This is my first post so bare with me. I have been scouring the threads for days now trying to come up with a conclusion why some us fatigue during a HGH cycle? To my disappointment I have not come up with anything specific to pinpoint the cause. The reason I'm asking is because I pinned 2iu's last week for the first time and I felt drained the whole day. I'm not talking about just a lil fatigue, I'm talking about the debilitating fatigue that one can barely keep their eyes open. I went home from work that day and slept 14 hours straight and still felt tired upon waking. I had vivid dreams that night like nobody would believe! My diet is is pretty good and i'm also running some AAS with this as well. The HGH is generic (I know it sucks but it's all I can get right now) and I have tried the pregnancy test on it so I know its not at least HCG. I know the logical thing to do is drop my dosage and work my way up which I plan on doing but it seems such a low dosage just to be so extremely tired. I guess my real question is what exactly cause the fatigue (the science behind it) and what can I do to correct it or at least make it tolerable?
32 yrs
190 pnds