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Thread: questions about cycle???? 6 months and two cycles????? on serious inquiries apply.

  1. #1

    questions about cycle???? 6 months and two cycles????? on serious inquiries apply.

    I am taking a 6 month trip and was trying to figure out if my plan was alright. it might get changed to 5 months.
    First 10 weeks
    1-10 750mg Test E
    1-10 250mg Deca
    1-10 .5 Arimidex
    9-11 HCG (limited supply of needles)
    9-14 Nolvadex (liquid tamox)earlier if Gyno is present. and discontinue Arimidex once Nolvadex is started.

    After week 10 of first cycle, I plan on a 4 week rest and 8-9 weeks of second cyle.
    1-8 500mg Test E
    1-8 500mg Equipoise
    1-8 20mg Anavar
    1-8 .5 Arimidex
    6-9 Nolvadex (liquid tamox) at the start of this I will discontinue the Arimidex. I plan to continue this cylce up to 10 weeks if I have time. I also might have to shorten the break in between if I am running out of time. Lastly, I have letrozole if Gyno becomes a serious issue. (liquid form).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You don't even know what an inquiry is, do you? (hint: it's the opposite of what you want)

  3. #3
    Yes, I realize that is what it says. I was copying and pasting and pasted the wrong stuff. I would fix it but I don't know how to on this site. I am well aware of what an inquiry is. But thank you for the help with my vocabulary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    if i was you i wouldnt rest for 4 weeks, id just hit the first cycle then cruise on 200 grams of test for the 4-6 weeks then hit the other one, and id run the deca 12 weeks and eq 16 weeks.

    also id edit the doses, id run the deca at 400 a week and test at 500, then 600 eq and 750 test, running 20mg ed of anavar is a waste of money, up the anavar to 50 mgs ed at least, run it 6 weeks if price is an issue.
    Last edited by markdbg; 07-25-2011 at 02:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Thanks very much for your help. I unfortunately only have what I have so I can't get more. I have one vial or Deca. What do you mean cruise on 200 grams of test. So I would drop the amount of Deca down and extend it into the 4 weeks and use the Eq straight through. Not try to be rude just clarifying. The schedule and limited time is a serious issue which cannot be avoided. Juat trying to clarify.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    What is your age and stats?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

  8. #8
    Bro cruising is when you never completely get off the juice....After your first 10 weeks, the 4 weeks in between both cycles you would inject say 250mgs of product weekly until your next cycle. No since in quitting in between...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    no dont drop down the deca, keep it the same if u cant get any more vials. 250 is already a very low dose. drop the deca at 10 weeks. keep running test at 200mgs a week for 4 weeks then start ur eq+test+anavar. no point in doing a very short pct just to jump on again in 4 weeks. i you can extend ur cycle time and get more product it would make a huge difference tho.

    best of luck

  10. #10
    I am 5'6 and 160 lbs very low body fat. not sure that percent at the moment. This will be my 5th cycle but I have been staying mild with the amounts to see how I react. I have good results and now am finally going to try to up the doses over a long overseas trip but I want to make sure I do it correctly with proper PCT etc. Is it a problem to run such a long cycle with such high numbers...(well for a man that is 5'6)? should I even take a break or just continue with the high dose of test throughout the gap in between? I unfortunately can't get anymore gear than I have but I have liquid nolva, HCG, and arimidex for PCT and letro if things get out of hand. Lastly, Do I end the cycle if gyno rears its ugly head or continue but just take Nolva or Arimidex and continue. So basically what everyone is saying is to continue the cycle and don't come off completely and take the Deca at the beginning, the EQ for as long as I can, and the anavar the last 6 weeks but up the dose? So, does this equate to a 18 -20 week cycle?

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