I'm thinking of doing my first cycle and have come across a brand of sustanon test 350 with the following profile:
Per 1 ml;
Test Acetate 50 mg
Test Cypionate 100 mg
Test Undeconoate 200 mg
I've researched the brand and i trust it, but i could find very little info on these types of test, other than cypionate. I have nolvadex on hand and have learned about half times, completed charts and fooled around with the numbers to figure out the best dosing to achieve a near constant aproximate testosterone level. The problem is that all that math may mean nothing because the half lives of acetate and undecanoate seem to vary from source to source.
Does anyone know the true half lives or these two ethers?
My original plan was to do test prop to see how i would react to different testosterone levels and then be able to start pct quickly, but things have change due to availiblilty.