6'3", 26 yrs old, about 12% body fat, 215 lbs; been lifting serious now for about 2.5 years. Started a cycle about 2 years ago, but quit after a week because I wasn't ready then. Now I need some advice for a beginner's cycle to get big.
I would like to keep my injections to less than 2 per week as I'm not a big fan of needles. Basically, I want to take some test and deca with a dbol kick start. I feel like I should take a little larger of a dose because of my weight (I've always had to use high doses with supplements). Anyway, I need a recommendation for doses (how much and when), how long ideally to cycle, and what to take during cycle to reduce side effects (nolva/arimidex) and after cycle for pct. I know you guys can be pretty critical, but it's fine as I am open to all comments. By the way, I am not just a newbie to bodybuilding. I bust my ass in the gym at least 10 hrs/week and eat very clean and don't mind sacrificing. Thanks!