to talk me threw it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    For the guys looking for more info, HGH use is pretty simple and the info is all on this board if you want to look for it. Or start a new thread with individual topics and you will get more info than you may want. Mixing with bacto water is simple, you take a syringe, draw out however much water you will need for your vial (usually you have 10iu vials so I pull out 1 cc of water, the 10 mark on the insulin syringe), you then insert the syringe into the vial and slowly let the water run down the side of the vial until it is gone. The HGH will start to disolve immediately but there may be flakes or clumps left afterwards. If so, I then take the vial and slowly rotate it and after a bit the clumps fully dissolve. HGH is a fragile peptide so you do not want to shake it to mix it or anything like that. If you used 100iu of water and a 10iu vial, each 10 mark on the syringe is 1iu of hgh. Draw out what you need and refridgerate the rest.

  8. #8
    HGH is pretty amazing stuff. There are a lot of crap coming out of China. Be careful. The advice from vets is to go with the pharma grade stuff.

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