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Thread: Need help for first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Need help for first cycle

    6'3", 26 yrs old, about 12% body fat, 215 lbs; been lifting serious now for about 2.5 years. Started a cycle about 2 years ago, but quit after a week because I wasn't ready then. Now I need some advice for a beginner's cycle to get big.

    I would like to keep my injections to less than 2 per week as I'm not a big fan of needles. Basically, I want to take some test and deca with a dbol kick start. I feel like I should take a little larger of a dose because of my weight (I've always had to use high doses with supplements). Anyway, I need a recommendation for doses (how much and when), how long ideally to cycle, and what to take during cycle to reduce side effects (nolva/arimidex) and after cycle for pct. I know you guys can be pretty critical, but it's fine as I am open to all comments. By the way, I am not just a newbie to bodybuilding. I bust my ass in the gym at least 10 hrs/week and eat very clean and don't mind sacrificing. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    One compound usually recommended for first cycle (long ester). How bout:

    Weeks 1-12 500mg Test E or C

    Followed by correct PCT

    With good diet/training/recovery in place you should see good gains

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    One compound usually recommended for first cycle (long ester). How bout:

    Weeks 1-12 500mg Test E or C

    Followed by correct PCT

    With good diet/training/recovery in place you should see good gains
    I second this advice. Use only test on your first cycle so you can monitor how your body responds to the test. If all goes well then you could consider using more than one aas on a future cycle. Take a long look at the educational threads in this forum. Great reading.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    What about novice cycle #2 on the main page? That is closer to what I'd like to follow. Is vitamin B6 injected or taken orally? Can you inject test and deca together or do you have to take separate injections? Thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jman123 View Post
    What about novice cycle #2 on the main page? That is closer to what I'd like to follow. Is vitamin B6 injected or taken orally? Can you inject test and deca together or do you have to take separate injections? Thanks.
    Novice cycle 2 is just that...after 1. Again, test only for first cycle is reccommended for above stated reasons.

    B6 is available in pill or injectable form.

    Yes, you can mix test and deca with no issues.

    D-bol is optional in a first cycle because it is such a fast metabolising compound you can drop it at the first sight of harsh side effects.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jman123 View Post
    What about novice cycle #2 on the main page? That is closer to what I'd like to follow. Is vitamin B6 injected or taken orally? Can you inject test and deca together or do you have to take separate injections? Thanks.
    Novice cycle 2 is just that...after 1. Again, test only for first cycle is reccommended for above stated reasons.

    B6 is available in pill or injectable form.

    Yes, you can mix test and deca with no issues.

    D-bol is optional in a first cycle because it is such a fast metabolising compound you can drop it at the first sight of harsh side effects.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    For beginner cycles, I see where 30-40 mg of Dbol ED is recommended. I would like to dose at 50 mg ED since my weight is above average (215). Would I be fine at this dose? How long before dropping the dbol, 30 days?

    About the test E, if I got vials of 300 mg/ml would 600 mg/wk be fine? I am also thinking this dose should be slightly higher again because of my weight. Do I need to inject twice weekly? I have read where you can inject one larger dose each week with no issues.

    Finally, is deca absolutely forbidden on a first cycle? If no one recommends it, I will just go with the test E but I eventually want to try it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    40mgs of d-bol will be sufficient. Shooting 300mgs twice a week will be your best option.
    Deca isn't forbidden, but say you start to get gnarly sides...How would you know which compound is to blame? Same goes for the d-bol, but it's in and out of your system so fast i wouldn't really worry about it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I have nolva and clomid planned for pct and plan on having arimidex on hand in case of bloating. I am considering skipping the hcg for my first cycle considering I want to minimize injections, and I am having trouble finding it to be honest. I have also read that it is not necessary on your first cycle.

    I am also planning on running Liv 52 with the Dbol.

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